HJ: It was not but four months ago that the infamous day of Decemeber 21st, 2012 came and went and along with it the hopes, dreams and fears of the masses.  This controversial, though absolutely profound and powerful date came with a roar and left like a lamb… While it was once all that anyone could talk about, it is now barely mentioned, though it is more relevant than ever.  We are absolutely in the midst of its unfoldment and the spiritually aware among us can feel its powerful, profound and palpable effects as they continually unfold and evolve.  More has changed in my life in the last 4 months than ever before — and while this certainly applies to external circumstances, I am primarily referring to my internal perception and spiritual progress, which as we know, is the foundation of all other experience.  I am not unique in this regard as many, many fellow spiritual seekers are also experiencing this change and many of them have reached out to us here at the Journal to share their stories.  Indeed a shift is occurring, but it is typically only perceived by those who are open to it, for this is the nature of personal reality.  We can only experience that which is in line with our beliefs.  Our beliefs do not create the situation, per se, they simply attract to us that we which we desire that already exists either in potential or physical form.  And so, those who embrace the idea of an Ascension process do actively experience it and participate it and it is as real as the computer I am typing this on.  Consequently, those who are lost in illusion and do not believe in the Ascension process or anything else spiritual or conscious for that matter, simply cannot perceive what is happening, although it may still very much affect them.

This brings up the idea and experience of timelines, which is a complex discussion in its own right (see the article on shifting timelines here:  The Art, Experience and Science of Shifting Your Personal Timeline).  However, what we mean by timelines in this situation is the fact that many are still overlapping and hence those on Ascension timelines are still sharing a reality with those on non-Ascension timelines and vice versa.  Therefore both groups are still affecting each other.  As time moves forward, however, these timelines will divulge even further and eventually the reality one experiences will more closely reflect their own personal vibration and beliefs, as is always the case.  The Ascension window was unique metaphysically in that it involved a merging of timelines that is not the typical experience.  Now that the Ascension date (Dec. 21st, 2012) has passed, the timelines are once again divulging, however, there is still overlap in the initial 9 month period which is know as the Ascension window (Learn more here: Understanding The Post-Ascension World: The First Trimester of Energetic Development and Your Perception of the Ascension Defines It’s Effects in Your Life)

– Truth


Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness

We welcome you today, Cosmic Awareness, and we are just wondering if there is a general message that you’d like to give to the readers and listeners at this time. 

That this Awareness is prepared at this time to give a message from that which is Cosmic Awareness. That at this time it is approaching the four-and-one-half month period of time that would mark the mid-point of the nine-month period that this Awareness has talked of in recent times. The nine-and-one-half month period of development, of introspection, of determining whether or not one is truly on line to grow into the higher expanded states of consciousness that are unfolding during this time period. That the first four-and-one-half months have been intense times for many where they have been challenged in their lives to look at their lives, to look at the exterior of their lives, that which lies outside of themselves, and to determine whether or not those exterior events that seem to be the reality of their life experiences are indeed the true life experiences that are emanating from the interior source of connection, or whether they are the manipulations of those who have been in control, in charge for many eons of time and in particular during modern times of mankind, humankind’s evolutionary process.

That personal development during the first four-and one-half months has been such that many have been experiencing strong physical symptoms, strong physical challenge. That many have been feeling the aches and pains, the miasms of the body that have had to do with past life challenges, past life opportunities that are being expressed in this lifetime to be released from the body, from one’s karmic field as well.

That this has often shown itself in confusion, in doubt, in questions of what is really happening in one’s life and many are facing the extreme challenges of the body at this time as it is endeavoring to clean up its act, to release those energies that have been brought into this life for the purpose of being released so that one has a karmic-free and clean slate, so that one can move beyond karma into Dharma. Dharma is that condition where the karmic obligations that one has entered into life with have been cleared and the slate is blank and clean.

That in that state of Dharma one can write their own script, can determine for themselves what it is they wish to create, what it is they wish to experience. But that many are still struggling with their own personal karma, with their own histories of the soul in its many expressions of physicality that have been experienced over many lifetimes in this dualistic physical third dimensional reality. It is for this reason that many are experiencing and feeling physical ailments and symptoms and are also being challenged emotionally and mentally as well.

That these first four-and one-half months have been intense for many and so it is that they have come to a point now at this mid-way point that they can begin to truly to release many of those energies that they have carried with them for eons, this being more accurately expressed as the soul has carried for many eons.

