Understanding the Rise of the Light: The Unfolding Planetary Shift into Higher Consciousness

HJ:  We are in the midst of a massive shift in consciousness that is unfolding with great speed.  It may seem to be moving quite slowly to some, but one must always remember the time-scales we are operating on.  If what may have taken 1000’s of years in the past now only takes 1 year, I would call that rapid.  However, to someone living through it, that 1 year would still seem to be unfolding at a relatively slow pace.  If one were able to step back and view it in context, as I am suggesting here, one would be able to indeed recognize the incredible speed with which consciousness is evolving and rising at this time.  We expect everything to happen rapidly — in weeks or days, and while this does sometimes happen, the types of changes that the new age is heralding would be quite uncomfortable for most to experience on such short time-scales.

To simplify, the way things are unfolding at this present moment are as follows:  everyone has their own personal energetic signature/vibration which is a reflection of where they are at in their spiritual awareness and understanding.  This, in large part, determines the reality, or rather, timeline in which they are on.  In the past, a wide range of timelines encompassing the spectrum of intense darkness to intense light, existed simultaneously in the same energetic space — the height of dualism.  Now, post-Ascension, there is an energetic divide forming between low vibration/dark timelines and high vibration/light timelines.  As the Ascension process moves forwards, this divide will grow, hence the split into various scenarios such as Planet B, Planet A/B and Planet A, discussed in detail by Cosmic Awareness below.  Awareness uses these groupings (B, A/B, A) to very generally denote divisions between souls having a collective energetic experience.  This is a way of simplifying the infinite variation of timelines that exist, which can be confusing if not properly understood.

Spend some time with these concepts — let them marinate and digest, as they will become clearer in time.  I know it is not always easy to follow and it has taken me years to make sense of it all.  However, it is relatively straightforward once you can wrap your head around the concept and terminology.

– Truth

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness

This is the 7th of April, 2013, and this is a question that has been sent in by ES. It’s rather a long question so the question will be broken up into different sections to be answered by Awareness.

Dear Cosmic Awareness, 

“Could you please address the deep sense which is availing itself at this time that the planet B scenario is integrating into a wholeness which is A/B.”

That this Awareness will respond first to this first part of this question and this commentary.

That this Awareness does not say or indicate that planet B is integrating itself into the A/B scenario. This would be a misunderstanding of that which is occurring. That this Awareness has always maintained that the new planet A/B that is emerging will still be dualistic in nature. That this means that there will be the positive as well as the negative side of all things, and that what will occur in the planet A/B unfolding is that individuals will no longer be controlled by those who have had power over them for centuries and millennia.

That these ones who have had such control have been agents and forces of the negative of that which is the dark side in the sense of a controlling factor that does not allow the Light to come through, that has sought to control and manipulate mankind so that in the end the dark or negative forces are served. And that in this dualistic reality that was the old planet A/B scenario, that they who are in charge, they who operate from the negative, would not allow the advancement or development of the Light whether in society or in the individuals.

That the new planet A/B scenario will remove this dominance that was allowed, as it was part of an exercise in consciousness to see how this would affect the soul as the soul chose to have physical experience in a dualistic reality. This experiment is complete and those who would still serve the darkness or the negative energies are now beginning to disintegrate away from the new A/B scenario that is developing. They who maintain a negative perspective or wish to still engage in a reality that is still dominated by the negative energies will proceed into the various timelines that will form in the planet B scenarios. Those who choose now to supersede the level of control that once was will proceed into the A/B scenario.

This Awareness is not talking here of those who have reached high levels of consciousness awareness, who have ascended, who are returning back with fifth dimensional consciousness that is starting to open up and be more realized as the true situation of one’s conscious state. It is simply talking of those who still wish to have a physical experience in third dimensional dualistic reality.

But instead of the negative being favoured, there will be more energy available to those who wish to move towards a balance and a harmony. There will still be the need to look at one’s negativity, there will still be those who attempt to control others by the force of their power and their devotion to their negativity, but these ones will be removed from power and from control.

It will become rather an individual journey, where each and every individual, each and every focus personality that is having a third dimensional experience will be required to find balance and integration where simply acting from the negative, assuming the dark attitudes and energies, will no longer work for the individuals who practice this. They may indeed if they are still so inclined find themselves moving into the planet B timelines rather than that which is the balanced and harmonized energies of planet A/B.

