DL Zeta: Our Movement into the New Time is Vertical, Not Linear

HJ: Spiritual growth is based on vibrational frequency.  Take heed of these words of wisdom from DL Zeta: “This new passage we have entered is about raising our vibrational frequency to enter timelines where spiritually-aligned realities exist”.  That is the exact point I have been trying to relate to many of those who are currently experiencing disappointment and other stage of frustration.  You are lowering your vibration by continuing to exist in these frequencies and so you are keeping yourself locked into the timeline associated with this type of vibration.  I will not harp on this as I am not trying to belabor the point, but again, this is offered with the intention of helping those currently in this state to transcend their present reality.  It is a higher dimensional concept and so it can be hard for people to understand and easy to react to.

For all those wondering ‘where do we go from here?’ post Ascension, I highly suggest you read, re-read and internalize all the concepts laid out in this message.  This is the only roadmap you need going forward to take full advantage of the higher dimensional realities and energies that are now accessible to all once they open themselves to them.  For those who have not yet consciously experienced the effects of the concepts presented in this message, you may find it abstract and intangible.  To this I say trust that it works, raise your vibrational frequency and you will experience what is spoken of.  The Healers Journal is an incredible resource for techniques and practices to raise your energetic frequency.  There are literally 100’s of articles that outline specific steps and explain various methods to do so.  All one needs to do is take action.  Read something and then take action.  Do not simply engage in ‘mental masturbation’, but take active steps to transform your life.  You will be rewarded.

– Truth

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision

We’re standing now inside the new time. Our arrival here can be traced across past decades when we increased our capacity to assimilate light. High-vibrational frequencies flooding the earth over the past 25 years slowly raised the frequencies our physical bodies could assimilate.

Frequency Upgrades Trigger our Movement into the New Time

Frequency upgrades to the physical system trigger clearings at emotional, mental and spiritual levels. With each frequency upgrade, the past comes before us so we can see it through the light of our newly-expanded consciousness. With each upgrade in frequency, we shed veils, enter new levels of seeing, and activate new potentials. We held these potentials from the beginning of our journey, and only activated them as our prevailing consciousness was ready to enter a new phase of our spiritual mission.


Spiritual Growth is Based in Vibrational Frequency, not Linear Time

Though this movement has taken place over a period of years, the progression to the new time has been vertical, not linear. Time is a human construct that helps us break experience into increments for easy processing and assimilation. Linear time is sometimes erroneously applied to predict the arrival of spiritual visions into our physical reality.

The movement into new levels of our spiritual purpose is based in vibrational frequency, not time. This new passage we have entered is about raising our vibrational frequency to enter timelines where spiritually-aligned realities exist. As we raise our vibration, we become the one who is capable of existing along these new timelines. As our vibrational frequency ascends, so do we.

Linear Versus Vertical Time

Linear time is the continuous movement along the same timeline for a period of time. We cannot change an existing timeline, so it can be expected that navigating experience in a linear, rather than vertical, manner will hold us in a vibrational continuum along the same timeline. Change is a matter of shifting to a new timeline. When we raise our frequency, the new timelines we access reflect our spiritual destiny.

Vertical “time” is packed with experiences that hold the power to transform us by allowing us to grow spiritually. A week of vertical time may seem like five years of linear time. A single moment -the duration of the blink of an eye – can bring quantum change to our lives. Generally speaking, these moments are often preceded by a series of other moments containing intentions and efforts that lead us to exist in a state of vertical time.

Vertical time is a moment or succession of moments where we undergo experiences that allow our spirit to grow in understanding and insight. These new understandings change our vibrational frequency and lift us into new timelines.

As we grow in this way, we expand our conscious awareness, enter new levels of our spiritual mission, activate new levels of love and compassion, and become better able to create new realities that uplift and inspire ourselves and others.

Linear and Vertical Timelines

Whatever timelines we are currently experiencing will remain in place as we continue along the same energetic plane. Even though we are in the new time where fifth-dimensional potentials are more readily accessible, we can continue to experience third-dimensional realities if we choose to do so. It will become increasingly uncomfortable to remain in a third-dimensional timeline for any period of time as the “rewards” for this form of existence are being phased out.

Shifting to Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

For many, shifting to high-vibrational timelines is a matter of examining the means by which they create reality and gaining awareness of old templates that are still in place. If you have been creating life experiences from past templates – consulting the past for what is possible for the future – it’s time to abandon these now. If you are frustrated because spiritual visions have failed to manifest or have manifested differently than expected, do not let this throw you off or discourage you. Your visions have always been close at hand, standing beside you, guiding you.What may have previously been misunderstood is how we would move into these visions and begin to live them.

Light Infusions Awaken us to Aspects that Hold the Answers

We are able to consciously raise our vibration by healing our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. We heal as we allow greater infusions of light to illuminate and expand our consciousness, therefore transforming our existence. Infusions of light awaken us to the location in consciousness where answers to our present-moment issues reside. We already have within us the answers to any questions or issues that might arise. When we view a situation, question or issue from an expanded perspective, we are directed to the aspect of our being that holds the highest and best answer.

This is how we navigate and explore reality in the new time.

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