That now is a time to begin the last four-and one-half-month period where one has released the karmic implications of the many other lifetimes of soul experience and starts now to acquaint oneself with the blank slate that is their Dharma, that is the opportunity to step into the field of Creator Being, Ascended Being, one who has dealt with the past so that the future may not be impeded by the karmic energies of the soul that were meant to be released during this lifetime and in particular during this last four-and one-half-month period. This does not mean that the work is completely done for some and there will be those who are still dealing with karmic issues, but it is with an increased awareness and understanding that many of the physical challenges, the aches, the pains, the ailments and symptoms that they have been experiencing over the last four-and one-half months are those that signify internal work that has been done and is being done in the matter of releasing old energies that were specifically chosen to be brought into this life so that they could be released.

It is not that this Awareness is saying one must be finished with their karma, It is simply saying that many have been dealing with their karmic issues and many have realized this at deep levels. This does not always translate into conscious understanding or awareness, but is that which is known from within, and that all can access this knowing by choosing to look deeply into their being, to identify those areas of their life where there are problems and to see now that many of the problems are still extensions of the old karmic patterns and beliefs that have been held from other times and that have been brought into this lifetime to be released, so that one can truly move into the next four-and one-half months, working on the energies of Dharma with the energies of the blank slate, learning how to create, learning how to manifest unimpeded by the energies of other lifetimes that the soul is seeking to address and to balance at this time.

That this is a time of manifestation and that this month in particular, the month of May, is a powerful month for this purpose, to begin to manifest in one’s life the higher powers of creative force and consciousness, to create in one’s life the evidence that proves and shows that they are not simply beings who have been placed here to suffer and endure that which is their lot, that which their fate, as determined by one’s karma, but rather to truly begin to understand and discover themselves as creator beings.

That this energy of manifestation, this power to manifest at this time has indeed the positive and the negative attached to it. It is a double-edged sword that can cut both ways. Thus it is that those who would still stand in the negative energies, who would still deny their true being, their higher spiritual ascended being may indeed find that their manifestations are of a negative variety, a negative kind. That if this is so, and one is experiencing negative situations, negative manifestations, that one does need to take those experiences, those manifestations and ask “why is it that these negative energies are still expressing themselves in my life?” Therefore the next four-and one-half-month period for many may still be a time to fully address the deeper karmic issues. The energies are truly available to do this with even greater success.

There is the positive edge of this double-edged sword as well and that for those who have been intensely working within, have been willing to look at their dark sides, have been willing to address their personal issues, that they will find that they are creating events and circumstances in their lives that are positive in nature and even miraculous, for this is a time of magic and miracles. You must always recognize that you as the creator being, the manifester, can create in the negative or in the positive and that it is your choice to do so.

That the energies will favour the release, the continuous release of negative energies for those who are looking at their negative factors, their negative manifestations in their physical world, their physical lives. Those who have worked intensely will begin to see miraculous events moving into their fields of experiences, even greater than that which has been experienced previously.

That this is an intense time for expansion. That again the expansion that is being brought forward must be accepted, must be looked to as that which is the way forward. Equally there is at this time an energy of contraction for those who are afraid to step into their expanded being and that there are many who are retracting now back into familiar grounds, holding to that which has been, for it is their comfort zone and that they are fearful of letting go that which is known, that which is of the comfort nature of their lives, to release from this, to step boldly into the new energy levels of expansion, to truly let go that which they have held onto for so long.

As a swimmer at the side of the pool, it is now time to let go of the pool side. It is time to launch oneself into the deeper waters, confident and comfortable in their ability to swim in these deeper waters, knowing and trusting that they will be sustained in the deeper waters of consciousness that they are now swimming in. But many are still fearful of the depths, fearful of letting go of the side of the pool. That they may even decide to step out of the pool and back onto the firm ground that they have known all their lives, they may still look to their surroundings to confirm for them whether anything has happened outside of themselves before they are willing to jump back into the pool or launch from the side. Those who are the truer spiritual seekers who live in confidence that they are supported and that they have the ability to swim in the deeper waters will instead forward their motion, move into the depths, knowing that they are able to swim in these new depths of consciousness that they are finding themselves in.

Therefore, this month of May is indeed a pivotal point in the journey towards one’s spiritual expansion and spiritual consciousness. The forces of those higher powers, the force of Divine Consciousness is the water that is being swum in now, and it is crucial to truly realize that this is the truth of your being and that one and all who are those seekers who are willing to go beyond the comfort zone, to let go of the side of the pool, realize finally that they are spiritual beings of High Order and they are in the process of truly remembering this and to do so they must now swim in the deeper waters.

