Great Minds on Spirituality: Understanding Your Spiritual Journey and How it Affects Your Life
HJ: The word ‘spirituality’ is tossed around pretty liberally these days, but what does it really mean? What does it mean to be spiritual? Why is it important? How does it affect your…

Understanding Your Mind: How Your Beliefs Create and Influence Reality
HJ: Many of us make the mistake of believing that the laws of physics and science are supreme laws that govern reality, when, in fact, they are only subsidiary laws of the larger…

How to Get All of Your Vitamins and Minerals From Foods and Medicinal Herbs
HJ: While synthetic multivitamins have a role in health, knowing how to get all of your vitamins and minerals from foods and medicinal herbs is essential as this is the form to which…

Intuitive Decision Making: How to Tell the Difference Between Fear and Intuition
HJ: A major part of the process of intuitive decision making is learning how to differentiate between your emotions and your pure, intuitive voice. In my experience, I can identify intuition more by…

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs that Are Subconsciously Sabotaging Your Efforts to Grow and Change
HJ: More than anything else, it is our limiting beliefs, operating just outside of our conscious awareness, that hold us back in life. Our conscious stream of thoughts and emotions can be used…

Kundalini Therapy: Understanding How Kundalini Energy Affects The Body, Mind and Spirit
HJ: It is important to note that kundalini energy does not in and of itself produce enlightenment. It is rather a symptom of the raising of ones consciousness and the subsequent healing of…

Living Your Truth: How Your Personal Perception Affects Reality
HJ: The world reflects back to us our own perceptions because our brain actively filters incoming sense data based on our personal perceptions. Our perceptions, which arise from our belief structures, are the…

7 Common Things People Do That Keep Them From Being Happier (and How to Change Them)
HJ: This is such a great list because in many ways these are such insidious traits — insidious not in a bad way, but insidious in that they can stay hidden from our…

How to Understand and Transform Negative Emotions
HJ: Negative emotions tend to overwhelm us because we do not really understand why they are arising beyond the context of the situation that seems to cause them. We think they are occurring because of…