Superfood From the Bees: Why Bee Pollen is the Most Amazing Food You’ve Never Heard Of

HJ: Bee Pollen is one of those little known superfoods with incredible health benefits that has been around for millennia and is only recently coming back into greater awareness in the eyes of the health conscious community.  Long known as a powerful rejuvenative tonic in many ancient systems of medicine, Bee Pollen is a highly concentrated source of plant based nutrition.  Bee Pollen is literally an incredibly complex mix of pollen from 100’s of different flowers from which bees obtain the sugars needed to make honey. This pollen forms into little granules on the legs of the bees and is brought back to the hive for collection and eventual extraction by bee farmers.

Why is Bee Pollen such an incredible food?  Pollen is the flowers sexual reproduction mechanism and so it must fundamentally contain all the building blocks for life.  Like seeds, which serve a similar purpose, pollen is a highly concentrated source of essential nutrients.  However, unlike seeds, pollen is highly digestible and contains a much wider spectrum of nutrients in a much more concentrated form.  It is truly a food of the Gods and one that any health conscious individual should consider incorporating into their diet.

C.C. Pollen makes an amazing, high quality Bee Pollen supplement which is available here:  C.C. Pollen, High Desert, Bee Pollen

– Truth

Superfood Profile: Discover the Health Benefits of Bee Pollen

By Elizabeth Walling | Living the Nourished Life

(NaturalNews) Before our modern age of sterilization and sanitation, traditional medicine was based on healing herbal and food remedies that may seem eccentric by our “civilized” standards. And while substances like bee pollen were highly prized at one time, today the idea may seem quite bizarre at first glance. Bee pollen, however, is one of nature’s best kept secrets.

Beekeepers of old knew this, and considered honey rich in pollen to be a source of health and longevity. A prime example is the beekeepers native to the Caucasus Mountains that stretch between the Black and Caspian Seas. These people, many of whom lived on a diet rich in honey filled with bee pollen, exhibited fine health and often lived well over 100 years old.

Bees package their pollen with nectar and enzymes that help it develop into a powerful superfood. In fact, bee pollen contains thousands of enzymes and co-enzymes which are necessary for true vitality. Bee pollen also contains 22 amino acids, including the eight essential ones. It is, in essence, a complete protein. You’ll also find dozens of vitamins and minerals in bee pollen, as well as natural hormones and important fatty acids.

While science has yet to thoroughly examine bee pollen for its benefits, many people have successfully used it to treat a variety of ailments, including:

– Asthma
– Indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and other digestive issues
– Anemia
– Low energy and fatigue
– Depression
– Skin conditions such as acne
– Sexual problems
– Hemorrhoids
– Obesity
– Rheumatism and arthritis

Bee pollen is also useful for improving the health of the heart, prostate, immune system and nervous system.

One of bee pollen’s many intriguing benefits is its ability to improve allergies. It seems counterproductive to fight pollen allergies with pollen, but bee pollen seems to have an immunizing effect against these reactions. If you use bee pollen to treat allergies, proceed with care and start with only two or three granules per day. Slowly increase dosage as long as there is no reaction. However, those with a history of anaphylactic reactions should avoid bee pollen.

Even those without allergies should start with a small dosage of bee pollen to prevent any reactions as the body adjusts to the unique nutrients it’s receiving. Gradually work up to a maintenance dose of about one tablespoon per day.

Selecting the right bee pollen makes all the difference in the benefits you receive. Here’s some tips:

– Bee pollen can be taken in capsules or tablets, but bee pollen in granules is ideal. Pure, raw honey is also an excellent natural source of bee pollen.

– Look for color variations in bee pollen granules. This is preferred to a single color, because a variety of colors means a variety of sources. This provides a broader range of nutrients.

– Heat processing can destroy the enzymes and nutrients in the pollen, so it’s important to choose a manufacturer that handles the bee pollen with the intent of preserving its valuable nutrients.

Elizabeth Walling is a freelance writer specializing in health and family nutrition. She is a strong believer in natural living as a way to improve health and prevent modern disease. She enjoys thinking outside of the box and challenging common myths about health and wellness. You can visit her blog to learn more: Living the Nourished Life

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