April 2013

The State of the New Age Movement in the 21st Century: The Re-Emergence of Mysticism

HJ: The New Age movement is simultaneously experiencing a renaissance and backlash of epic proportions.  At once embraced by spiritualists and renounced by intellectuals, the future of the movement is anyone’s guess, or so mainstream…


Everything You Need to Know About the Health Miracle of Colloidal Silver

HJ:  Colloidal silver is an incredible medicine that has the ability to kill nearly any pathogenic organism with which it comes in contact.  It has been used for thousands of years and was…


The Russian Meteor Strike Conspiracy: New Information Surfaces Indicating High Level Cover-Up and Manipulation

HJ: Indeed the truth is often far, far stranger than fiction.  Do you really believe that the mainstream media and governments are telling you the truth?  Even the most conservative among us nowadays accept that…


How to Eat for Health and Longevity: A Taoist Guide to Diet and Nutrition

HJ: With all the conflicting information about diet we get nowadays, it can leave one confused as to what steps to take in order to be as healthy as possible.  The problem with…


6 Powerful Herbs for Rejuvenating the Nervous System

HJ: It is entirely possible to regenerate and rejuvenate our nervous system through the use of various herbs and ancient practices such as yoga, tai chi, qi gong, meditation and so on.  Through…


Understanding How We Create the Future From Our Multidimensional Self

HJ:  Contrary to popular belief, time is not linear.  It is multidimensional, meaning, in part, that both the past and the future exist simultaneously in the present moment and are affected by what…


How to Change the World by Healing Yourself

HJ: Those who wish to change the world for the better have their hearts in the right place, however, without first healing oneself, we can only be of limited service to the world.  It…

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