HJ: Spiritual advancement develops along a continuum.  There is no definitive endpoint where you have simply ‘mastered it all’, rather, as we develop to higher levels of awareness, we tune into greater wisdom, subtlety, and awareness and hence experience reality with increasingly less distortion.  These are the planes at which the higher mind operates — in tune with the universal divine flow.  Our higher mind, which may also be called our intuition, cannot be extinguished.  It can, however, be tuned out to a significant degree making it seem as if it does not exist, but this, of course is an illusion.

To me, connecting to our higher mind, as Chris puts it, is the process of awakening and reconnecting to ourselves spiritually.  It requires us to look beyond everyday appearances and also, most importantly, to look within with brutal honesty.  We must truly ‘get real’ with ourselves and how we are living and approaching life.  In the process, we will begin to connect with our higher mind.  Having a framework for doing so as Chris offers below can help those struggling with concept to surrender a bit and simply have a direct experience of this higher aspect of ourselves, which helps teach us to identify these feelings and urges as they arise organically in our day to day lives.

– Truth

Activating the Power of Higher Mind

By Chris Bourne | Open Hand Foundation

There’s much talk in spiritual circles about ‘setting our intention’; ‘envisioning the things we want’ or ‘manifesting our reality’. How easily such things slip into the psyche and collective vocabulary. What if though, we’re still being led astray by the ego, albeit a more subtle form of ego? What if instead, there is a reality that is shaping according to the natural flow of the universe? What if by aligning with that flow, you could amplify it and bring amazing harmony not just to your life, but the world around? I’m speaking of activating the Power of Higher Mind…

You’re already creating your reality

Here’s the key point:

When we speak of intentioning or envisioning what we want, we’re actually cutting across the natural flow of what is already unfolding and happening. We’re creating an illusionary bubble, which is bound to burst at some point. The fact is, you’re already creating your reality, just as it is. The real key therefore, is to figure out why you created it in the first place?We’re living in a reality where we’ve been separated from the higher self. This has happened for a variety of reasons but for the now, we can simply attribute it to humanity’s karma. As a result, we’ve been living in a bubble, disconnected from the higher flow of life. It is of course what some people aptly refer to as ‘the matrix’.

But when the reconnection with higher self happens, and the magic begins to kick in, the mind still tries to own the show for a while…”how can we use this new found ‘secret’ to shape the world how we want it?” And here’s the point: ‘want’ is always ego based, and founded on a sense of lack. Even if you feel good about what you’re manifesting, you’re still identifying your sense of completeness with something in the mirror – with something physical, material.

It’s all about self realisation

When I experienced a life-threatening car-crash, suddenly expanding into multiple realms, I realised one crucial truth that literally turned my life on it’s head:

“there is just one underlying purpose to each moment of life:
which is to reveal an aspect of truth about yourself, to yourself.”
It may sound simple, but then the best realisations always are. It can profoundly change the way you look at life and what you get from it. In realising every moment is designed purely to realise an aspect of being, then situations cease to be about trying to get something – to gain a physical outcome. When you switch to figuring out what the moment is telling you about you, then you’ll always find something and therefore always be a winner. Even if you are ‘losing’!

What’s more, in aligning with this underlying purpose, the universe will always provide a vehicle through which to express. And I mean ‘vehicle’ in the widest sense: it will always provide some form of exchange, circumstance or situation. And miraculously, always the energy and resource to follow this calling. You will never be left ‘wanting’.

Always ‘winning’

There’s a vital reason for this which would greatly benefit one to grasp. All authentic creative action, which is aligned with the universal flow, comes first through higher mind. Higher mind is vastly different to lower, rationalising mind. It’s much more ‘artistic’. It doesn’t function according to logic and it doesn’t tighten around the need for an answer, rather it is happily contemplating abstract phenomenon. Like for example: “what is the true nature of abundance?”

With such a contemplation, it will draw to us other sentient beings who also have something to reveal, realise and reflect. Each soul will be realising a different aspect of the same issue. If I can spot the patterning that is concealed and yet yearning to reveal itself within these interactions, then I’m onto a real ‘winner’. Just by bringing the pattern into awareness and holding the open space, ultimately the answer will drop.

The answer is always an aspect of being. For example, it might be ‘losing’ out on some material gain and yet realising the abundant nature of divine connection in the process. I recall being in a tight spot with a previous web development company I’d established…

On the highest level it didn’t serve me to continue to be in the company anymore. Despite the fact that it paid my wages, mortgage and bills, my soul yearned to be ’employed’ within the field of spiritual evolution. Every time I met a client to supposedly help them with a website, we’d end up discussing the latest self realisation they’d made or a challenging personal situation they were in. Somehow, synchronistically, there’d always be a key I could provide.I was wondering how I might progress from one life to the other? On this particular day I was headed down to London for an important meeting with a client – a contract that would secure all the company’s costs for several months to come. I was late and so asked the universe ‘which road to take’. I was led straight into a traffic jam. Moments later, struggling to resist shaking my fists heavenward, a song came on the radio by Alanis Morissette…”a traffic jam when you’re already late, isn’t it ironic? A little too ironic”. Well exactly!

I missed the appointment and later back at the office, the other infuriated directors, who’d already been concerned by my curious spiritual distractions, offered to buy me out of the business. Despite having no clear view of what was to come or how to survive, I immediately felt to accept. I’ve never looked back since!”

