February 2013

How to Eat for Higher Health and Consciousness

HJ: Essentially, the closer we are able to eat foods to their natural state — whole, unprocessed, fresh and natural/organic, the more life force energy we are able to derive from them.  Life…


You Are A Cell Within the Body of the Soul

HJ:  You are not insignificant.  Despite what you may have been told or despite what you believe about yourself, your life has great meaning.  You are an expression of the divine God consciousness in physical form…


Understanding Your Role in the Creation of Reality

HJ: Neale’s clarification of the commonly heard truth ‘You are the creator of your own reality’ is important because although this is a seemingly simple concept at first glance, the truth is that…


The 7 Best Totally Natural Alternatives to Commonly Prescribed Drugs

HJ: If you take care of your body and engage in a truly healthy lifestyle (preventative lifestyle medicine), there is really no reason to ever take pharmaceutical drugs.  Even if you don’t take care…


How to Develop the Ability To See and Read the Aura – Part 2

HJ: The ability to see the aura is an incredible skill that will unlock a greater understanding of the nature of reality for those who master the art.  One must be able to…


Qi Gong Master Demonstrates Unbelievable Powers: Says We All Have This Capability

Nai Gong Master John Chang reluctantly demonstrates the incredible power of focused, concentrated Chi by performing what may be termed ‘miracles’ based on current understanding of reality.  By concentrating Chi into his hands,…

How to Develop the Ability To See and Read the Aura – Part 1

HJ: The idea that only certain people born with special gifts or talents have the ability to see auras is patently false.  The truth is that everyone has this ability.  It is a…


How to Use Simple Acupressure Points to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

HJ: Fear and anxiety create energetic responses in the body that be controlled and modulated through the use of specific pressure points (otherwise known as acupressure) on the body.  While these will not…

Are You Creating Lack or Abundance in Your Life?

HJ:  The subconscious belief in lack can take many forms in our life.  Lack as we experience it is really a lack of trust in the divine nature of the universe.  The divine…


Is It Possible To Live As Though Time Does Not Exist?

HJ: In contrast to what we are taught to believe, time is completely maleable by our own conscious observation and perception of it.  We typically believe at a core level that time proceeds…

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