A Simple Exercise For Discovering Your Purpose in Life

HJ: Knowing your purpose in life is like finding a compass after being lost wandering through a dense forest for countless years.  This knowledge does not solve all our problems, but rather gives us a roadmap towards the fulfillment of our destiny.  It is, in many ways, the first step on the path to finding ones self and gives life a deeper, spiritual meaning.  Seemingly random events, experiences or meetings suddenly take on increased significance in the new context one has found.

More often than not, when we do not known our purpose or at least have a general idea of what it may be, we find ourselves wandering through life without any real direction, seeking security in high-paying jobs or other places outside of ourselves.  Realizing our calling forces us to begin to look within for the answers we need.  I have found that our intuition speaks loudest when we are on our path and as we progress down it, it plays an increasingly important role.  The clarity we then begin to develop is incredible.  We are no longer left wondering which decisions to make in any given situation.  Each one either moves us toward or away (or keeps us stagnant) from our destiny.  In this way the choices we must make become crystal clear, and that is priceless indeed.

– Truth

Life Path Choices   

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff | Stewart Bitkoff

Now that I am older and had opportunity to drink from the fountain of life; I offer the young person starting out and trying to make their way into this world, the following advice and simple exercise to help develop your own individual potential and goals.


Be who you are;

Seek to express yourself in this world

And don’t let others hold you back

From being who you are, and your individual expression.

Often we are jailed by what society, friends, religion and family want for us. Sometimes this pressure to do something or make a specific life choice is with good intention; other times, it is simply a manipulation intended to hold us back or illicit a specific behavior.


Throughout your life, always, the prime directive: is to be yourself and if you have not spent enough time trying to figure this out- then today- that is what you are supposed to begin to do.

Find your own individual path, and search your own inner knowing which allows you to do this. Because once you have figured out whom you are and what you would like to do or be- the entire world, including your self, shall benefit.

Often young people have trouble trying to figure out what they are to do with their life. For many, this is a very natural occurrence. In reality, there are many choices and sometimes it is difficult to go inside and uncover your own inner wisdom and individual path. And after you have struggled with this seeking for awhile, I offer you the following exercise, to help free your thought process.


All the Money Exercise

Imagine- you had all the money in the world; imagine money was absolutely not a consideration- you have an endless supply. What would you do with this money and its potential access? How would you spend your days? And after you had indulged your every whim, what work would you do? Who would you help and what vocation or personal pursuits would fill your hours.

And when you have an answer to this question; this answer will begin to give you a personal direction concerning who you really are. Begin to follow this path to your self- even for 10 minutes a day. Begin to work toward this goal, even in small amounts; this activity will fill you with bliss and help set you free.

And should you not like the answer you uncover about your self and how you would spend your days; seek to change this about your self. Even in small amounts; take 10 minute intervals, eventually this effort to change will free you, from your self made chains.

Remember you are responsible for yourself and there are many people who can help you with this effort. Also there are many who would stand in your way. Your task is to recognize these differences in people and move beyond them; making your own way into the world.


An Example

I remember being at a holiday party and speaking with a young, thirty something neighbor; he knew of my interest in personal development and spiritual studies, and after a few drinks he admitted that he was having a difficult time figuring out what direction his life should take. He had worked construction, was currently a bar tender, and lived in his house rent free, which was left to him by family. Yet something was missing and he couldn’t find a vocation that he could connect with. At the time, he believed in a spiritual reality but wanted something more.

After a time, I suggested this exercise and as he began thinking about all the options that having money would open to him; slowly he came to a realization, he would like to be a nurse; he had started along this path, 10 years ago, but some how got side tracked; he had even taken some college courses.. So we discussed, given his present circumstance, how he could renew this career path. He had to work, as a bar tender, to pay his bills, but could go part-time to the local college. This was all possible and, slowly taking 1 or 2 classes, he could work toward this goal.

Now some 5 years later, I see his car coming and going at all hours, working the various shifts required of being a nurse.

You see, we all have been given a magic wand and must be shown how to use it.

Check-out my two latest books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream.  Both books are available through Amazon.com or local bookstore.  Press inquiries or to contact the author visit: www.stewartbitkoff.com.

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