Yahweh: The Work of Building the New World Begins

HJ: A lot of groung is covered in this latest message from Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Yahweh mentions many world events that have been reported on the Healers Journal and even in the mainstream news recently.  The fact is, we are in the midst of great change at every level of society.  To those who are creating realities aligned with higher dimensional consciousness, the tide is indeed turning.  Perhaps it is doing so slower than some may wish, but such is the nature of manifestation in 3rd dimensional reality.  In the higher dimensions, manifestation is instant and this can be experienced on this plane  if one is fully aligned and operating from a powerful, elevated level of consciousness.  Manifestation has momentum — as you begin to live in greater and greater alignment with your higher purpose, manifestation becomes easier and faster.  And so, while some may lament the fact that it takes so long to see results, others are constantly amazed at the speed with which those things they call into their awareness appear in their day to day lives.
Perhaps the most baffling aspect of this is that these realities can exist simultaneously.  Just as all dimensions overlap, so can differing realities.  Such is the nature of multidimensionality.  It is outside the mental grasp of most and so it is often castigated as untrue.  I refer back to the analogy of Oxygen.  Although it cannot be seen or felt, it is most definitely there and is responsible for life for many organisms on this planet.  And so it is with dimensions and other advanced physics concepts.  Just because one cannot comprehend or understand them, does not mean they are not governing our reality in a very real and tangible way.
Anyways, as has been said before, much is indeed changing and obviously so for those who can read between the lines.  The cracks in the dam that was the global power structure are widening by the day.  You can count on ongoing coverage of this incredible transformation on the Healers Journal.
– Truth
by Kathryn E. May, PsyD | Who Needs Light?

“Dear Children, time is passing quickly on your Earth plane.  This is not only a personal perspective – it is a reality.  Because of the energy shifts happening over that past months, the flow of time was literally compressed, creating a sense of faster movement.  You have now passed through ‘the eye of the needle” and are being propelled in the direction of positive change.  It will be a time of excitement, exhilaration, and wondrous evolution as you are now working from a higher dimensional level than you were previously.  Although the overall consciousness of the planet did not yet rise to the 5th dimensional level, you are on your way.


“Because the original contract you all joined into with Jeshua and your guides, there was an agreement that you would move together – something that has never been done before.  Although some of you have indeed moved to the 5th level and beyond, we have asked that all remain for some time further, to help your fellows to raise their level of consciousness as well.  Your work as Lightworkers is being felt, Dear Ones, even though you may identify with Sisyphus, pushing his rock up the hill.  Your touch is felt every time you come in contact with others, and even when you meditate to raise your own consciousness you are making a contribution.  So, do not become impatient with your own progress or the progress of others.  We have designed alternatives for everyone, regardless of their level of awakening, so no one will be left without life lessons to help them elevate, as has always been the case.

“We did spur you on with our descriptions of the possible mass Ascension to the 5th dimension, because we could see how close you had come to lifting the entire population to walk through the portals together.  In terms of overall success, yours was phenomenal.  In the process of working hard to raise the vibrational level on the planet, Lightworkers everywhere raised themselves to new levels, and the people around them were greatly affected by it.  For you to have accomplished the shift out of the 3rd dimension and into the 4th was a heroic act of will, and of Love.  From the perspective of evolution, think about it!  You have evolved to more loving, more spiritually open human beings within the space of a few months.  This has given you a base from which to operate which will allow further change in a much accelerated timeframe.

“Now, we wish to encourage you to take up your banner once more, and to renew your commitment to the most remarkable social contract ever created.  We know you may have become discouraged by the traumas and bad behavior which have flooded the airwaves in recent weeks:  gun violence, seemingly pointless contention in the halls of government, and loud discussions on topics which in and of themselves sound barbaric, like whether women should be protected from rape or not, and under what circumstances.  It does reprise the Middle Ages, but there is good to come of such idiocy.  It is awakening those individuals who were so complacent they did not notice the Ascension process even when it blasted over them, because the discussions have reached such a level of ignorance and meanness that even those who had been inclined toward self-protection and isolation are becoming outraged.  This will take some time to be felt, but the effect on more and more citizens in all parts of the world is reaching a groundswell.

