Aisha North: You Are Now Open to Even Higher Frequencies
By Aisha North | The Manuscript of Survival (Part 221) — As of today, you will all have access to one more frequency in this symphony of energy that is being played out on…
Cosmic Awareness: Spiritual Awareness and Discernment is Critical in these Last Months Before Ascension
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awarness — Questioner: The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked. Cosmic Awareness: That which is Cosmic Awareness is now available and…
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. – The Power of the Mind
By BRUCE H. LIPTON, Ph.D. | New Dawn Magazine — Living in the world under your skin is a bustling metropolis of 50 trillion cells, each of which is biologically and functionally equivalent…
The Coming Powerful Alignments: 11-11 & 12-21 Energetic Gateways
A Message From The Council Of Twelve By Selacia | — Opportunity of the 11/11 Gateway If you feel a bit dizzy from the plethora of recent events, you are not alone….
November 2012 Energy Forecast – Clearing the Chords
Energy Forecast ~ Clearing the Chords — November 2012 Hello beautiful friend, What an honor it is for me to reconnect with you again. We have a great deal to catch up…
9 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Today
Feeling Fantastic Yet? 9 easy ways to get started. by JOHN WHITEMAN | Heal Your Life — When you feel good, life is good. “If You Feel Good, Life is Good.” Happiness can be achieved…
Benjamin Fulford: The Pentagon and Agencies Choose Obama, the Chinese Military Stick With Hu
By Benjamin Fulford | Benjamin Fulford — Barak Obama’s victory in the electronically rigged US presidential election means he will remain the spokesman for the pentagon and the agencies over the next 4…
The Meaning of Sacred Geometry
By Randall Carlson | Sacred Geometry International — Most of us tend to think of geometry as a relatively dry, if not altogether boring, subject remembered from our Middle school years, consisting of endless axioms, definitions,…
The Power of Sound – From Acoustic Levitation and Healing Arts, to LRAD and HAARP
By Dylan Charles, Editor — Sound influences our lives in countless ways. As subtle energy, it can heal the body and create harmony in the outward world. As not so subtle energy, it can…