That at this time, halfway through the nine-month period of inner development and growth, of healing and release, the energies are such that it is encouraging those who are of that mind to move forward, to trust and have faith. That this is indeed the next part of the journey for those who are not comfortable in the deeper waters. That you can stay at the side of the pool, but at some point, you must believe that to reach the other side of the pool you must swim through those deeper waters. And for those who have stepped out of the pool and are standing on firm grounds, who have retracted, who have withdrawn, this time may be the most challenging of all for you. Realize that even though fear seems to dominate you, it is false, it is False Evidence Appearing Real, and that you are still within the energies of the Divine and encouraged to get back into the pool and to expand in consciousness, not to retract. That this is today’s message from this Awareness at this time.

Awareness, if I may just make comment here, it seems that if we are to embrace the expansion that is available to us, then we are given more of a choice of the different timelines that we can access in order to manifest those things that we need. 

That this is correct. That multiple timelines are opening for one and all and that part of that which is the contraction is a retreat back into familiar timelines where one is of the opinion and holds to the truth that they have no power. That the timelines of those who are contracting will reflect this and external events will continue to dominate their lives and they will continue to insist they have no power to change anything and that even if they try, and even if they have tried, nothing changed. That it is why it is important to look even deeper into one’s negativity, into the events one is calling forth in their lives and to see it as evidence of the timelines they are on.

For those who are expanding, multiple timelines will begin to open up, especially those timelines that show that which is ahead of humanity and ahead of each individual. Timelines that will allow them to further their growth as creator beings into a reality that is based on this new understanding and awareness that is held at a very deep level and is being brought to the surface now in their lives.

Thus the timelines that are available will be indicative to whether one is expanding or contracting. Those that seem to present the evidence that nothing is changing and matters are simply getting worse and worse, are those that are showing the individual to be one who is contracting.

Those that are showing new opportunities to truly step into the power of their greater spirit as it is shone on this life, in this life, will find that their timelines, even if there are challenges personally and globally, are those that will move through them with complete trust and faith that this is the expansion of their being and that the challenges even that they may still find are challenges they can easily overcome and pass through.

Does this answer your question?

Yes, thank you Awareness. That is all that I have to ask at this stage, so is there anything else you would like to say to us? 

The final point that this Awareness wishes to make today is that it is extremely important at this time that each and every being moving forward through these challenging times, these interesting times, remains in their integrity, the integrity of one’s soul. That it is not acceptable that one does not come from a place of integrity, for integrity is that quality of the expanded ascended being that does not capitulate, that does not retract or give in to those who would oppress, those who would dominate, those who would create fear as a way of manipulation and control.

That to live in integrity will always be the integral evidence or the integral proof that one is coming from a higher place and therefore, even if one is challenged by those who do not have integrity, or in the retraction are coming from a place of lacking of integrity, one still makes a choice of whether to play in that arena or not.

When one is challenged by those who are corrupt and one is asked to deviate from a path of their integrity and honor and respect, one must look at the consequence of doing this, and that it would be an indicator of retraction. The contracting back from the highest demand of Spirit, that one lives in their integrity and their life is exemplary of that integrity. That it is that which goes hand in hand at this time of personal development that one develops that high sense of integrity and even more, lives it.

Thank you Awareness, my thought at this stage is that if we step out of integrity and truth then we open ourselves up to attacks of various natures. 

This is correct. That is why it is so imperative at this time, so important at this time, never to recede back into a place where one’s personal integrity is forfeited for convenience, or because one is in fear that if one stands up and is in their integrity, even if it goes against others who have power in their lives one way or another, that it is something that they cannot do, therefore they retract, that this is not okay. It is a deep spiritual requirement now to stand up for what one truly believes in. Making excuses, being apologetic for one’s spiritual beliefs is no longer that which is favored. Indeed, it is now demanded by the higher spiritual forces, by the Divine Itself, to stand up, to be counted, to be of the highest integrity, for it is Divine Integrity that is infusing the consciousness of humanity at this time. That it is time now to draw the line and to hold to that line. Any retreat back from that line of one’s personal beliefs, one’s personal integrity in the higher expression of spiritual forces that is definitely unfolding on the planet at this time, will be an example of retraction, and it will indeed not forward individuals in their spiritual evolutionary process. It is a time of responsibility now to stand strong, to stand firm, to not apologize for one’s spiritual beliefs and to hold them as integral to the growth and development of themselves, of each and every individual as they move forward on the track of their spiritual evolution and ascension.

Yes, thank you Awareness, it seems like it could also be a time of sorrow and even grieving because sometimes we have to make a stand with those who are family or friends. 

This too is correct. That there will be evidence for many that the stand they may have taken to placate others, to humor others, to simply live with others, has come to conclusion and decisions must be made as to whether or not one can stay in lower energies, especially energies that pull one back, that bring to them the choice of returning back to the comfort zone so that they can feel safe, so that they do not feel they will lose those who they think are important in their lives, even if it means sacrificing their own integrity, their own knowing of their inner selves.

