Reaching Your Highest Potential: How the Gene Keys Can Help You Understand Who You Really Are

HJ: In order to reach your highest potential, it is helpful to understand who you are at the deepest levels of your being.  By knowing and acknowledging your unique strengths and weaknesses, you will have a much easier time navigating the challenges of life and ultimately achieving higher levels of success, expression and awareness.  As presented below by Nina Enger and Gene Rudd, the Gene Keys are designed to do precisely that.  However, the Gene Keys go far beyond a simple presentation of your strengths and weaknesses, delving into the deeper nature of your unique spiritual, emotional, mental and physical makeup and how this affects your experience of reality.  Based on Gene Rudd’s unique insights and research combined with a solid, fundamental understanding of consciousness and the inherent spiritual reality we all occupy, the Gene Keys offer a very powerful roadmap for self-realization.

– Truth

Understanding the Internal Battle

By Nina Enger | Heyoka

Everything you see and experience is you – not as a personality, but as a spirit. Even if you know this to be true you still have to relate to other individuals in your life. No matter how spiritually advanced you are, you cannot escape your inheritance and the role you are supposed to be playing in this life, your destiny. Your perception is directly influenced by your genetic code. You view life in a certain way, because you are supposed to. Your genetic inheritance is unique, but since we live in a homogenized world it can be very challenging to break free from the norm and honor yourself.

The external world will, and is supposed to, trigger internal reactions. The media is flooded with examples of extreme behavior. Hidden truths are being revealed. Systems are collapsing. Repressed emotions are surfacing. Relationships are breaking up – and we all blame the other.

This article is exploring ‘the other’.

We are triggered by external happenings to become aware of who we are by how we truthfully respond. Each of us has 26 gene keys out of a total of 64 activated in our human body. Your specific gene keys, described all the way down to which amino acids are involved, give a precise description of all your tendencies and qualities and how they can be expressed, ranging from the lowest frequency expression to the highest frequency expression. 13 of them represent your unconscious design and stem from your genetic inheritance and the other 13 represent your conscious personality that you are more familiar with. Any experienced conflict in your life is a result of an internal battle between these two energies – your unconscious design and your conscious personality.

Whatever is attracted into your life is a reflection of your unconscious design. Your interpretation of what appears is therefore an interpretation of what is hidden in yourself.

Everything you detest is a low frequency expression of your unconscious energy, and everything you absolutely love is an expression of the higher frequency range of this same energy. Your personality will do everything in its power to avoid ownership of the low frequency expressions in your own design, but as the external pressure increases it will become very difficult to escape the fact that you are fighting with your own unconscious energy.

When you see someone behave in ways you don’t like you will most often blame that person, instead of seeing and accepting that you carry the same tendencies in yourself. As you get to know the nature and significance of your own gene keys, and how they influence all of your relationships, you will open the doorway to the gifts and talents hidden in your design.

Your design is the driving engine of your life, but since you are unconscious of this energy, life will expose you to all sorts of experiences until you begin to question what you have to do with what you attract.

If you meet life’s challenges from the high frequency expression of the energy you can control; you will automatically raise the frequency of your unconscious energy, creating another reflection. This internal alignment of energies will naturally bring communion.

Your life is not about making changes in the outer world, but to make the necessary changes inside, and through that influence your environment in a positive way. It’s about the freedom to express the upper range of your conscious energy from one moment to the next, with no agenda and with no attachment to outcome. It’s about a warm, firm, no-nonsense and spontaneous response!

Here is an example of how the gene keys are explored and understood:


You have Gene Key 31 activated in your unconscious design.

            Low frequency expression of Gene Key 31: arrogance

            High frequency expression of Gene Key 31: influence


You have Gene Key 26 activated in your conscious personality. 

            Low frequency expression of Gene Key 26: pride

            High frequency expression of Gene Key 26: artfulness.


If you repeatedly meet arrogant people, you may carry this same energy in your design. If you attack the quality of  ‘arrogance’ with the quality of ‘pride’ you are into the blame-game and will continue to struggle through life. In this way you will keep a destructive pattern intact and continue to attract arrogant people into your life. If you instead recognize the higher aspects of ‘arrogance’ in yourself you can use your gift of artfulness to address the other persons behavior; and in that way become deeply ‘influential’ (high frequency expression of ‘arrogance’)

To be fully aware of your conscious and unconscious energies will accelerate your understanding of your own internal fighting. If you have Gene Key 31 activated in your design you are mechanically designed to have influence, but you must embrace the low frequency expression of this quality before you can fully embody and enjoy the gift of influence. 

Excerpt from The Gene Keys book:


1. Repressive nature – deferring (false humility)

There are essentially two forms of arrogance and the repressive form manifests as false humility. These are people who defer their powers to others, thus deliberately setting themselves below them. These are really people who care deeply what others think of them and more than anything fear to be thought of as arrogant. Ironically, such behavior is designed to draw attention even though it claims the opposite to be the case. In many ways, these people are even more arrogant than people with the reactive nature. False humility is seen by society as a highly prized and noble accolade, but this kind of humility hides nothing more than fear.

2. Reactive nature – scornful (disrespectful)

The reactive side to arrogance is based on anger rather than fear and emerges as a kind of haughty scorn. This more traditional brand of arrogance assumes itself to be above others, because it sees how easily they are conditioned and can therefore be manipulated. What such people miss is how deeply they themselves are caught up in the same conditioning, since they have a deep-seated need for recognition. Unfortunately, no amount of recognition can ever feel good when it comes from those whom they take to be inferior, so these people remain scornful of the very people they influence. This in turn makes them even more angry and disrespectful of human beings.



The gift of leadership is really a gift of influence, rather than an inherent predisposition to be a leader per se. Because this gift has its finger on the pulse of the collective patterns of humanity, it can have enormous influence over large numbers of people. An artist or writer expressing him or herself through this gift can create work of art whose influence far outweighs its content. They naturally use their gift to help draw others out of the co-dependent victim patterns and relationships of the lower frequencies. At the low frequency range they become the voice of our fear, whereas at the gift level they become the voice of our creativity as well as the messengers of our future evolution, always expressing the cutting edge of consciousness in form.

– – –

There is a saying that goes like this: “If you spot it, you got it”, and love is only possible when you recognize yourself in the other.

The game we are playing have many actors, and the unfolding of the manuscript has only one purpose and that is to bring each of us into the totally of who we are, beyond good and bad, beyond right and wrong and beyond life and death.

To understand the world, you must understand yourself, because the world IS you.

To explore and contemplate your own unique set of GENE KEYS will assist you in creating an internal balance in the world of duality, which is the very aim of this transmission.    

Nina Enger, often called Heyoka, is 51 years old, from Oslo, Norway. From early childhood, she knew that life was a mystery she had to understand. A strong inner drive made her question everything. Through accepting and persevering painful experiences and continuously pulling herself up from the ditch of self-pity, she learned a great deal about how the mechanics of this mysterious life works. It took close to 50 years of her life to understand that her circumstances had something to do with her own make-up, and when she came across the Gene Keys the puzzles immediately fell into place. Based on her work with the Gene Keys she has written a book titled: The common sense of Magic – intended to encourage and empower individuals in their meeting with themselves. About my work:

2 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. This is absolutely fascinating!!!!!! And “you spot it, you got it”…..eeek! Oh boy. Gotta read this book.

  2. This is fascinating!
    I just have one question. How do you define artfulness? The dictionary definition doesn’t seem to make much sense in this context, since you seem to use it more positively, maybe as in being creative. I guess I’m confused, too, about how it relates to pride.
    Thanks for clearing that up.

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