HJ: This is a wonderful article in which Chris touches upon some advanced, powerful spiritual concepts.  He outlines the 7 Koshas below, which is an ancient concept defining the seven bodily levels we all have as part of our auric/soul blueprint.  Understanding advanced concepts is the first step on the path to working with them consciously.  Some of these concepts may seem rather esoteric and intangible, but in reality they have been mapped out quite readily by the ancient adepts.  I suggest investing in a books on kriya yoga, as these typically work more on the energetic level (which Chris describes in this article) rather than the mainly physical level at which Hatha yoga is targeting and works at.

Although many of these concepts may seem ‘New Age-y’, the reality is that they have been recorded (in this most recent phase of humanity) thousands of years ago by ancient mystics and yogis in the East.  Again, I encourage anyone interested in a truly scientific (read: methodical and powerful) study and practice of these concepts dig deep into the literature available on Kriya yoga.  Although not quite as popular as some other more mainstream forms of Yoga, the science of Kriya yoga is far more powerful and profound, and as such, it has been kept somewhat secretive and hidden throughout human history, as it can indeed have very real and intense effects that most are usually not ready for.  It can have a disruptive effect in ones life if one does not have great mental, physical and spiritual discipline and conviction and has not tamed the lower self.  Simply put, these techniques allow one to develop intense psychic and spiritual powers which come with great responsibility.  Misuse of these powers can lead one astray and end up retarding spiritual advancement, sometimes for many lifetimes.

This is indeed a strong warning, however, if you feel drawn to these practices, then it is probably because you were meant to experience them and you should listen to your intuition.  However, remember to go slow and work with a pure heart and intention.  Chris’ article can be used a basis for further research into areas that may interest you.  This article is a wonderful launching pad for higher spiritual study.

If you would like more specific guidance, than I highly recommend this rare classic on the science and practice of Kriya Yoga:

Kundalini Tantra – By Swami Satyananda Saraswati

– Truth

Homo Divinicus – The Shape of Things to Come

By Chris Bourne | Openhand Web

These are monumental times we’re blessed to be living in. Humanity is waking up from eons of amnesia. Gaia has centred in the Fifth Density and powerful evolutionary transitions of consciousness will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, in these early hours, the full magnitude of what’s taking place will be challenging to grasp. It’s entirely understandable. The key is to keep walking the path of the soul, allowing our naturalAscension to peel away the crusted veils. I can feel the birth of a new multidimensional humanity beginning to unfold, one which I feel given to call “Homo Divinicus”…

Breaking the Intervention

Humanity was always meant to be fully multidimensional, interconnected with the higher realms of consciousness and centred in the natural flow of the universe: a benevolent guidance that co-creates situations for maximum soulful expression, the bountiful experience of interconnectivity and expansive evolutionary growth.

Although it’s difficult to perceive and accept, until we reclaim that which was taken from us, we can’t fully appreciate how humanity has been controlled and downgraded by an Opposing Consciousness which exists in the field all around us. Some are becoming fully aware of this now, but in actual fact, it doesn’t matter too much whether you perceive it or not. Many would consider this veil as merely a projection of ones own ego or simply society’s matrix of mass subconsciousness. And this too is fine. What matters most, is walking the path of the soul and fully unveiling our beingness.

Gaia has now reclaimed herself from this global intervention, and although it will still take time to fully unwind, the time has come for those ready and willing, to truly begin to shake off the karmic layers that limit and become once more what we were always meant to be. So what is “Homo Divinicus” all about?

The Seven Bodily Vehicles of Expression

We don’t just have one bodily vehicle of expression, but seven. There is one connected through each of the main chakras, and each at a variant vibrational frequency. Because of the Opposing Consciousness intervention, for most people, the soul has been fragmented and thereby contained within the lower physical and mental vehicles. You could consider the distortions of the ego have drawn the soul into eddy currents of lower density. Alternatively, full embodiment has been prevented by the distraction of higher blissful like frequency resonance (false love and light). These are the variant frequencies we must discern through in order to reclaim our full divine gift of multidimensionality.

So how is the full compliment of Homo Divinicus truly meant to function? To me, the soul is meant to flow naturally down through the chakras from the higher dimensions creating and animating expression as it builds downwards through our being. When this happens, we become truly as one with the higher creative flow. In my knowing, based on my own experience and in working with many evolving people, here is a personal indication of how I feel that is supposed to happen. In sharing it, I encourage you to explore your own experience within this framework, which in itself, can help activate that destined beingness…

