HJ: Not only does sound affect the body — the body also reacts to and emits its own unique ‘cell song’.  All vibration/motion produces sound, although it may be inaudible due to the frequency or volume being outside the range of human hearing.  Therefore, our cells collectively produce a unique frequencial signature that is a reflection of our health.  Most sound healings take the former approach — projecting specific frequencies at the body that are not specifically tuned to the exact wavelengths the body may need for healing.  This can and often does initiate profound healing anyways, as it uses a blanket or ‘shotgun’ approach and so is likely to, at some level, resonate with the body’s desired/needed frequencies.  Also, the body may respond positively to specific harmonious frequencies/harmonics due to their innate healing nature.  However, another level of specificity exists within the system of healing with sound developed by Dorinne Davis over the course of decades as a audiologist and sound researcher.

Dorinne’s work is groundbreaking to say the least and operates on the latter principle discussed above — that the body has it’s own unique cellular song and by working to harmonize this through the use of highly specific sound frequencies, deep, lasting healing and therapeutic results can be achieved.  This wonderful overview article gives us a fundamental understanding of the concepts behind her work and how they are applicable in a medical/healing context.

– Truth

Changing your body’s energy with specific sound interventions

By Dorinne Davis | The Davis Center

The benefits of sound healing have been recognized for thousands of years, from the Egyptians chanting vowels in 4000 BC through the modern use of singing bowls, gongs, drumming circles, and the many other opportunities to experience the vibrational body changes with the use of generalized sound. Over time, therapeutic approaches using sound have been created.  Approaches using tuning forks, bowls of specific musical notes, and even music by DNA have moved the use of sound into the field of sound therapy. And then individual specific sound therapy methods were created utilizing the concept of sound and vibration to make personal change.  From these methods, the term ‘sound-based therapy’ evolved.

While Dr. Alfred Tomatis is considered the founder of sound-based therapies, his method has had many attempts of being copied and/or modified. His method and most of the spin-off programs or methods focus on that ‘method’ or ‘technique’ itself as a tool for change and not on the overall body change created by sound stimulation.  Researchers are typically searching for behavioral, learning, sensory, physical, or biological change.  This article suggests looking more at the underlying subtle body response to sound from an energetic change perspective.

A new paradigm for using vibrational sound as an approach to change the body for learning, development and wellness challenges has evolved with The Davis Model of Sound Intervention℠.  This model embraces not only Dr. Alfred Tomatis original therapeutic ideas and his Tomatis Effect (three laws demonstrating a connection between the voice and ear) but advances to newer levels of response at the body’s core cellular sound level.  This new paradigm embraces two key ideas: 1) a recently identified subtle energy system called The Voice-Ear-Brain Connection℠ initially introduced at the 2011 ISSSEEM conference and in more depth in the book The Cycle of Sound: A Missing Energetic Link by Dorinne Davis, and 2) The Davis Addendum to the Tomatis Effect (demonstrating that the spontaneous otoacoustic emission of the ear also connect to the voice by frequency) initially introduced at the Acoustical Society of America in 2004.  Both of these ideas help advance the idea that the body’s response to the vibration of sound is a brain response and not a sensory response of just audition. If the body is making change, the brain will recognize, modulate and support the change.

The Davis Model of Sound Intervention℠ has 3 underlying concepts:

  1. There are 5 laws supporting a connection between the voice, ear and brain.  The voice produces what the ear hears and the ear emits the same stressed frequencies of the voice.  When correcting and balancing frequencies are reintroduced to the ear, the voice regains coherence and the brain supports body regulation.
  2. Every cell resonates its own frequency. (see the work on sonocytology by Dr. James Gimzewski).
  3. All of your body senses can be stimulated by vibration through the ear.

While these concepts underlie the model, the Davis Model of Sound Intervention℠ works through 1) the developmental flow chart known as The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy® and 2) the outcome of a test battery called the Diagnostic Evaluation for Therapy Protocol (DETP®).  This approach determines how sound vibrations are received, processed, used, and integrated within each person and then suggests either specific sound-based therapies to help the person change these sound vibrations or if already at a resonantly coherent position, to help maintain this balance daily with Ototoning, a technique that identifies what the person needs that day to feel balanced and provides a way to re-integrate the sound to the body.


