HJ:  You are unlimited — this is one of the main messages our higher self is constantly sending us, but that we have learned to ignore.  As children we believed it wholeheartedly, but as we grew up, we let society take this reality from us and replace it with illusory limitations and doubt.  Our higher selves guide us towards the expression of our higher purpose in this life — the life we were born to live, in which our potential is limitless.  The messages our higher selves give us are always reflecting this truth in a myriad of forms.  The guidance we receive gently urges us towards our highest expression, although it may be disguised as advice that only seems pertinent to the problem or situation at hand.  We cannot always see the bigger picture and so the messages we receive may seem random or to take us in unexpected directions, but ultimately we never know where we are headed and what awaits us around the next turn.

By learning to resonate with the overall patterns and nature of the messages our higher self is sending us, we can begin to decode what may otherwise seem cryptic or vague and learn to fully trust and embrace this divine wisdom and guidance.

– Truth

By Dr. Wayne W Dyer | Heal Your Life

Your highest self can make dreams come true.

THERE’S A LEVEL OF AWARENESS available to you that you are probably unfamiliar with. It extends upward and transcends the ordinary level of consciousness that you’re most accustomed to. At this higher plane of existence, which you and every human being who has ever lived can access at will, the fulfillment of wishes is not only probable—it is guaranteed. By entering into that realm you have much more say over what comes into your life than you might have envisioned.

After 18 months in relative seclusion, studying, meditating, and literally experiencing what it’s like to live in this miraculous plane of existence beyond anything that might be labeled “ordinary” or “normal,” I’m now undertaken this joyous task of writing about having wishes fulfilled. I’ve seen firsthand how virtually every wish or desire I’ve placed my attention on has transformed from a mental thought into an objective fact.

My emphasis is that manifestation is real and that it occurs when you make a specific decision to change your mind about who you are and what is possible for you to achieve within these parentheses in eternity called your life.

I’m inviting you to be receptive to a radical new idea about yourself. It’s radical because ever since you left your mother’s womb, you’ve been subjected to cultural conditioning designed to help you be content with living a “normal life” at the level of ordinary consciousness, which generally means accepting whatever life hands you. In many ways you’ve been programmed to believe that you do not possess the wisdom or ability to manifest the fulfillment of your wishes and desires.

I am saying as clearly as I know how to say it: There’s a plane of awareness that you can opt to live at, wherein you can, if you are willing to change your concept of yourself as an ordinary being, find yourself fulfilling any and all wishes that you have for yourself. It begins with changing your concept of yourself.

I would like to offer a few words on the two concepts of ordinary and extraordinary.

Ordinary is, well, so ordinary. It means that you do all of the things that your culture and your family have programmed you to do. It implies that you fit in, study hard, follow the rules, take care of your obligations, fill out the forms, pay your taxes, get a job, and do what every law-abiding citizen does; and then you retire, play with your grandchildren, and then you die. I want to emphasize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this scenario—it is perfectly fine—but if it were completely acceptable for you, you wouldn’t be reading this today.

Extraordinary encompasses most of ordinary, since we all live in the same physical world. There will be forms to fill out, rules that demand our obedience, bills to pay, and family obligations to attend to. But extraordinary consciousness is associated with your soul, that invisible, boundaryless energy that looks out from behind your eyeballs and has very different interests than your ordinary self does. The ideal of your soul, the thing that it yearns for, is not more knowledge. It is not interested in comparison, nor winning, nor light, nor ownership, nor even happiness. The ideal of your soul is space, expansion, and immensity, and the one thing it needs more than anything else is to be free to expand, to reach out and to embrace the infinite. Why? Because your soul is infinity itself. It has no restrictions or limitations—it resists being fenced in—and when you attempt to contain it with rules and obligations, it is miserable.

Your invisible self is extraordinary because it is a fragment of the universal soul, which is infinite. The part of you that knows you have greatness, and is stirred by the idea of you expanding and removing any and all limitations, is what I am addressing here. This is your new self-concept, one that is inspired by your soul.

If you would like to become a person who has the capacity to have all of your wishes fulfilled, it will be necessary for you to move to that higher plane of existence where you are a co-creator of your life. This means that you’ll need to undertake what is often presumed to be the difficult task of changing your concept of yourself.

Recall that your concept of yourself is everything that you believe to be true about your inner and outer self. Those beliefs have created the life you’re now living—at what I call an ordinary level of awareness. To move into the extraordinary space that I’m writing about requires you to change what you believe is true. A higher concept of yourself involves taking on new truths and shedding your old views of what you can achieve. This is the only way you can achieve your desires. You must begin by replacing your old set of truths with a belief in the existence of a higher self within you. This is akin to doing a somersault and landing in a new reality—a reality in which all things are possible.

Excerpted from Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Copyright ©2012 (Hay House).

Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Wayne holds a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York.

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