Therefore it is not at all a question of the planet B energies subduing the planet A/B scenario that is unfolding, but rather the natural evolutionary process of the soul that will now have the right to choose the dark or the Light.  And that as the emphasis that once was there on the dark ones being in charge and the experiment being one of existing in such an atmosphere, that because it is removed, it will create a new reality where beings in Light will understand the power and the purpose of staying positive, of exceeding themselves reaching to higher more enlightened states of awareness.

Those who do continue to play in negativity, who refuse to understand the true purpose of this new reality will simply find themselves entering into another state of consciousness that is exhibited in the planet B scenarios, the planet B timelines, where they can play in the darkness and suffer the consequences of that reality perspective.

Those on planet A/B may still do “bad” things, act from a negative place, but they will not be allowed to get away with it. Society will progress to a place of non-tolerance of such deviation from the true will of the Divine, of God. That they will choose to experience the higher state of reality as the years, decades, centuries unfold.

It must be understood that this is still a time of divergence. That at this time in this nine-month unfolding, the emphasis is on the individual to start to develop their inner capacity, to review themselves, to make new choices, but that when this is complete, that being on September 21st, it does not mean that everything will immediately click into that which is a higher expression, it is an evolutionary process. It is one that will take many years, decades, hundreds of years indeed to complete itself. That those who are willing, and are indeed here to have this experience will no longer be subjugated to complete control and dominance by the dark ones, but will be asked to be responsible for their own actions. When and if they choose to play in darkness, there will be consequences as humanity moves to a greater comprehension and awareness of the dualistic nature of reality. This completes the first question. This Awareness would ask the Energizer to move on to the next question.

The question continues:

“I personally, every day feel the total negative and the progressing positive and many times this positive morphs into a wellspring of thankfulness, into bliss and deep appreciation. Appreciation for the opportunity to be a ‘Now Being’, here at this time with total negativity breached up against complete positivity in one physical body for processing.”

That this Awareness would step in at this time. That what the individual is experiencing is exactly that which this Awareness has spoken of a moment ago.

That the new energies and the new dualistic reality will still present the individual with choices, choices to act in the Light with positivity or in the darkness from negativity.  That it is indeed a personal choice.

That what the individual is experiencing is that when he leans towards the positive, towards the Light, there will be an uplifting in his spirit, and in his feelings, his experiencing of reality. This will be that which indeed reinforces the desire to always work towards the Light, towards cooperative actions, towards higher evolved understanding, and again actions.

That when one chooses the darkness it will be accompanied with that which is the opposite: a feeling of discord and disconnection, a sense that this is not totally supported. Those who would insist despite these more negative reactions to play in negativity will, as this Awareness said, begin the process disentanglement from that which is the future A/B scenario that is beginning to unfold to timelines that are of the nature of the planet B energies.

That as one becomes more familiar with the higher energies of positivity, of Divine Consciousness, there will become a situation, a situation will unfold where such actions towards the Light, toward positivity, towards cooperation are favoured and indeed rewarded through one’s own feeling state. Not simply because society punishes those who are in the dark and rewards those in the Light.  But because truly at the individual level, one will be receiving within oneself the reward of their actions that move them into balance and harmony. This complete this portion of the question for this Awareness. Please proceed.

The question says:

“This doesn’t sound right because usually to speak of negativity in a positive light is not the normal. At this time I am not sensing and/or feeling the status/quo normalcy. Everything is completely Not the normal. Yet I am so thankful that it is not. When I am integrating the negativity and positivity there are times when I don’t want to do the work and wish I could just be like everyone else who are oblivious to the goings on. When I say everyone I mean all those not doing the work and even those who are doing work at light levels and those of negative natures who are processing the negative into a more positive (those consciously doing the work).

That this Awareness would say to this again, that the individual is experiencing the new energies of balance and harmony that will be keynote to that which is the new planet A/B that is only just starting to emerge. Indeed it will not truly be born until after the completion of that which is the nine-month period of personal self-development and growth. At that time those who still are dedicated to the old energies of control and manipulation, will indeed be less a factor in the evolutionary process of planet A/B for they will not mainly have started their own journey in the energies of the planet B scenarios. What the individual is experiencing in a very real sense is choice in the matter.


