HJ:  This is a powerful, direct and simultaneously abstract message outlining the role of emotion in the manifestation of our dreams and desires.  As I see it, Sanat is essentially referring to a lack of true, emotional desire as a stumbling block to full embodiment of manifestation abilities.  He makes an interesting comment — that we rely on movies to stimulate our deeper emotions.  Perhaps this is why we as a culture are so addicted to them — and TV as well.  They provide us a way to vicariously live through the characters and experience lives of adventure and growth that always accompany those who are truly living their path.  We are attracted to these stories because they reflect in us an aspect of ourselves — the potential for greatness and achievement that is accessed when we begin to truly live an inspired life.  The ability to manifest always accompanies us when we are fully embracing our spiritual path…

We all have gifts to offer the world, and when we do so in full integrity, we are supported.  It takes great courage and continual catharsis to reach this point, but we all have the ability to do so.  Greatness is our destiny — our birthright, but we must first overcome the fear in ourselves.  With that in mind, I leave you with this quote from the always brilliant Marianne Williamson, who is a true example of the concepts I have just spoken of:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

– Marianne Williamson

– Truth

Sanat Kumara via Peter Phalam | Celestial Vision

Peace and Light unto your path, I am the ancient of ancients, environmental Creator God who brought throngs of angels to build the forests and seed the flower beds, find this Earth in crisis. Such a garden once and now a playground for the human race. The elder root races from Lemuria, I call out to you. I wish you to understand the secret of manifestation so you can preserve this globe with power and influence. What I have observed within the elder souls is a certain complacency within efforts to rise above the confusion in your world. Many have developed both healing and psychic abilities to help others. For this, we are eternally grateful, but today I come to you to identify what keeps you from the ‘Law of Attraction.’ It is that most of you are using your human efforts to survive. Due to this, you are maintaining a relatively benign emotional existence. So many of the Goddesses have no mirror and few male souls are willing to enter the mirror realm. Without someone calling you on your human nature, you have no way of seeing where you exist emotionally. Loneliness is not an emotion, it is a feeling that has no resolution. Surrender to self-indulgence as a single being has no emotional reality. Self-pity has no place in spiritual awareness, so much of your time is locked into individual pleasure.

The missing element of manifestation is a degree of emotion needed to bring desire to fruition. Many of you know what you want but have no degree of emotional attitude towards it because it does not exist in your life. The emotional trigger within the Law of Attraction has to be true desire and must be matched with human desire. Without a daily inspection of attitudes and opinions, you are without emotional reaction in your life. You can spend only so much time grieving for the world of less fortunate. You can spend only so much time watching movies to trigger emotional energy. Where else are you going to derive elevated emotional responses? Only one in ten of you have adequate emotional energy to manifest and many who have brought forth the ability to obtain wealth from past lives will soon be faced with the emotional challenge of losing most of it. Only the truly spiritual place no more emotional energy in loss or gain. They know how to do this because in their spiritual evolution, they have gained insight into abundance.
Catharsis must be the mainstay of your existence, for all the human activity in this country has left you numb and indifferent. What the masters have discussed is your constant need for more rather than abundance. Abundance is multi-dimensional with wealth as a minute element. Instant gratification is the rule of your life and how you derive pleasure and comfort with a healthy ambivalence to the suffering masses. What drives you emotionally is clearly not enough to rise into the Law of Attraction. This emotional level is quiet, subconscious but sincere and uses the integrity of your spirit. You may never know when you reach that emotional point but you will experience manifestation. Having reached that blessed point, you must review what you asked for and how you asked for it. For the heavens start with the simple things first, then look at the complex desire and work with that second. Namaste Kumara

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