“As Americans, you are not used to watching other countries closely, but things are happening quickly elsewhere too.  For instance, Portugal’s President has strongly challenged the banking system which has a strangle-hold on most of Europe’s countries who have been forced to borrow from the cabal.  The systems of economics and banking have become so secretive and protected from scrutiny that it is difficult to see that there is much more to the story than the fact that deficits are created by spending too much on social programs.  This is not the problem.  Countries all over the globe have been entrapped into taking part in the usury of the IMF and the World Bank, and once seduced, the noose tightens.

“We will soon see global resistance to the “austerity measures” imposed by the bankers who know well how they will cause suffering and hardship to the people, but turn the screws to maintain their power.  This power has put them in charge of most of the wealth of the planet, except for a small portion controlled in Asia.  The tsunami in Japan was partly man-made, an attempt to bring Japan to her knees, and to cause her to be forced to borrow and thereby be enslaved.  So far, Japan and China have mostly resisted the siren song which has entrapped the rest of the world, but the money-manufacturers continue to try.  You will see continued upheaval in the markets, which will affect mostly those whose goal it is to hoard money.  Others who have deep connections with their communities, their neighbors and families will ride out the shifts together, finding creative ways to help each other as the world economies shift along with the global consciousness.

“Now, back to your personal development.  Continuing your efforts to elevate yourselves and those around you will contribute to the swift and positive resolution of the global upheavals.  The shifts are necessary and inevitable; the timing and smoothing out of the  effects will be up to you.  You have seen that prayer – especially group meditations – have a powerful effect on the planet’s vibrational levels.  In fact, this whole Ascension process began in earnest with the uplift following the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the first organized mass meditation to heal and bring peace to the planet.  So, you see, it has been a mere 25 years since we saw the real possibility that mankind might reach Ascension by the end of 2012.  And so it is.  You have lifted yourselves and your planet to a place from which much greater change is now possible.  You will now need to cultivate the ability to continue working toward it as you did when you had a deadline, without becoming discouraged or impatient.  It was a useful strategy, to have a goal of a single date, but of course the Universe does not actually work that way.  It served to spur you on, but at the cost that you might become disillusioned or upset if it didn’t work out exactly as we all had hoped.

“Now that you have settled down and begun to integrate the changes which continue to take place, we hope that you will find it in your hearts to continue the climb to higher elevations.  It is in your natures to grow and to build.  Most of you have had a short rest, and will continue onward on your spiritual path.  We congratulate you, we celebrate you, and we will be here, working behind the scenes with the ones who have pierced the Veil in order to keep in constant contact with Us, as we work together to co-create the New World on Gaia, which will evolve as quickly as your combined efforts allow.  Look around you;  more and more of your fellow humans are softening, learning to listen, and are becoming willing to reach out in service as never before.  Take heart, and call on us to offer our support, our comfort and our Love as you take on the difficult challenge of moving your civilization forward, one nano-millimeter at a time.

“We send you our blessings and our Unconditional Love,

Yahweh, for the Lightworkers who are working beside and around you always.”

7 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Yep, we will wait for others. This lifetime will be one of complete service to others. I don’t expect to see any wonders soon, just more of the same. We don’t even know if others will raise their consciousness, but we will give it a shot anyway. What else can be done?

    I am not optimistic, and i’m very disappointed with humans. They have everything they need to wake up, but they don’t. They are occupied with meaningless things. They tire me.

    We are supposed to be in 4th density now. I read what happened in India and i cannot understand. Why is this allowed to happen? Where is the justice? Why is horror allowed to be forced on people? Or animals? I think free will is a huge mistake. Darkness itself is a huge mistake. There are wars going from the 1st to the 5th density. I don’t understand why is this allowed. How is this experience joyous for anyone. Why would the creator have a part of itself destroying itself. It makes no sense. I wish only the positive path was allowed.