This new approach does not work from a broad based sound healing or therapy foundation.  The approach works from the individual’s need based resonant balancing position.  Each person resonates their own song of cellular frequencies and works hard to keep their song in tune.  When out of tune, disease, illness, learning challenges, or simply lack of energy can be evidenced. This approach blends with current medical practices and educational approaches yet can stand alone as a way to support self-healing for each person.

The use of sound as an intervention moving into this 21st century should not just or only be used as a generalized healing tool.  With the evolution of scientific knowledge, the underlying principles of the body’s response to sound and vibration will also evolve for the betterment of each one of us.  Sound as a response within the body works at the quantum level.  So far, these levels are just being discovered.  Sound as Edgar Cayce once suggested is the medicine of the future.  The process is just beginning.

The Davis Model of Sound Intervention℠ supports a way for each person to change their body’s energy with specific sound interventions. This model is a beginning for the appropriate use of sound.  Alternative wellness and educational approaches are quickly finding value.  This approach will also be embraced as a powerful tool for learning, development and wellness challenges as this century evolves.

Resources: Free download for more information


Dorinne S. Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, RCTC, BARA, is the President/Founder of The Davis Center, Succasunna, NJ.  She is the author of 5 books: The Cycle of Sound: A Missing Energetic Link (an introduction to a new energetic link for making self-change), Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy (hailed as the primer for all sound therapies), Every Day A Miracle: Success Stories with Sound Therapy (16 heartwarming stories of sound therapy successes), Otitis Media: Coping With The Effects In The Classroom (A teacher’s compendium of classroom activities and responses), and A Parent’s Guide to Middle Ear Infections (An informational book for parents).  She has written chapters in numerous other books.  She has demonstrated the scientific principles behind the Voice-Ear-Brain Connection℠ in The Davis Addendum to The Tomatis Effect, and established The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy® from which her Diagnostic Evaluation for Therapy Protocol (DETP®) provides the correct administration of any sound-based therapy.  Ms. Davis is credentialed in 21 different sound-based therapies and her background as an audiologist, educator and sound therapist provides the foundation to The Davis Center’s unique Total Person approach, called The Davis Model of Sound Intervention.  The Davis Center is considered the world’s premier sound therapy center and Ms. Davis is recognized as the world’s leading sound-based therapist.  She has worked with thousands of people, young and old, learning challenged and normal, making change with their response to sound using sound-based therapies. Her work going forward bridges the gap between sound healing and sound-based therapy with the introduction of a new concept called ‘Ototoning’ and her patented device called the “Ototoner”.

Ms. Davis is an international speaker in the field of sound therapy. She was the Key Note speaker at the International Sound Therapy Association November 2011 and has presented at many sound healing conferences such as the International Sound Healing Conference in 2008 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the World Sound Healing Conference in 2007 San Francisco, California, and the Global Sound Conference 2008 in Marina Del Rey, California and many conferences related to learning and medical challenges including issues of autism, AD/HD, Williams syndrome, learning disabilities, dyslexia, chromosome imbalances, adoption, and more.  She has presented in England, Australia, Korea, Spain, Austria, China, and Russia.  The Davis Addendum to the Tomatis Effect was introduced to the United States in 2004 at the Acoustical Society of America and to Europe at the PAN European Voice Conference in the Netherlands in August 2007. At the ISSSEEM conference in 2011 she introduced the concept of an energy system between the voice, ear and brain. In 2012, she introduced her new concepts at the Making Sense of Sounds conference in Plymouth, England.

She was asked to establish a radio show for AutismOne.org.  Her program entitled, “Sound Effects with Dorinne Davis, discussing how Sound Affects the Person with Autism” is played on www.autismone.org the second Thursday of every month at 12:30 PM.  She expanded her program on cbs radio and is heard every Tuesday 12 PM EST on www.newskyradio.com. Websites discussing her work are www.DorinneDavis.com, www.thedaviscenter.com, www.cycleofsound.com and www.ototoning.com. She writes Sound Sense the Wellness Blog at www.dorinnedavis.wordpress.com.

Books available on Amazon

Dorinne S. Davis. Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy. Kalco Publishing, LLC, Landing NJ, 2004.

Dorinne S. Davis. The Cycle of Sound: A Missing Energetic Link. New Pathways Press, Newton, NJ 2012.

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