When he works in the energies of the higher conscious forces, the higher understanding of reality, the energies of the Light or of that which is Divine Spirit, he finds that he is in complete alignment and things go well. He feels well. That his understanding of individuals having to deal with their negativity is an enlightened understanding, for this is the case, each and every individual will have to see how the old energies that once played out no longer suffice, no longer bring the reward and that they see this from a place where they understand that these energies are not correct or in harmony with the world as it is becoming.

That it is absolutely the case that many may think it would be better to live in in ignorance, ignorance being equated with bliss and that if one is ignorant one is not upset with the inequalities one experiences. But bliss is not truly derived from ignorance, bliss is received and experienced when one is in alignment with the Higher Conscious Mind, with the Divine Mind or God Consciousness. That this is a force of consciousness that will be more available on the planet A/B scenario than has been for so long as it has been suppressed by those whose purpose was to create such a degree of separation of soul  and being.

That in the old experiment, it was indeed the Divine Plan to understand what would occur when ones who had such power but were so separated from Spirit were fully in charge and when ones who were ignorant would acquiesce to this and allow this to happen.

That the experience was one where the dark ones did control and were largely unopposed, using the energies of darkness to suppress, control and enslave. But these forces have been disconnected, they are not to be the ones in power in the new planet A/B scenario. Still this does not mean that there will not be individuals who think that coming from the negative power side will be an advantage that they will pursue  in A/B.  It is simply That these ones will quickly be ferreted out and will not be allowed to have the power and control, thus allowing the normal unfolding and evolution of the soul seeking its higher state of consciousness in a third dimensional dualistic reality.

That one always has choices, but as the old energies seem to favour those who played in the dark, who were hidden, who were dominant from behind the scenes, this façade will be exposed, this veil removed and those who would seek to play in those energies also removed from positions of power and control, they will move into the planet B energies, timelines that diverge from the A/B energies and timelines.

That is why it is now of great importance to look at one’s dark side, to realize that this is not the way for them, to do the inner work, even though it may mean confronting the dark, of bringing it to normality, this the enlightened perspective one does need in their personal work and strivings.

Therefore, this individual in embracing this is indeed reflecting that which this Awareness is stating. It is a necessary part of one’s evolutionary process, to even look at their darkness, at their negativity, at their desire to have power and control over others, even over the planet itself. It is only through the facing of the negative energies that one will eventually reach understanding and comprehension and then be able to make the choices, not to be of service to the dark but rather of service to the Light, to Divine Consciousness. This completes this portion of the question. This Awareness asks the Energizer to proceed.

The question continues:

“I am speaking of processing (in my body) of the whole of the alien agenda on both sides. This includes the whole of the Galactic Federation and any foes of Orion forces or natures.  Through this processing of the whole of the alien natures, does this not then obsolesce the planet A and planet B scenarios which brings us to here and now as a complete One A/B potential. Thank-you for considering this question.” 

That this is indeed also part of the process, as this Awareness has so often … that this Awareness often states that one must always question all. This would include both sides of the coin of the extraterrestrial alien card. That indeed, even though the Galactic Federation ones  are here to support the positive development of higher consciousness on the planet, still one must question their motives, one must question their actions, one must question that which is the inner feeling received when one considers the Galactic Federation forces.

One must equally question the Orion/Reptilian forces that have so long been in charge and in control.

That this Awareness has often stated that the Galactic Federation beings are here to help the evolutionary process and to help spiritual development reach higher levels of comprehension and enlightenment. That they have gone through this process themselves, and that they are ascended beings with a much greater comprehension and awareness of the need to go through this questioning process,  this process of reviewing the dark and the Light, the negative and the positive attuning oneself to the higher energies, for it is the natural inclination of the soul to always seek its highest expression.

It must be remembered those of the Orion/Reptilian/Grey faction have made different choices. They seek to bypass  Divine Spiritual Evolution. They hide out in that which is fourth dimensional reality, bypassing the evolutionary soul development process. In this way they are not held accountable, so they think, to High Providence and High Judgment. They think erroneously that they will be able to do this forever, but it is not so.  Eventually even those who have played in the in the darkness so, so long, will see a Light in the horizon ahead of them and will begin to move towards that Light. Whether this takes one or two lifetimes or thousands of lifetimes, and hundreds of thousands of years as recorded in a temporal manner is meaningless. For all will return back to the Light of the Divine, the Divine Consciousness.

