January 2013

Archangel Metatron: The Integrity of Prayer Questing & The Mechanics of Sedona Star-Gates

HJ: There is nothing like an Archangel Metatron (via James Tyberonn) message to keep motivation high and help one shift to a deeper understanding of exactly what is occuring in the collective and…


The Transformative Power of the Mentor

“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” – Zen Proverb HJ: In divine time, we will all awaken. However, those whose impetus is to reach as high a level of consciousness and…


Understanding the Power of Gratitude

HJ: When I recount the most transformative experiences of my life, learning to truly practice gratitude day in and day out is consistently at the top of the list.  The fact is, this…


It’s Not a Coincidence: Synchronicities, Energy Healing, and Other Cosmic Alignments

HJ: Einstein once said “God does not play dice with the Universe.”  True wisdom from one of the greatest minds of our time.  And so it is, there are no coincidences — only…


What You Focus Your Mind On Will Only Expand

HJ: I think the title of this article is pretty straightforward, and thats part of the beauty of this concept.  It is so incredibly simple that you instantly know exactly what you need…


A Spiritual and Energetic Guide to the 13 Chakras

HJ: Understanding and working with the Chakras is a major step in ones spiritual evolution and leads to increased clarity, energetic sensitivity and what are termed ‘siddhis’.  Siddhis are essentially the development of…


Polarity and the Illusions of Life and Death

HJ: It’s 2013.  Time to stop beating around the bush and drill down into some serious esoteric material with substance.  While amateur changelings and messages certainly have their spot in the grand scheme of things…


The Power of Optimism in Self Healing

HJ: As a powerful creator being, the choice to be optimistic or pessimistic in ones approach to life holds the power to profoundly alter your reality beyond belief.  Whether you believe you have…


Ghee: Ancient Superfood For Health and Higher Consciousness

HJ: Ghee blurs the lines between medicine and food.  It is a staple of every kitchen in many parts of the world, but also a profound tool for healing and consciousness.  However, it…


Researchers Uncover Proof That Supplements Were Used Thousands Of Years Ago

HJ: This is such an incredible discovery and one that totally confirms my ongoing research into nutrition, diet, and health.  For as long as I can remember, I have been studying the nutritional…

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