February 2013

The 20 Keys to Conscious Creation – Gregg Braden (Video + Text)

20 Keys of Conscious Creation by Gregg Braden Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have…


11 Biggest Food Myths of Mainstream Nutrition

HJ: When learning about diet and nutrition, it is important to remember that correlation is not causation.  This is one of the major problems of the mainstream approach to this field of research…


7 Simple, Powerful Practices For Cultivating a Greater Connection to Your Spirit

HJ: Like planting seeds in a garden, the cultivation of our spirituality will allow us to reap a rich harvest in the form of a fulfilling, meaningful life.  If you are experiencing struggle,…


The Role of Essential Oils in Higher Consciousness and Healing

HJ: Essential oils are the ‘nectar’ (if you will) of large quantities of medicinal plants distilled into extremely concentrated oils.  It can take literally pounds of plant material to make 1 ml of essential oil….


How to Liberate Your Full Potential Through Acceptance and Self-Discipline

HJ: Self discipline when combined with a state of profound acceptance is a massively powerful combination that can transform your life in ways that will liberate your true nature and ability to achieve…


How to Turn Your Dreams of a Better Life Into Reality

HJ: I know many talented, gifted individuals who have incredible gifts to offer the world — gifts that have the potential to transform lives and offer great benefit to many people.  And yet,…


10 Ghandi Quotes That Will Change Your Life

By Truth | The Healers Journal — The beauty of these profound truths lies in their innate simplicity.  They are unambiguous as to their true meaning and speak directly to the soul, piercing the veil…

The Critical Mineral for Immune and Sexual Health That Nearly Everyone is Deficient In

HJ: Most people simply assume that they get sufficient nutrition from diet alone, however, this is very rarely the case.  It has been my personal experience based on years of research and testing…


Yoga is Awesome, But Have You Tried Tai Chi?

HJ:  In the West, Yoga has largely become the dominant form of working with energy through movement and awareness.  That being said, most people have still heard of Tai Chai and Qi Gong,…


12 Timeless Pearls of Wisdom to Guide You on the Spiritual Path

HJ: The spiritual path is not a straight line.  It is filled with twists, turns, switchbacks and areas where the path becomes hazy and hard to discern.  Therefore, it is important to have…

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