February 2013

Understanding The Root Spiritual Causes of Disease and Illness

HJ:  Disease and illness is predisposed by a susceptibility to such conditions.  One becomes susceptible when they have issues they still need to work through at the spiritual/soul level.  While it is true that diseases…


You Are Extraordinary: Understanding Your True Self

HJ: The human drama is one of remembrance and also one of unlearning.  Remembering who we truly are beyond the illusions of society and the physical form.  Unlearning, or rather, transcending all those…


Understanding How Our Thoughts Create Reality

HJ:  You may be thinking to yourself that this topic is covered quite often on the Healers Journal and you would be correct in your assessment.  This is because understanding and beginning to consciously…


5 Simple Techniques For Clearing the Third Chakra

HJ: The third Chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness as it is the final and most powerful of the lower three Chakras.  Most people incarnated at this time have many issues around…


It’s 2013… What Now?

HJ: Many can feel that something major shifted this past Decemeber and that indeed we now find ourselves in a new age.  However, many also lack clarity as to just exactly what that…


3 Little Known Superfoods That Pack A Serious Nutritional Punch

By Jay Truth | The Healers Journal — Superfoods are all the latest rage in the health and natural foods industry and with good reason — they are incredibly nutrient dense foods that…


February 2013 Powerpath Astrological Forecast: Unpredictability

HJ: While astrology can be a useful tool for working with the energies present at any moment in time, it should be used more as a guide and not as a definitive marker…


13 Spiritual Guidelines for Living an Enlightened Life

HJ:  Spiritual truths are timeless and unchanging.  They are not complicated or complex, but definitely challenge the preconceived notions and illusions of the mind from which we base our perceptions.  In that sense, they can…


Discovering Your Life Purpose

HJ: Discovering your life’s purpose, or rather, your gift to the world, requires a profound remembrance of who you truly are.  You already know your souls calling at a core level.  However, this…

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