Those who truly are seeking their inner expression, those who are truly drawing forth their 5th dimensional consciousness may indeed go through a time of sorrow now as they are asked to leave behind those who are unwilling or unprepared to move forward, to take up the baton and race forward on that race of spiritual growth and evolution. That it is not alright, it is not okay to retract simply because one is unable or uncertain of the future.

It must be seen within one’s self that the future is bright and that the spiritual evolutionary process does ask now to truly look at one’s life and look at those who are in one’s life, to look at the events and circumstances of one’s life – are the events, circumstances and individuals in one’s life promoting one’s higher spiritual understanding and awareness– or are they drawing forth from you that which is doubt, which is confusion, which is choosing to stay in those lower energies. If it is so, then one must decide whether or not one is willing to let go of those who draw them down so that they can move forward. Sometimes this would be indeed a difficult process but one must truly look at the greater picture and understand that it is not alright any longer to sacrifice one’s own true spiritual understanding and awareness simply to fit in, simply to be normal, simply to have those who will not feel comfortable in the higher energies appeased and pleased and supported in their lower belief systems, their lower energetic levels. It is a testing time indeed but it is also a time of great reward and great advancement for those who can see that it is imperative for them to choose the highest options and the highest truth.

Thank you very much Awareness, I have no further questions. Have you anything else that you would like to say to us? 

That this period of time can be a true turning point for many, turning the corner, moving forward, but it is also that which could be considered a crossroads and that many have come to this crossroads intentionally. Some have come to this crossroads not realizing how they have got there and even more, the majority do not even realize they are at a crossroads. But ultimately all are at this crossroads, and it is time now to see the months ahead as those months where one can fine-tune and release that which still needs to be released, that which still needs to be faced.

These time have the support of the Divine and for those who find the courage within to jump into the deep waters and to trust they can swim, to trust that they will be supported in these deep waters and assisted, that these will be truly magical times and miracles will be seen.

For those who are retracting, for those who are afraid to venture forward, who will not stay in their integrity, who will retreat from the pool altogether, it may be that these are found to be difficult times for them.

In any event, this Awareness does see that the journey continues and that it is halfway through now, the nine-month period of development and growth on a personal level as well as on a global level.

That there may indeed be many challenging events in the weeks and months ahead and that this Awareness reminds all to remember that the manifestation of those events is that which you have created so that you can look deeply into those events, so that you can choose the timeline that you wish to move forward in, so that you can truly understand that as fifth dimensional beings, beings of ascended character, that to be such must one truly, finally release and let go of the side of the pool, must launch themselves into the deep waters in complete trust and faith that they certainly know how to swim and that they certainly will be supported in that which is the swim through Divine Consciousness.

On behalf all our readers and listeners I thank you very much for your message today and the wisdom and guidance and encouragement that you gave us. Thank you, Awareness. 

4 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. I really needed to read this today. All thats needed is intention, focus and faith. We’re in the eye of the hurricane. Dont get caught up in the swirling. Be still in the center and watch the poetry of motion creating the illusion of truth and drama. This moment is perfect.

  2. Understand who we are as eternal spirit beings. As such we are one with the creator and as we choose to feed the better part of our being we are further empowered to live a life of impeccable integrity…

    We must stand and meet the challenge of this time. Our strength is enhanced when we live in congruence with our values.. Attune to this deeper enduring part of your being. We are beings of light and we must radiate this to a very needy and confused populace that we walk with.

    Good stuff my friends..

  3. Great message today…I love listening to Cosmic Awareness.

    Is he taking any questions from the audience?

    I would like to know when we will be able to stop our medications. I am on a plant-based way of life and I take no medications except for thyroid hormone. A plant based diet doesn’t usually give us the freedom to stop these meds and supplementing with iodine does not help this either as it’s the T3 hormone we need. My dogs and I must still take thyroid hormone and I wondered when the general populations will be able to eliminate our medications?

    Thanks so much.

  4. Beautiful…I swam in the energy pool. I worried because I could not swim but a slight nudge cause me to just jump in anyway. I threw up (obstruction) and I laid back. It looked like water but it wasn’t. It was weightless…it was energy. It changed in color- crystal, gold and black. I heard the most beautiful soothing voice begin to tell me what happened a long long time ago. After that I lost all worry. I woke up.

    I must tell you, it looked like a endless pool. There were people there in and out of it. Even a man that I saw in a documentary was there. Synchronicity also put me in position to speak to him the NEXT evening on a blogradio show! He told me some things that made me feel really good on my path.

    Cosmic Awareness confirms so much of what I experience. Much love and light to admins, C.A. and everyone else!

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