10 Tools to Help You Identify and Express Who You Really Are

HJ: We think that we know who we really are and indeed we do on certain levels, but we also typically let the ego distort this ‘knowing’ to varying degrees, which clouds our perception and ability to access this deep sense of self.  Furthermore, this is reinforced and encouraged by a largely unconscious society that is collectively suffering from a crisis of self, where most only remember vaguely who they are and why they are here.  However, that being said, there are many who are actively in the process of remembering and connecting with who they truly are, in fact, more so than at any other time in recent history.  We are very much in the midst of a spiritual renaissance at the moment.  There are many wise spiritual teachers offering guidance and knowledge to seekers at this time, one of them being Neale Donald Walsh.

In this article, Neale offers us 10 profound tools with which we can begin to identify our true selves, or as he calls it, the Holy experience.  These tools, or ‘qualities’, if you will, are physical and spiritual states of being that are typically embodied by those on the spiritual path.  To me they reflect the essence of what drives and guides spiritual seekers to better understand and ultimately rediscover who they truly are.  Whether you call it the Holy experience, self-realization, or enlightenment matters little as these are just terms to describe a transcendental state.  By cultivating these qualities within oneself, we can greatly accelerate our progress on the path and engage the law of attraction in helping to bring those people, experiences and objects to us which can further our spiritual journey.

– Truth

By Neale Donald Walsch | Conversations With God

All of the Ten Instruments of the Holy Experience build a path to this destination: the Ultimate Expression of Who You Really Are, demonstrated through the individualized identity you are living right now. This is the moving through you of you as you.
My dear friends…

As you know if you are a regular reader of The Weekly Bulletin, we have been exploring now for many months an encounter with Life that I have called The Holy Experience. Through the years many people have written to me asking about how they might have such an experience.

This week I want to share with you that I seem to have stumbled upon Ten Instruments or tools with which one might build a platform, or an environment, for the Holy Experience. That’s the best way I can answer the question, “How can I have the Holy Experience?” I’ve thought about this a lot, looking at my own journey and the journey of others with whom I am acquainted, and here is what I have come up with:

The Ten Instruments Of The Holy Experience

1. Yearning

2. Willing

3. Exploring

4. Embracing

5. Explaining

6. Resonance

7. Visualization

8. Movement

9. Ritual

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These instruments seem to me to be divided into two types: Physical Tools (1-5 above) and Spiritual Tools (6-10 above). I have called these The Five Tools of Awareness and The Five Tools of Non-Awareness of the world.

I believe that the combination of Complete Awareness-plus-Complete Non-Awareness equals Realization.

It seems to me that when one is Aware and Non-Aware at the same time (that is, when one is Physical and Spiritual simultaneously), one is Fully Realized. This is what I would call the Holy Experience.

Do not worry if you do not understand this. All of this will be explained here. For now, be willing to notice that you are “aware” that you are “not aware” of exactly what this means.

I have discovered that the Ten Instruments above may be taken sequentially or in any order that one chooses. And…the use of these Instruments may also be skipped altogether. The Holy Experience may be had without any of the tools being utilized.

The Instruments are just that. Merely tools. One can travel the terrain of enlightenment without using them, and many people have.

On the other hand, using the tools should in no way indicate a lack of spiritual clarity or power. There are many paths to awakening, and using the Ten Instruments is simply one that I have discovered through my lifelong search for a Way to Higher Consciousness, or Self-Realization. It is neither a superior path, nor an inferior one.

On the path described here, the Physical Tools (steps 1-5) can be used to build an experience or an Awareness of your individual life and all that is around you in the exterior world, while the Spiritual Tools produce the knowing of larger realities, resulting in Non-Awareness of—or detachment from—what is around you in the world. It’s almost as if, for you, the world around you is in many ways simply “not there.”

Used together, these Ten Instruments can produce a combined state that I would call Awareness/Non-Awareness. This is sometimes termed “higher consciousness” or “full self-realization.” You will remember that there is a statement in the Bible about being “in the world, but not of it.” This is what the statement means. It is when you realize Who You Really Are, and who you are choosing to experience your Self as during this particular incarnation.

All of the Ten Instruments of the Holy Experience build a path to this destination: the Ultimate Expression of Who You Really Are, demonstrated through the individualized identity you are living right now. This is the moving through you of you as you.

I really want to get into this deeply, and we will as we continue on our exploration of The Holy Experience in this space next week.

Hugs and love,


© 2012 ReCreation Foundation – http://www.cwg.org – Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

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