And at this time, the Divine Forces have elected to change up the experience of dualism. Those who have had control so long and have stayed hidden in the shadow, controlling and manipulating from the shadow, will be exposed and will be answerable; those who do not wish return back into the Light of their spiritual evolutionary process will elect to play longer in the darkness. They are free to do so, they will go into those planet B scenarios that this Awareness has been talking about.

But those who do not wish to go into the darkness, or continue on such a dark path, will return back into the spiritual evolutionary tract of soul development and will be answerable, for they understand that the rules of karma dictate they must experience that which they themselves have previously created.

That in this way, the extraterrestrial beings known as the Orion Reptilians and the Greys as well, refuse to go back into the spiritual evolutionary tract of soul development, they seek to bypass it but it will no longer be theirs to bypass in the planet A/B scenario which will now give the option of moving actively  towards the light of understanding and awareness, towards higher spiritual understanding and evolution.

That they will move into the planet B scenarios that are numerous for them to play in if it is their desire. However those who wish to move towards a more enlightened and aware state of consciousness even in the dualistic reality of third dimensionality will also be faced with these questions, and part of the questioning process is to question even the Galactic forces of ascended beings, enlightened ones, who are here to be of assistance.  Only by questioning this and seeing the truth of the situation and comprehending who these ones truly are, will they be able, the individuals be able to move into acceptance of the ones who are of higher spiritual awareness who are here to be of service, to assist humanity in its evolutionary process.

It must be understood that there will also be attempts to portray the Galactic Federation beings as the evil ones, as the dark ones. This of course coming from those dark ones themselves who are seeking still to manipulate and control humanity. This is also why it is so important to question even the Galactic Federation ones so that one can ascertain who was authentic and who is not. Ultimately the answering of these questions is that which comes from within when one is in resonance with the higher spiritual powers, the God Divine Consciousness, and they will indeed be assisted, those who ask these questions to see the truth for what it is and not to be deceived by pretenders who claim to be the Galactic Federation.

That ultimately what must also be understood here is this is not simply a matter of the extraterrestrials beings opposing one another and that this is that which is at the play on the planet; but rather that this is all about one’s spiritual journey, one’s individual understanding of who and what they truly are. That even the extraterrestrial card is only a level of the journey towards self-awareness and understanding.

That one must always perceive that one is a spiritual being having a physical journey with the purpose of awakening to one’s own spiritual nature, one’s multi-dimensional consciousness.  And that when one strives to attain spiritual awareness and understanding, other factors will be exposed and shown to be what they are. This would include the extraterrestrial card. It would completely diffuse it and expose it for what it is.

This also would apply to those who have held power so long, who have played in shadow and manipulated and controlled. They will not only be exposed by their actions but by those who have sought spiritual alignment and awareness, who see through the con, who see past the façade that these ones have in front of them and that there will be many who begin to truly see the truth, see those who are the deceivers and will stand up and oppose them and they will be successful in this opposition.

Therefore, in conclusion this Awareness does state again: remember that you are spiritual beings, that the task is for one to attain spiritual awareness and that questioning all is part of this journey, part of this process.

Thank you Awareness.  Thank you for answering that question, and we also thank the questioner for offering this question to be posted on the website so that others can share this information. Thank you very much.

That this Awareness has one additional point to make about the questioner.  That he is courageously showing himself to be one who is going through a process of looking at his darkness, his negativity, of trying to comprehend this, trying to understand it.

This is indeed the example of one who is in alignment with the spiritual energies that are unfolding, that his questioning of himself, his negativity, is essential to his soul growth and development and that in his example, and in his courage to present himself in this way, that this Awareness honours this individual and does say he is well underway in his Ascension process.

It asks others to remember his example as they, themselves, face their own questions, as they face their own darkness and negativity and to understand that in facing one’s darkness, one’s negativity, in being willing to look deeply at that which is their negative nature, they will find the Light within and they will begin to comprehend and understand why they had to look so deep and in their own darkness. It is the way forward, it is part of the spiritual evolutionary process that is relevant to many at this time.

This Awareness does thank the questioner for presenting himself as an example of this process.

This Awareness is complete, that this question is done, that it is done in beauty and that in beauty it is done.

Thank you.

2 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Greetings. I have been awake to this info since October. I have also found my twin flame. All this is happining so fast. It seems like I don’t have enough time left to develope. Can someone email m
    e to answer my questions please?

  2. My email address is qemamu_9@yahoo.com

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