HJ: I awoke this morning to find this most insightful, thoughtful, succinct and profound comment on the most recent Cosmic Awareness Post (which can be read HERE).  Alas, this individual was able to express many of the thoughts I have been trying to relate to the frustrated readers of this site who are currently suffering from disappointment and various levels of cynicism over recent events.  It is not my intention to try and change your mind.  In fact, this is the last thing I wish to do.  It is up to you as to whether you decide to change your mindset or remain stuck in the mire of the the frustrations which you are at this time experiencing.  I merely present my view (and in this case, a readers view) of an alternative reality that is much more nourishing, uplifting, positive and in my experience, most certainly true.  It is a stark illustration of the variation of reality’s that currently exist and share space at this time.

Anyways, this commentary, which is essentially anonymous, does a fine, gentle job of addressing the events of the Ascension (which is still currently unfolding) and various reactions to it.  It is an empowering message of kindness that can gently lead one out of the mire if they are indeed ready to leave it.  This individual offers guidance in a much more gentle way than is my personal nature. I have a tendency to be very direct and sometimes quite blunt, which I know can rub many the wrong way and come off as confrontational, although that is never the intention.

This comment has been edited for grammar, spelling and readability, though none of the original ideas have been altered in any way.  To all who feel lost at this time, I truly hope this message gives you great clarity.

– Truth

This post from Awareness [HJ Note: Cosmic Awareness]  is a relevant and much needed message for those out there who feel lost, confused or frustrated with their ascension results.

Some individuals are presently experiencing a deep inner frustration that they have not advanced to a place that they had hoped to move into, however, it is still a strong probability for any and all to move into those levels of higher light, higher love, higher expansiveness and awareness of self [if they so choose].

For those who feel they have been cheated or deceived about the Ascension event, it is important to remember that although the ascension DID happen, it is not an ‘absolute’ event, meaning that each and every individual will experience it in their own way, at their own level of evolvement.

And so, for those out there who are frustrated, confused or feeling (almost) deceived or betrayed by what Awareness has given, remember that you are not a ‘victim’ and that “YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY”.

This is being created in the NOW.

Accepting ‘what is’, and moving onto new perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and actions that support and benefit not just the individual, but ALL involved in this world, in this reality that we have now ascended into, which is a reality of ‘imagination’ and greater awareness of unity.

This will become more and more evident as the days and weeks pass. One will begin to notice (as many already are) that what they were recently focusing on, has now become a tangible form (for them) of reality.

An important factor at this time is one’s focus, or rather, the ‘direction’ of one’s focus…

Understanding that one’s ‘focus’ is the key to manifesting — whatever  one energizes and wherever one places one’s focus or concentration with a clear MENTAL IMAGE and committed INTENT and full ACCEPTANCE of the goal or wish, that this is a most effective way towards creating the reality one seeks.

Do not let your frustration bring you down into those lower levels of consciousness. Remember that you chose this — that you chose to be here at this profound and transformational time and that there has been no mistake, no accident or wrong turn that you have made.

If you are at this present level of experience then you chose it.

Some had hoped for a more evolved Ascension experience and are quite confused or let down, feeling that they did not truly desire the current experience.  But you must understand, that what one wishes for and what one has ‘evolved’ too, may be at two very different energy levels.

This does not mean that one cannot make the needed movement into those higher levels, in fact, this IS the purpose of all beings — to continuously seek, learn and evolve on an endless journey of self awareness.

For those out there who are feeling lost or confused, the suggestion is to question ones self, and ask:”Why did I not ascend to the level I felt I was ready for?” or, “What is hindering me from moving into those higher levels of consciousness?”


And if there is still confusion or things do not add up in one’s mind or though process, then it might be what the gracious ADMIN [HJ Note: They are referring to me, who goes by the name of ‘Truth’ on this site] had stated earlier wherein it was suggested that if one does not experience certain levels of sensitivity or awareness, that it is possible one has not evolved to that level yet [HJ Note: There is no shame in this!  There is no judgement in this!  Everyone is at a different level and it is beautiful!  The potential always exists for one to advance whenever one so desires] .