    • I can understand what you are saying dear friend, for I used to think very similarly, though my mind has changed quite immensely in past weeks and months.

      You say you are disappointed with humans for not utilizing what they have, for being preoccupied… But isn’t that after all very human thing to do? I am not disappointed at all, in fact, I am incredibly proud, I am hopefully and I am over joyous at how far we HAVE come, and at the changes some of us are seeing and creating. We are wonderful, beautiful creatures, and that will forever overpower some of our abilities to be inane. Even in saying all of this though, I can see times when I feel the same way that you felt. I only think it is important to remember that we are love.

      In response to your second statement… Wars and darkness are most likely not enjoyable for anyone… But if they did not exist, and if we did not experience them, how would we know love, and joy? Besides, I doubt there will ever come a time (for at least a long time) when there WILL BE NO darkness and no pain and no wars… So why lament over it, when you can turn the other way and focus on our Mother and on our Brothers, and on love and ascension, and we can learn our lessons that need to be learned through all of this suffering.

      Just some words to hopefully spur things in your mind…

      Blessed be.

      • The way i understand how this works is that Creation is an experiment. It’s an experience to discover what is not known. To discover different ways to experience itself.

        For example it is not known whether humans will choose to raise their vibrations or whether they will choose to destroy themselves like they did when they inhabited Mars.

        I understand that without negativity the whole experience would be mundane. And it used to be that way before the Creator choose to experience negativity.

        But i don’t understand why it is allowed to experience darkness in these depths. In the depth where the negative is allowed to form an empire and try to enslave or destroy the others who choose to be positive.
        There is something greatly wrong with this experiment. Why is horror allowed to happen time after time again? What good can come out of this except creating more and more negativity?

    • All is One,
      It is so very easy to become tremendously affected by the negative energy experienced in this world, but I would implore you to also look at the good and love in our world as well, because it is what raises our vibrational levels for humanity as a whole.
      As for the why…well, we are all allowed free will, maybe not subconsciously in some of the experiences we have or see that are “evil”, but how we wish to respond to those experiences. Don’t let let the negativity keep you down, don’t let it lower your vibration. Look at it, realize that we all consciously chose to be here, and choose to love through it anyways. It’s hating the evil that keeps one trapped in his/her own karmic cycle.
      At this time, staying positive is so so important.
      I know you aren’t very fond of Cosmic Awareness, but here is a link for the audio for a message from November 2nd, that I think you would benefit from:


      I wouldn’t pay attention to the talk of the different planets, just the overall message conveyed.
      Also, I like to think of “Ascension” as something we are all in the midst of right now. I think this message does a really good job of going over the “light” vs “dark” aspects and staying centered.

      Wishing you the best,

  2. We speak of the ascension being felt, realized and experienced by us humans and the planet but what about animals. Animals are independent of the control system that humans are subjected to. Do we see any changes in the way that animals react and function, post ascension? How does it correlate when it comes to identifying that animals have had some changes in the way that they go about and their attitudes in a way that it reflects the effects of ascension on them. After all, animals have different senses of awareness and have a much stronger connection to the earth and nature. Can we study animals and their behavior to determine the extent of change that has manifested out of the ascension that we have experienced? I wonder.

    • It will be gradual. Animals share our world and what we do affects them. I understand that it will take some time for the 4th density to be fully experienced by both humans and animals.

      Here is an example of what (i think) it will in the future.

      The animals will continue their journey in the 2nd density, learning the lessons of awareness. But there will be no 3rd density consciousness around but only the positive 4th density vibrations. The rate of their learning will be reduced in pace in comparison with 3rd density.

      I guess we will stop eating animals and stop abusing them in any way. And that fiery species we will have no place here.

      I think the whole spontaneous ascension theme was just a way to get us focused on a specific day for manifesting a positive world . It obviously didn’t go very well. Ascension is and will be gradual event.

  3. サマンサ チャーム パネライ 正規 http://www.watchsimpress.com/

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