How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

S. Ali Myers, Guest Writer


What is the subconscious mind?  What does the subconscious mind do?  Your subconscious mind is your ultimate video, voice, and thought recorder.  From this lifetime and before, your subconscious mind has recorded everything that you’ve seen, heard, thought or experienced.

So why haven’t you heard more about the subconscious mind?  To this point, scientists and neuro-fanatics have been unable to explain what the approximately 90% of your brain that you don’t use does?   The subconscious mind exists within that 90% majority.  You can call it your higher self, god mind, christ conscious, or whatever supernatural tag you want to place on it.

The word subconscious is easily broken down.  Sub means below and conscious means awareness, so subconscious simply means that which is below your awareness or, what your are not aware of.

Are you aware of your heartbeat every second of every day?  What about your breathing?  How many times have you blinked your eyes today?  Do you consciously digest your food?  Most of us do not even chew our food consciously.  This is a subconscious action.

Have you ever been driving on the highway and got so lost in your thoughts or listening to music that you couldn’t even remember the last exit sign, how fast you were driving, or the fact that other drivers were around you?  That is because your mind was consciously thinking or listening to music and that all or most of its energy was focused on the music and you were subconsciously driving.  This means you were  driving solely by your mind’s retention and execution of the ability to maneuver a vehicle.  This is why young people are told to “pay attention to the road”.  Cliches are also a form of subconscious mind programming.

We use the automatic functions of our subconscious mind on a daily basis.  Mundane routines such as brushing your teeth, combing your hair (if you have any, unlike myself!), chewing gum, folding clothes, mowing the lawn, cleaning windows, washing dishes, vacuuming….I think you get the point.  Any activity that you have done repeatedly is planted prominently in your subconscious mind.  It is not by chance that repetition is one of the best ways to program the subconscious mind.  Ever wondered why you see the same commercials over and over?

Your subconscious mind is programmed by you, your family and friends, society and everything else outside of you.  Your subconscious mind does not discern between what is true or false.  Your conscious, or rational and reasoning mind does that.  The subconscious accepts everything.  That’s why it’s critical that you filter what is embedded in it.

We live in the information age and what you are aware of is vital in navigating this physical reality.  It’s all about being aware of the unaware.  Or conscious of the subconscious.  You are the center and god or goddess of your universe.  Everything is a perspective of your mentality or consciousness.  You can program yourself for happiness and success or let everything outside of  you program your mind with fear and  thoughts of failure.  Thoughts become things.  The choice lies with you.

In addition to deprogramming and reprogramming negative subconscious thoughts, you can install positive programs.  Here are a couple practical techniques that you can use to program your subconscious mind for the better.

Techniques for programming your subconscious mind:

1. Positive Affirmations & Mantras – An affirmation is any statement that you affirm, or speak.  A mantra is an affirmation or phrase that is repeated over and over.  When you repeat a positive affirmation, it is eaten up by your subconscious mind making a lasting impression.  Some examples of positive affirmations that you can repeat are:

  • “I am filled with peace, harmony and joy.”
  • “My positive thoughts produce positive things.”
  • “I love myself and everything that is around me.”

You can say affirmations for a set amount of time or quantity.  Also, try repeating them in your head throughout the day.  The more you say your positive affirmations, the better your results will be.  Try the provided affirmations or make up your own.


2. Create positive habits and routines – If you have a job, then you have developed a routine.  Your subconscious mind has accepted the fact that you will and must go to work.  This is because most people associate having a job with being able to live within society.  Knowing what you know now about your subconscious mind, you can begin creating habits and routines that will fuel your soul and ignite your spirit.

Create positive habits and routines like:

  • meditation
  • eating healthier (alkaline diet, vegetarian/vegan, replace a meal with a smoothie, drink more water etc.)
  • practicing marital arts or yoga
  • artistic expressions like painting, drawing, cooking, decorating, sculpting and such
  • keep a daily journal and/or dream journal

Eventually, any activity or practice you partake in will become what we call, second nature.  Remember, anything you try that may be difficult or awkward initially, will become easier with time and practice.

About the Author

S. Ali Myers is a Metaphysician and Intuitive Counselor specializing in human consciousness and potential, energy reading, spirituality, and holistic health.  Ali conveys his messages through radio show hosting, writing, coaching, and speaking.  Ali’s goal is to help others reach there highest potential by operating from what he calls the Spirit Mind(Higher Self).  Ali is available for 1-on-1 or group coaching and speaking engagements (radio or live).  This article originally appeared at his website,

Feel free to contact Ali @ 513-655-8853 (call/text) or email:

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

1 comment on this postSubmit yours
  1. thanks for these tips, I have studied for many years about the subconscious mind and from experience I will tell you that many people do not know what they’re missing when not using your subconscious mind, I write about these issues especially in how to have succeed in any area of your life if you’re interested take a look at my blog thanks greetings

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