Higher Mind simply creates situations like these to test various aspects of being: resolve maybe, trust, acceptance or awareness of the flow. The point is, we’re already creating these movements through higher mind. If we could accept what’s presenting and instead of trying to immediately change and get rid of it, then go deeply into the situation and ask “what’s it revealing about me?” Then if I express that revelation through my being and actions, then I’ll unleash an unstoppable flow through my life. This is the Power of Higher Mind.

Activating Higher Mind


So what can we do to activate higher Mind more strongly? here are some suggestions:

  1. Inner Purification: In order to access Higher Mind in the first place, we must purify our lower bodily vehicles so that Soul Consciousness is liberated from the lower realms and can flow upwards. This involves purifying our diet from the denser vibrations such as meat to the lighter ones of grain, vegetables and fruit. It also involves meditation type practices to cleanse and purify our Emotional Body and Lower Mind. For more advice on raising our energetic vibration, click on this link…Tips on raising my vibration.
  2. Dissolving Distortions: We must begin to cleanse the brain and Lower Mind of conditioned behaviour patterns. We must erase the programs in our lives by confronting those moments where we would succumb to them and instead follow our higher truth. This is achieved by becoming the Observer of ourselves in all circumstances, watching our tightness arising as a result of the choices we continually make and instead choosing that which is in our highest interests and that of all life – that which ultimately leaves us more expanded and open. “Openhand Approach” is a powerful method of helping achieve this. Find out more…Openhand Approach.
  3. Opening the Heart: We must open the Heart as fully as possible. In other words we must begin to feel more of the natural joy and beauty of life all around us. This involves giving more time each day to those things that bring us joy, openness and expansion. Be careful here though – it’s not a case of “anything goes”. It’s all about what makes us feel truly expanded and liberated inside (without unnatural side effects!). It’s when we feel “in the groove” so to speak. You could also try our moving meditation “The Six Senses Walk…Six Senses Walk
  4. Attuning to the flow: Higher Mind can be likened to a muscle; if we don’t use it, it will wither away. To exercise it, we have to give room for spontaneous acts of higher knowing within our lives. Here at Openhand we play a game called “free wheeling”, being open, asking “what would you have me do now?”, following the pull and witnessing what signs and synchronicities we then observe. It’s a powerful exercise to activate Higher Mind and attune to the natural flow. Quite apart from that, it can be great fun!
  5. Contemplating Abstractions: Higher Mind can also be opened by contemplating abstract issues such as the meaning of life. The key is that there be no need of an outcome or solution. Simple enjoyment in the contemplation is the key. That’s why reading about spiritual matters can be so valuable. That’s one of the purposes of our book “Five Gateways”…find out more.
  6. Cultivating humour and optimism: If we expect our lives to falter and for negativity to happen to us, then surely enough we’ll create that in our lives. Here at Openhand we believe success is measured by the degree of internal harmony, contentment and satisfaction we experience. If we’re open to a more optimistic way of looking at things, then surely enough, Higher Mind will help us realise the solution to the supposed ‘problem’ thereby yielding greater harmony. Cultivating a greater sense of humour is also paramount to Higher Mind creation – laughing in the face of life’s difficulties, always looking for the lighter side. Speaking of which, have you read our humour thread?…click here.
  7. Creating for the fun of it: We can begin to ‘flex’ Higher Mind by creating just for the fun of it. So for example taking up the arts, playing a musical instrument, singing, dancing, painting, writing, building or modeling. The key is that there be no effort for an outcome. So for example, if we’re learning to play the guitar, it’s not about the tune we play, it’s just about playing with sound and seeing what comes from it. If we’re efforting to learn chords, it’s likely this will constrict Higher Mind, not unleash it. It’s the same reason that so many people like to write. Have you thought about contributing your creative thoughts to our forum for example? It can help amazingly…Openhand Forum.

The Power of Being

So the real key is realising that we’re already creating our reality. The outer circumstances of our lives present a continually updating mirror saying: “This is what you are being now, where’s the distortion and where’s your highest truth?” Trying to intention or envision the moment is like removing the evidence at the ‘scene of a crime’ before you’re figured out what happened and why?

Conversely, if we accept and embrace our reality just as it is, then the magical paradox is that we can open into the soft embrace of higher mind, figure out what we’re being shown and unleash powerful creative flows of being through our lives. Whatever happens, we’re always a ‘winner’ – in the widest possible sense.

It is these thoughts that inspired us to make this video to share…The Power of Being

2 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. What can I say?
    This is just superb!
    Thank you Truth!

  2. Always winning.. An concept that’s been taught through the ages. Yet in today’s time and culture we view this as “getting and obtaining.”

    The fundamental process of growth and advancement surrounds us all. When we tap into that our entire lives are directional towards higher states of profitability and advancement… and we bring others along with us. We walk together and we grow together.

    Winning means that we grow and mature our spiritual being:

    “All things work together for our good.”

    “Being surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders.”

    “The work that was started in you will be completed…”

    “I can do all things through the power of the Spirit who strengthens us…”

    We are most fortunate to be aware of the depth of who we are, that we are eternal spirit beings… so many are detached from this reality, seeing only the physical and an end point when our biology fails us.

    The world needs an empowering message of love, tolerance, peace and growth. Not a religious message of separation and damnation.

    The greats who’ve walked among us have always taught this… continue their good work, feed the better part of your being and become Love, it is our great high calling.

    Peace and Strength to all…

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