4 Questions to Help You Rediscover Your Passion in Life

HJ: If you have lost site of or even forgotten your passion in life, you’re not alone.  Without consistent attention and nurture, our dreams and passions tend to fade from memory as we trade them for the security of a job or lifestyle which is only partially fulfilling at best.  Sure the bills get paid and we stay afloat (maybe), but at what cost?  Our passions lead us to those things in life which bring us joy and point us in the direction of our highest potential.  Our passions are our inborn drives towards our highest fulfillment.  They give our life purpose and meaning, without which we find ourselves in an ongoing existential crisis.  There is no ultimate remedy but to do that which we came here to accomplish and passion points us squarely towards that goal.

Passion is the language of the soul and therefore originates from the soul — a noble calling if ever there was one.  Logic and reason are languages of the mind and while they may give us some type of security in a world dominated by these faculties, they will never bring us true fulfillment, which is ultimately derived from following the urgings of our soul, which rarely speaks through the mind, preferring the intuitive domain of the heart and soul.

If you have become disconnected from your passions or simply need a little reminder as to what they are for you, read on to learn 4 powerful questions that will rediscover your passion in life.

– Truth

Easily Rediscover Your Passion

By Marcia Wieder | Huffington Post | Dream University

How would your life change if you believed in your dreams and were able to do what makes you happy for a living?

Believe in the possibility of reconnecting with your passion and what makes you tick. And, the good news — there is a way you can make a living doing what you love. Sometimes we get so busy and bogged down with day-to-day life: the job, the kids, the bills; that we’re too exhausted to even think about what it is that might be missing in our lives that gave us purpose and passion. Maybe it’s time for a re-evaluation. Here are five simple things you can do to reconnect to your passion. Grab a piece of paper or your laptop and ask yourself these questions (watch for patterns):

What did you want to do as a child? Don’t discount this question because you think it may seem trivial. As children we were honest with simple needs. We did things that made us happy. Why? Because they made us happy! A dream you might have had as a child may still be lingering. Never underestimate the wisdom child within.

What makes you truly happy? Think of a time where you were your happiest. Write it down. Be as descriptive as possible to connect with that memory. What were you doing? Who were you being? How did you feel? What did you look like? If you get stuck, simply ask yourself this: What makes you smile?

What would you do for free? If money were no object, what would you gladly do with your time for little or zero compensation? Do you love to bake? Take care of animals? Make jewelry? Paint? Restore old cars? Give people advice? Are you good at it? Chances are we are great at doing the things we love to do because it’s our gift. The difference between a gift and a skill is that you were born with your unique gift(s) while skills are something you have to work hard to develop. That’s why it’s easiest for us to develop a skill-set around our “gifts”.

What’s your cause? Do you have one? Is this an area missing or lacking in your life? As you get older are you finding yourself in a place where you want to make a difference in the world or your community? What kind of legacy do you dream about leaving? Life gives us challenges that can inspire us to do more and to help others. Consider the impact you can make, which, in-turn will bring you more fulfillment in your life. Fulfillment = Happiness = PassionGo on a Passion Quest. Rediscover what makes you truly happy by opening your heart. For some this may be a period of time that you completely block off, like a week or weekend at the beach or in the mountains — somewhere quiet where you can hear the “call.” Take yourself out of the stagnant environment and put yourself somewhere inspiring. For others, being with a community of like-minded souls at a gorgeous spa or retreat center will also help you reconnect with your passion.

Once a year I lead a transformational soul retreat called Masters of Manifestation at a world-class spa where we delve deep into what moves us and unleashes what has been blocking us from leading the life we were meant to lead. I teach people how to reconnect with their purpose and passion to live with greater joy. We try different forms of meditation, various forms of soul-work such as art and active imagination and the students receive laser coaching by me in a trusted, safe and supportive environment.

Gratification comes when we are doing what we were meant to do and have passion doing it. We can achieve greater love, happiness and success in all areas of our lives when we are on a path that moves us deeply. When you do what you love and are called to do, it’s aligning your purpose. When you’re living your life “on purpose” you are in integrity with your soul and much more is infinitely possible.

To receive four free world class training videos with proven methods that have helped thousands of people achieve their dreams, visit DreamUniversity.com.

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