HJ: Seeing into your past lives is not an ability that is limited to psychics, clairvoyants and other mystics.  It is actually a skill that you possess which simply needs to be developed just like any other thing in your life you wish to become proficient at such as a sport or creative activity.  We present below a powerful technique that you can use to begin to explore your own mind and soul history, known as past lives.

If you wish to practice this on your own, we recommend making a recording of yourself dictating the instructions and simply play this back at your convenience.  Make sure to leave extended pauses between commands to give yourself the time to explore and keep the pace relaxed.  The last thing you want to have happen is have a vision interrupted by more premature commands and guidance.

– Truth

Multi-Level Awareness

By William Swygard | Journal of Borderland Research

The following technique is not to be taken lightly, because it is the beginning of a mental-spiritual experience that will allow you to know yourself. By this it is meant that you, without the aid of a teacher or assistant of any kind — after a few preliminary exercises — can bring into your physical consciousness your entire past.

You can recall your incarnations on this planet, your experiences before you came to this planet; in fact, you can see for yourself everything you have experienced since your spirit was released from the Creator.

This designation, Multi-Level Awareness, is the correct nomenclature — a direct translation of its designation through more solar systems and galaxies than the present awareness of mankind on Earth understands.

This technique, Multi-Level Awareness, is simple. There is nothing you can add to it to make it work better or quicker. It works with everyone.

1. Make a person comfortable. Have the person remove his shoes and lie down. Clasp his legs, one at a time, just above the knee and manipulate your hands downward, stopping briefly at the knee to make certain the knee is relaxed. Then rub on down, to the ankle and bend the ankle; then massage the foot, and then the toes briefly and vigorously. Repeat this manipulation quickly. Next, place the palm of your hand on the person’s forehead, and with a little pressure move the skin of the forehead up and down and sideways for a few seconds. This relaxation process should not be overdone.

2. Ask the person to close his eyes. After a brief moment, ask him to become a few inches taller by allowing himself to stretching out through the bottom of his feet. Then, say to him, “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” When he says he has accomplished this, pause a few seconds and say, “Go back to normal size. Tell me as soon as you have done this.”

Ask him to repeat the exercise, only the second time ask him to become “a foot” taller. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” When he agrees, pause again and tell him to go back to normal size. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Repeat the foot tall routine again. Each time ask him to tell you when he has accomplished the exercise.

Now go to the other end of the body. “Become a few inches taller by extending yourself out through the top of your head. Tell me when you have done this.” Then back to normal size again. Then, do a foot taller three times through the head. Always ask him to tell you when he is done.

The next step requires further exercising. “Now, this time extend yourself through the head, face, body, arms, legs and feet. In other words, blow yourself up just like a balloon. Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Then go back to normal size. All of the time, throughout these exercises, be jovial and keep your voice firm and convincing, yet be ready to laugh, and keep the person going quickly and smoothly through these preliminaries. Once he has done them well, there is never a need to repeat them.

Next, tell him to blow up use like a balloon again, only much larger this time. When he tells you he has done this, ask him to go quickly and stand in front of the building where he lives. “Tell me when you are there.” As soon as he says so, start him talking. Ask him to see this and that, and to describe what he sees. Tell him to look for, one at a time, the door, door knob, windows, walkways, trees, shrubs, marks of any kind. After he sees and describes to you, these objects, tell him to “go quickly and stand on the roof of the building and look down into the road (or yard) in front. Tell me as soon as you are there.” Ask him to see and describe such objects as cars, trees, etc. When this is completed tell him to go about 500 feet up into the air and look down. (One in a hundred may object at this point but remind him quickly that he is still safe in the room.) Then repeat the request. “Tell me as soon as you are there.” Ask him to see what he can observe and report it to you. Keep him talking.

The person may tell you throughout this phase of outdoor work that he is “imagining things”, but remind, him gently that this is an exercise in awareness and continue, as if he had said nothing.

3. After he has described to you the things he sees from this advantage of altitude, ask him whether it is daytime or nighttime. When he tells you it is one or the other, ask him to tell you why he thinks so. He will say something like, “It is daytime because everything is light, and I can see just as if it were daylight, so it must be daytime.” Or, “It is sort of twilight, you know, just like after the sun has gone down.” If it is nighttime or twilight in his vision, ask him to make it daytime — bright as sunlight. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Then ask him to tell you why he thinks it is daytime. Keep him talking, talking all the time. If it was daytime to begin with, ask him to make it night; and then ask him why he thinks it is_night. Turn the days into nights and back again at least three t1mes, but be certain that you finish this phase by having it daytime — a very bright, sunny day.

Then quickly ask him, “Who is making it night and day?” Most will quickly answer, “I am!” If he hesitates more than ten seconds, ask him, “Are you making it night and day?” He will agree. It is very important that he understands that he is causing the change.

4. “Now, are you still high in the air?” The answer will be, “Yes.” “Please keep the scene very bright. Come back to earth in another lifetime that you lived many years ago. Come down quickly as you go back in time; bring your feet down quickly and firmly, but gently, and stand on the ground. Tell me as soon as you are there.”

The person is now experiencing a good vision of a previous life.

Remind him frequently to, “Look out through your eyes and listen through your ears.” Ask, “What are you wearing on the lower part of your body?” Wait for descriptions, but keep the person talking. The more talk the better he will see in the beginning. Insist that the person do only what you tell him to do and answer your questions; remembering to keep the questions in some semblance of chronological order. Move the person onward in time — skip a day, a week, month or year in his lifetime, but keep him moving and talking.

At the end of the lifetime, ask the person to go to an earlier lifetime by requesting, “Come down in an earlier lifetime — look down at your feet and tell me what you are wearing on them.”

At the end of the second or third lifetime you have run through ask him to “die” and follow through the death, asking, “What happens next?” (When you do not have specific questions.) No matter what he reports, do not question the validity. This is new material for people to understand.

After you have run a few people through several lifetimes you will understand that this material is valid. When he has run incidents between his lives, ask him to go back and find his present parents, from the first time he saw them until after he was born. Ask questions, questions, questions.


When you discontinue the running process at any time, ask the person, “Do you see any need to continue at this time?” Let him decide when to stop.

When you continue with this person at a later time, make him comfortable (but no need to rub), tell him to turn the lights on inside, and go quickly back to where he left off last time.

After three to five hours of “coaching” or assisting a person, he should be quite ready to run himself. It takes a person a little time to learn to ask himself questions. As soon as he can ask himself questions, he is ready to go alone. If he reports back to you that he is “stuck”, run him a little more, but make him ask the questions. Practice is of the essence. Soon an entire lifetime can be seen in a few minutes with all senses in force.

There are no wasted words in the above. Failure to succeed is failure to follow instructions. It is fun to run and to be run. Change off. The more you run, the better coach you become. Do a lot of both.

The article closes with an offer for two additional courses, offered at no charge: “As this technique of Multi-Level Awareness is mastered, write to the address below and receive at no charge, the technique, Multi-Plane Awareness. Upon completion of this, request Perfecting The Spirit. A stamped, self-addressed envelope would be appreciated in each case. Mastery of these three easy techniques will prove that mankind, his beliefs, ideals, goals and performances on this planet are obsolete. William Swygard, PO Box 3510, Miami, Florida, 33101″ — likewise, it is very likely that the offer in question is obsolete. However, used copies of three volumes of Mr. Swygard’s “Awareness Techniques” series are readily available on Amazon.com: Book 1 – Book 2 – Book 3

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