Are You Aligned With Your Brilliance? How to Embrace Your Mastery

HJ: Often times we have trouble recognizing our own brilliance.  For any number of reasons, we have developed limiting beliefs about ourselves and our abilities which foster doubt and keep us from stepping into our own mastery.  We typically call these types of experiences into our lives in order to help us learn the lesson of developing courage and self confidence/worth and usually those who face these types of challenges often have great gifts to bestow upon the world that can make a significant impact in the lives of others.  However, in order for them to achieve at this level, they must have confidence in themselves.  Our beliefs and perceptions dictates our external experience and so if we do not recognize our own brilliance, it will be difficult for others to do so.  You will continue to discount your abilities and not live up to your full potential — you destiny, if you will — until you recognize your own mastery and embrace it whole heartedly.  It is not egotistical, it is not selfish, it is living the life you were born to live.  So, what are you waiting for?

– Truth

Are You Aligned With Your Brilliance?

By David Barnes | Peace of Mind Overtures

Do you feel like you’ve found your life’s calling and have been moving in that direction for a number of years? Are you passionate about what you do yet for some reason, you can’t seem to connect with the abundance you expected? Do you recognize your own mastery?

If you’re unable to recognize your own unique gifts, your audience can’t either. This usually means you’re not aligned with your brilliance. This can be evident if you don’t believe you’re at the mastery level or even more common – you don’t believe you’re worthy of receiving the abundance that awaits you.

If this sounds familiar, the following Alignment Process movie session is for you. If you’re reading this blog, it’s most likely time for you to acknowledge your brilliance and intentionally align with it.

You’re not alone. Here’s a true story to help you see the pattern. There’s tangible abundance waiting for you to simply come into alignment with your unique greatness.

In 1968, record producer Dennis Coffey heard about this new musician performing in Detroit at small and obscure clubs. Coffey had worked with some of the greatest performers from Motown: Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, and more. He knew talent when he saw it.

Coffey goes to see a new performer named Rodriguez at a small dive alongside the Detroit River. His first memory of Rodriguez is perhaps a clue to why Rodriquez’s abundance was on hold:

“There in the far corner I could see the shadow of a man and I couldn’t see his face. I said, what’s the deal?”

Rodriguez was onstage with his back to the audience singing. Coffey was impressed and compares his writing skills to Bob Dillon. He decides Rodriguez needs an album and proceeds with co-producing it for him.

In the movie, Searching For Sugar Man, we see an example of a brilliant musician that wasn’t ready to be aligned with his gifts. Either he didn’t recognize it, or didn’t feel worthy – we don’t know for sure. Regardless, the movie shows the abundance that was waiting for him in escrow. He was beloved, had numerous fans and didn’t know it.

The story of Sixto Rodriguez is a good one and we’ll leave the twists and turns for you to discover on your own.

When you watch this movie, think of these questions:

1)   Can you see your own brilliance?

When working with gifted yoga teachers, mechanics, leaders, musicians and other artists, we’ve found they usually won’t accept they’re brilliant masters of their craft. Rodriguez helps you look at this limiting belief. You’ve done the work and honed your skills, yet you’re still not sure. If you don’t agree you’re brilliant like Rodriguez it’s a sign you’re not in alignment with your gifts.

2)   Do you feel worthy of abundance?

Notice when Rodriguez meets his fan base, and begins to receive abundance and love. What does he do with the money? Does he allow his lifestyle to change?

3)   Are you ready to align with the audience that awaits you?

Then watch this movie in its entirety.

The 9 Key Benefits From Searching For Sugar Man Alignment Process movie Session:

1)   The release of past identities that limit your potential.

2)   A softening of your fear of humiliation.

3)   An acceptance of the level of mastery you’ve already attained.

4)   Embracing your authenticity that’s needed in the world right now.

5)   Releasing the doubt that holds you back.

6)   Less fear of being “out there” and more courage and strength.

7)   An acceptance that people are waiting to support you and need your brilliance.

8)   Permission to begin believing in yourself and your dreams again.

9)   Allowing your heart to lead you to the next right step for your work.

How To Get Started?

Here’s a link to the Intention Session. It’s your first step to preparing for this free Alignment Process movie session. You only need to do the Intention Session once and then you can benefit from any movie sessions on our blogs or that are currently on our website(s). It’s that simple.

Watch the entire movie. If you fall asleep (which sometimes occurs), just go back to the part where you snoozed and watch again. If you’ve already seen this movie, you have to watch it again to get the energetic benefits.
Today Sixto Rodriguez must be aligned with his abundance. He’s playing to sold out shows around the world.

David Barnes co-founded Peace of Mind Overtures with Sue-Anne MacGregor and together they have co-authored two books on human emotional patterns. He currently lives in Plano, Texas with his wife Lura and their children Sarah, Michael and dog Murphy.

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