We are moving into a reality of greater UNITY.

For those who are feeling lost or confused as they move into these new levels of imagination, there will be those who can offer support or insight and those who feel they are finding that inner balance, empowerment and clear awareness of what is happening.  These individuals will be able to offer that support– the support of the collective, of the ONE.

One of the main reasons, or rather purpose, of humanity (more specifically, Lightworkers) being on this planet at this time is to NOURISH DIVINE SPIRIT / CREATOR / COSMIC AWARENESS / ALL THAT IS.

That nourishment comes from each and every individual making the needed efforts to resolve their personal issues and create that greater clarity, greater awareness, greater Light development in themselves, which in turn, ADDS to the Light of Creator, nourishing It.

We are all here to learn, to expand our knowing of self, our awareness and to re-connect to the Infinite & Unified Consciousness of Cosmic Awareness.

You are where you CHOOSE to be, so if that place or pathway you are presently on does not meet to your satisfaction, then all you have to do is change your perception and focus.  Mentally visualize and accept a new and more comfortable or beneficial pathway (reality).  This is your ‘birthright’ as a co-creator.

Accept your power, accept yourself and remember that what one focuses on then becomes their reality.

Peace and Love to everyone.

With respect…


9 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. I felt the energies on Dec 21 and i still do. I also had an experience on 12/12/12. My frustration comes from a point where i can feel the higher energies and wonder why am i still surrounded with people of extremely low vibrations. Why murderers and criminals still share the same reality with me.

    Yes we all chose to be here. But it was hoped humanity would have awaken by now. They have not, and they have shown no desire to do so. And here we are, stuck. It will take many many years for the vision to manifest. And by vision i mean a cabal free, energy free, horror free planet. A planet of love. I had that vision for 2012, i really believed it would manifest. Honest. I thought it would be a 4th density happy planet now. But it’s not.

    I think the commenter is missing the point, that aside from the individual reality there is also the collective reality, Yes i can create my own reality (as far as i can in a 3rd density planet, there are certain rules you know) but the collective consciousness creates a reality that’s is very very different to my own. And that feeling of alienation, of frustration, of not belonging here continues to exist. And it will for many years to come. I feel no desire to get married (just saying) and have children, i feel that the environment is not appropriate.

    As far for the questions :

    ”Why did I not ascend to the level I felt I was ready for?” or, “What is hindering me from moving into those higher levels of consciousness?”

    The answer is simple:
    The collective consciousness of the earth residents is retarding the process big time.

    And i see so much hate everyday that i wonder how is anything going to get better in this planet unless something forces the to do it. And forcing them as far as i understand is not the way of love. So here we are. We can pretend it’s a happy time and things are going to improve soon, but we will be just pretending. The collective reality will be still there. And it will be very gradual and slow. I’m not happy with that.

    I decided to concentrate on my reality. I will do the things i like to do and i will avoid the news and whatever else brings me down. I choose the lonely road and i wish to have for company people of my own vibration. Lets see how that works out

    • With all due respect, it is not the writer of this message who has missed the point, it is you who have missed the point.

      Your belief, which you have stated above, is that it is not possible to Ascend at this time because you are still caught within the larger collective consciousness of humanity. And so it is, you will not Ascend with this belief until the larger collective Ascends or raises its consciousness level significantly. YOU are creating that reality for yourself due to your beliefs. I, and many who read the messages on this site, do not hold that belief and so it is not true for us and it does not limit us.

      You forget that it is possible to Ascend at any time. One must get themselves to the necessary level of spiritual awareness and energetic vibration first, which is no easy task. However, I reiterate – it IS possible at any time. The Buddha was able to Ascend in the midst of very low consciousness on the planet, as was Jesus and various other avatars. The ability to Ascend is not dictated by any forces outside the self. It is your belief and level of consciousness that dictate whether or not you are ready for Ascension.

