Visionary Artist Mark Golding Makes Incredibly Intricate Mandalas That Evolve Consciousness

HJ: This gem of an artist turned up in our inbox the other day and we felt compelled to share his visionary, mystical work with the Healers Journal community.    He offers personalized mandalas on his website here Mark Golding – Commissions for very affordable prices for art of this quality.  We suggest you head on over and pick one up…  


(Click on images to view larger versions)

Palm Pilot

Palm Pilot

Infinite Energy Source Tis’ Love

Infinite Energy Source Tis' Love



Inner Relationships

Inner Relationships

The Suspended Moment of Realization

The Suspended Moment of Realization

Temple Seed Moment

Temple Seed Moment

Spatial Awareness

Spatial Awareness

Art Hands Mark Golding

About the Artist – Mark Golding

Following the tradition of illuminated manuscripts, as a means of accessing source and place of origin, whilst using the subtle communication of interspatial energy, organic sacred geometry, colour and light that becomes a healing majic.

Mark Golding, was born in London in 1955 – He says… Life is a flow, a journey of multi-sensory experiences, that I have chosen to record, using the visual medium.

Each drawing explores a specific intention with regard to the viewers experience, with nothing being too obscure, esoteric or wonderful to represent.

Described by critics as ‘Psychoactive Art’ and ‘Healing Mandalas’ my work will engage the viewer on a powerful subliminal level, and activate dormant powers, and create tendencies of inner peace, and also profound growth.

My work has been sold in America, Europe, Australia, Great Britain and the Middle East, and has been published in book form.

Considered to be a highly developed exploration of Sacred Geometry, my work has a unique form and manner of visual engagement, and sensory activation.

I am highly disciplined, accurate and precise with my work, and wish to navigate, explore and record the unexplored, and represent the invisible.

I have, in my time, been a hospital chaplain, a poet, an author, a meditation teacher, a dealer in antiques, an art historian and a collector of old gemstones.

See more of Mark’s work and maybe even order a personalized Mandala for yourself here:

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