Esther and Jerry Hicks: How Gratitude Grows Well-Being

The Game of Thanks

How gratitude grows well-being.


Tuning in to good-feeling frequencies.

The Rampage of Appreciation game can be played anywhere and at any time because it is  easily played simply by directing pleasant thoughts in your mind. If you were to write your thoughts on paper, it would enhance this process, but it is not necessary.

Begin by looking around your immediate environment and gently noticing something that pleases you. Try to hold your attention on this pleasing object as you consider how wonderful, beautiful, or useful it is. And as you focus upon it longer, your positive feelings about it will increase.

Now, notice your improved feeling, and be appreciative of the way you feel. Then, once your good feeling is noticeably stronger than when you began, look around your environment and choose another pleasing object for your positive attention.

Make it your objective to choose objects of attention that easily evoke your appreciation, for this is not a process of finding something troubling and fixing it; this is a process of practicing the higher vibrations. The longer you focus upon things that feel good to you, the easier it is for you to maintain those vibrational frequencies that feel good. And the more you maintain these goodfeeling frequencies, the more theLaw of Attraction will deliver to you other thoughts, experiences, people, and things that match your practiced vibration.

Since it is your primary intention, as you move through your day, to find things to appreciate, you are practicing a vibration of less resistance, and you are making your connection to your own Source Energy stronger.

Because the vibration of appreciation is the most powerful connection between the physical you and the Non-Physical You, this process will also put you in a position to receive even clearer guidance from your Inner Being.

The more you practice appreciation, the less resistance you will have in your own vibrational frequencies. And the less resistance you have, the better your life will be. Also, by practicing this Rampage of Appreciation, you will become accustomed to the feeling of higher vibrations, so that if you ever revert to an old pattern of conversation that causes resistance in your vibration, you will notice it, early on, before the vibration gets too strong.

The more you find something to appreciate, the better it feels; the better it feels, the more you want to do it; the more you do it, the better it feels; the better it feels . . . the more you want to do it. The Law of Attraction assists with the powerful momentum of these positive thoughts and feelings until, with very little time and effort, you will find your heart singing in your joyous alignment with who you really are.

And in this wonderful-feeling vibration where no resistance exists, you will be in an exaggerated state of allowing; you will be in the vibrational state where the things that you desire can flow easily into your experience. The better it gets, the better it gets!

Every time you appreciate something, every time you praise something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe: “More of this, please.” You need never make another verbal statement of this intent, and if you are mostly in a state of appreciation, all good things will flow to you.

We are often asked, Isn’t love a better word than appreciation? Isn’t love more descriptive of the Non-Physical Energy? And we say that love and appreciation are really the same vibration. Some use the word gratitude, or a feeling of thankfulness, but all of these words are descriptive of Well-Being.

A desire to appreciate is a very good first step, and then as you find more things that you would like to say “Thank you” about, it quickly gains momentum. And as you want to feel appreciation, you attract something to appreciate. And as you appreciate it, then you attract something else to appreciate, until, in time, you are experiencing aRampage of Appreciation.

Esther Hicks is an inspirational speaker and author. She co-authored eight books with her husband, Jerry Hicks. Together, they have presented Law of Attraction workshops for Abraham-Hicks Publications in up to 60 cities per year since 1987. Visit:

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