      You make the mistake of letting ‘reality’ dictate what you think is possible, in this case you place the blame for your lack of ability to Ascend on the ‘collective consciousness’ level being ‘low’, when this is, in fact a great fallacy. The truth is that only when you decide to transcend that belief and realize that it is indeed possible to Ascend at any time, no matter what the consciousness of those around you, will you be able to Ascend. You are creating your own limits and therefore your belief is not open to Ascending at this time. Even if you thought you consciously were open to Ascension, indeed you had a subconscious block which prevented you from doing so. Furthermore, it is obvious that you had not reached the level of awareness necessary to do so — don’t be ashamed, very few on this planet have, myself included.

      This is not a criticism! I am pointing these things out to help you understand where there is room for personal growth and liberation of your consciousness. Take it how you will, but this is the truth.

      – Truth

      • Can you please explain what you mean by ascension?

        I think you are confused. I don’t expect to “ascend” and go somewhere else. That’s not my problem.

        This was supposed to be a 4th density planet. And it is, it’s just that the people are retarding the process because they are still creating 3rd density realities.

        I don’t want to “ascend” and go elsewhere. I think (even though you don’t really rate me 🙂 ) that i am a 4th density entity in my thoughts and my intentions. I believe that i vibrate at those levels, you think im not. I believe most of the people reading this site are ready for the new earth, it’s just that the vast majority of humans is creating something else.

        Well, i don’t understand what you mean by “ascend”. Do you expect anything else to happen? I believe it won’t, i believe it will take some time for the transition period to be completed. Do you think you will “ascend” and go to another planet?

        • I just read this and it seemed it’s talking to you 😀


          • I like the point he admits that they never had any clue about anything. If you check his previous messages you will see absolute assurance that there would be no darkness by the end of the year.

            Unfortunately they are very unreliable, so be prepared for a slow progress. Ascension was what happened during 21-23 Dec. Dont expert miracles to happen, we will do it on our own.

    • To “ALL IS ONE”

      I offer you a tad bit more of insight.

      It appears your inner frustration (of which I too have been feeling) is based on 2 different perceptions, one being, “Unclear expectations and vagueness of one’s spiritual contracts made prior to this life path”. And the other limiting perception appears to be a sense of “Destituteness”, or lacking.

      Please understand, I am not offering you an opinion or any other level of egocentric projections of the mindscape, therefore, there is no judgment, analytical or criticalness, this is merely an interpretation of your own energies / core issues as I listen to your ‘essence’.

      One of the primary messages for you appears clearly as the same thing that Truth (ADMIN) has stated earlier:” The ability to Ascend is not dictated by any forces outside the self. It is your belief and level of consciousness that dictate whether or not you are ready for Ascension.”

      Your energetic overview is seen as “you are ready for personal integration & completion in your current cycle of growth. Time to go inward, to retreat into oneself, deeper than ever before, and know that such retreat is a retreat in strength and can include a voyage inward for centering and balance.

      At the same time, you are reminded that you must ‘first’ draw from the well to nourish and give to yourself. Then, there will be more than enough to nourish others.

      I hope this has helped, somewhat.

      I wish you well on this spiritual journey of yours, all is one.

      Remember, what you focus on…becomes your reality.

      With peace & harmony


      • Thank you for your comment. I will be for sure nourishing myself big time.

  2. Before ascension/enlightenment, carry water and chop wood. After ascension/enlightenment carry water and chop wood. This Buddhist teaching would apply no matter what planet you ascended to (or didn’t.) There were many lessons in this experience for all of us, non-attachment to outcomes was my personal one, and most of them were given to us already by the ascended master Siddhartha Gautama.

  3. “various levels of cynicism over recent events?”

    how about the readers are frustrated because “cosmic awareness” kept hinting about great upheaval in the months of September and leading up to that period. All this talk about mass arrests, upheavals, how the “powers that be” will be tried for treason…..only to be told that we didn’t experience those events because we are on “different timelines” or our “timelines shifted”

    and please don’t tell us that it’s because we are “linear thinking humans” and the ascension is hard to explain to us in our language. That is an excuse for confusing us all.

    We are humans that are evolving. Evolution is a slow and gradual process. We move into new ages and orders of life through evolution, not through magical “energies moving into earth”

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