March 2013

Whole Life Nutrition: Are You Being Fed at Every Level of Your Being?

HJ: When we think of being nourished, we typically relate it to diet and nutrition   However, anyone familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs knows that true nourishment encompasses much more than just food and health…


3 Simple Breathing Techniques For Deep Relaxation

HJ: Of the many tools available to us to relax and stay centered, learning to control our mental, emotional and physical states through our breath is perhaps the most powerful and profound of…


How to Use Shamanic Techniques to Connect To Your Intuition and Make Wiser Decisions

HJ: Shamanism in the West is typically thought of as a system of using sacred plants (read: psychedelics) as a way to gain spiritual wisdom, understanding and facilitate healing.  While there certainly is an…


Herbs and Foods to Prepare the Body For Spring and Remove the Heaviness of Winter

HJ: As the seasons change, it is wise to change our diets as well.  In winter, we are attracted to heavier, cooked, fatty foods in order to keep us warm and fulfilled during…


Understanding The Origins of the Universe: Carl Sagan Explains the Ancient Science of Hindu Cosmology (Video)

Hindu Cosmology upholds the idea that creation is timeless, having no beginning in time. Each creation is preceded by dissolution and each dissolution is followed by creation. The whole cosmos exists in two…

How to Rearrange Your Beliefs As If They Were Furniture

HJ: Fundamental to the truth that we create our own reality is the nature of belief and how it dictates and underlies our perceptions.  Belief is one of the most crucial aspects of…


The Healing Power of Music: Why Sound is Transformational

HJ: I think it is safe to say that we have all had the experience of being profoundly moved by a piece of music.  It is truly a mystical experience in every senes…


Simple Techniques for Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming

HJ: Lucid dreaming is an incredible experience.  It does not feel like dreaming — it feels and is totally real.  Lucid dreaming is the experience of becoming aware on the Astral Plane (aka…


How Letting Your Hair Grow Long Can Stimulate Your Spirituality and Health

HJ: There are so many aspects of our existence that we take for granted that have significant effects and implications in our lives.  Most never become aware of their breath and breathing patterns…


Learning to Hear the Messages Life is Sending to You

HJ: By tuning into the everyday sounds of life, we can transport our consciousness to a transcendental state.  The opportunities to awaken to higher levels of awareness are infinite and always within reach.  Self-realization is always a…

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