Benjamin Fulford: The Sunni Middle East and the Korean Peninsula to be Reunified

By Benjamin Fulford | Benjamin Fulford

As the center of world economic gravity continues to shift towards Asia, changing old Western political constructs aimed to “divide and conquer” has become a key topic of secret debate. The machinations and fighting in Syria are aimed at “destroying artificial borders created by Western powers on the backs of envelopes after World War I,” according to Nazis connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

In Asia as well, there is a lot of intensive maneuvering taking place to do something about the artificial divisions created between North and South Korea, Taiwan and China and within Japan. In particular, the formerly Nazi allied North Korean ultra-nationalist right wing groups in Japan and their partners in North Korea are seeking to find a new role in the fast changing geopolitical landscape. The focus of the struggle is control over the Bank of Japan and the media-propaganda apparatus set up by the Sabbatean mafia in Japan and South Korea.

New regimes due to be in place next week in both Japan and South Korea will have to make big compromises with their Northern cousins. The new Chinese government of Xi Jinping will also have to get involved.

In combination with the Middle Eastern oil exporting nations, these countries control much of the financial fate of the Pentagon, the United States and Europe.

The Europeans and their Israel lobby American partners are making a big grab for control of the former Muslim caliphate (minus Iran or Persia) in the hope of keeping control of Middle Eastern oil in order to have serious leverage over the oil importing nations of Asia. It is looking likely that such a state may be born but, this effort may backfire as they create a unified Sunni mega-state that suddenly remembers the region’s historical independence from Europe. This has already been shown in the revolt against Egypt’s President Morsi that forced him to back off on declaring absolutist fascist power.

Read the rest of the article here: Jhaines6

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