  • 7. Spirit-Light-Body (merkaba): the spirit-light-body is designed to receive soul consciousness through the crown chakra to align our being with the right dimensional activity inline with our higher purpose.
    Through the spirit-light-body, the soul has the capacity to act through multiple planes of consciousness simultaneously. It interconnects us with all other sentient life and is able to harmonise with the co-creative intent of other souls within our sphere of influence. Our divine purpose could be channeling in the harmonistic light of the Fifth Density to which we are ascending; it could be counteracting Opposing Consciousness in the Fourth Density to prevent distortional interference; alternatively it could be bringing absolute presence into the Third Dimension to fulfill creative activity. Thus the spirit-light-body shines the light of our soul interdimensionally.
  • 6. Celestial Body: the celestial body harnesses and stores reflections of our soul through the countless lifetimes we’ve experienced. It’s purpose is to help us align with our true aspects of beingness.
    The downward shining light of the soul is next received into the third eye chakra, which ‘looks’ into the outer world comparing what it sees to the reflections of the soul in the celestial body. When the soul notices its own brilliance, it helps us align with and unfold those aspects of beingness that are most becoming of us; we settle into our groove so to speak. It is that feeling of complete self-belief, self-confidence, self-acceptance and contentment. When we can notice ourselves manifested in the outer world through our own authentic inner reflection, that is when we are truly living. We are frequently reduced to tears at the seemingly simplest of things because we are fulfilling our divine purpose.
  • 5. Higher Mind: from authentic being arises authentic creation. The purpose of higher mind is to co-create experiences with other sentient beings as ‘sacred contracts’ for higher education and self realisation.
    Through the power of the celestial body, we have noticed how to be within the external world and now is the time to experience this through creative action. At this stage, the creative impulse is quite abstract and undefined; the purpose is more about contemplations of educational higher truth, co-creating with other sentient life, rather than an actual creation itself. The soul now acts through higher mind, gathering together ‘elementals of consciousness’ into a directional flow of creation, like swirling clouds in the heavens.
  • 4. Causal Body: the causal body is where our “karma” is held. It is the cause of our incarnation, it sets the agenda for our learning experience based on the attachments and creative experiences we need to evolve through.
    As the soul shines its beams of creative light down through the higher vehicles, our karma casts shadows of attachment through the lower bodies and into our outer experience. The causal body (also known as the energy body) now attracts and manifests exactly the right conditions to unveil the learning experiences required for our evolution. We are invited to confront and dissolve the obscuring clouds of karma by fulfillment of non-judgmental Right Action. We perceive this directing influence as the “Christ Consciousness”, a pull through the Heart Centre – “this is the way to go now”.
  • 3. Lower Mind: lower mind is designed to receive, interpret and process higher channeled knowing through our clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient (psychic) skills.
    So now we know what to do, the question is how to do it? If our authentic, creative action does not get side-tracked, the gathering energies are next passed into our subconscious or “lower mind”. Lower mind then helps us to ‘connect the dots’ within the co-creative weave. Through the clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient skills of lower mind, we notice rhythms and patterns of synchronicity in our “consciousness landscape” and have clear visions of the ‘garment’ to be created. As Right Action clicks into place moment by moment, it becomes abundantly clear what we are being invited to do and how to do it.
  • 2. Emotional Body: the emotional body builds energy, passion and conviction around our behaviours to bring our creative Right Action into fruition. 
    The creative process has now gathered together the right fabric for our creation, but it now has to be woven into form. The soul now utilises the emotional body to garner more consciousness ‘elementals’ and weaves emotion around the creative act. It provides a multi-coloured palette of experience that brings the garment to life. It makes the illusionary reality feel very real, yielding meaning and sense of purpose to life. However, once the creative action has come to fruition, the weave of the garment is meant to quickly unwind again, so that something else may be created. It is not a part of the divine design that we hang onto emotions and build identities around them as is so often the case.
  • 1. Physical Body: the physical body provides the ultimate vehicle to bring the creative, downward flowing process into full expression; it provides the experience of separation – of one thing relative to another.
    Finally, the soul’s gathering weave of elementals takes form around our ultimate vehicle of creative expression – the physical body. As the master weaver, our brain reads the pattern that has been crafted through our higher bodily vehicles and then orchestrates a magical symphony of activity throughout our billions of material cells. The physical body finally brings life to the creative action experienced in the myriad of human, physical possibility. The physical body is a multifaceted mirror of higher creative intent. It is the jewel in the crown; when functioning as designed, it makes the illusion of reality real.

A Divine New Form

So for me, the onward journey of humanity and first step is all about reclaiming this multidimensional nature, which we’ll look at how to facilitate in a moment. It’s something that a growing number are beginning to fully reclaim here and now. Despite our convoluted DNA heritage, the infusion of light around the planet is helping to ease that path.

Read the rest of the article here: Openhand Web

1 comment on this postSubmit yours
  1. My involvement with The Wire is pbrlaboy unusual. I can’t get past the first episode, I keep wanting to watch it again before moving on! The details are absolutely fascinating. I should be ready for Episode 2 soon, though!

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