Archangel Metatron: The Powerful Solar and Lunar Eclipses of November 2012 – Parity Influx

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn |

The Eclipses of November 2012

Greetings Dear Ones ! I am Metatron Lord of Light. And so we speak of the energies about you. We speak of the windows of the Eclipses in your linear time of November 2012.

The remaining energies of 2012 will be extremely powerful. It is important to maintain your balance. Myriad complex energies are bombarding the Earth and humanity are feeling the effects. These are taking place with Divine purpose, and although it is a period of great intensity, it is requisite and in that sense is very benevolent, quite necessary for the Ascension.


In truth what is occurring in your  present is the continuation of the cleansing, the removal of imbalance. It is the upshift, and all forces of the planet, all elements, earth, wind, fire and water are an essential  part of it. And so it is also Cosmic celestial energies that move them.


The influx of the Divine Feminine Energies are flowing into the Earth at this time as well, and assisting in the release of what must be purified.  The Feminine influx begins maximum flow with the Solar Eclipse and continues at optimal current through the November 28 Lunar Eclipse.


This is incurred to bring the balance prior to the Ascension of the 12-12-12. It is an important phase; a era completes and begats a new phase … one of balance.  A balance that benefits the Earth, and in kind humanity.


Indeed planetary  balance then influences  each  living soul to find equilibrium within.


The Eclipses bring that which is termed the Feminine Energies into greater proportion. Yet do not consider these energies as directed to only one ‘gender ‘ or aspect of humanity.


For in Divine Aspect you are neither male nor female. Gender is an aspect of polarity, of duality. Gender, to be clear, does not occur in higher dimension, you see. That is important to contemplate and comprehend.


The goal for the planet then is the perfect balance of what you in polarity realms term Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. For when these energies are in parity, a balancing of the planet occurs that allows for the equilibrium of the New Earth.


The parity of the new matrix then allows an easier path for each human to find the requisite balance within Self. For without this balance, growth into integral wholeness simply cannot occur.


The present energies are quite intense on the planet, and this intensity will increase through the Ascension of the 12-12-12 and rebirth of the 12-21-12. Yet be aware that while intense, the current astrological effects of the Eclipses, retrogrades and meteorics also offer an incredible opportunity for growth, clearing and rebirth . It is a time for clarity of intent and manifestation of noble ideals.


We urge you to use this timing. We encourage you to be gentle with self, to contemplate your life, your energy, your balance and your direction forward.  Dear Human, all is in perfection, everything is on track, and with that knowledge, understand that you are in Divine Grace. But it is You who must create the movement forward.


The windows of the eclipses in November of 2012 are timed , embellished and graced to assist you. It is true that the gravities are intense, and you have a lot on your plates, individually and collectively.


These events, these energies are designed to bring you together, to offer you opportunities to go deeply inside.  The scenario about you provides an incredible opportunity for profound realignment. Use the energy of these eclipses to consider, calibrate and set your intent. Within these energies are life forces of high concentration that enable noble thought to quickly manifest.


2012 has been a year in which each month brought new challenges, but you are almost there. The planetary rebirth is nigh. And we tell you that 2013 will be a much less intense energy in what may be termed astrological influences.


I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.


And so it is…




Astrological  Overview of November 2012- The Duo of Eclipses


Dual Eclipses in November 2012


Three planets remain retrograde in Nov 2012- Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus. (Neptune just went direct Nov 11) We are entering a time of turning inward for direction and inspiration. It is a time for pause and careful consideration. Measure twice, cut once. Otherwise if you attempt to press forward too quickly you may act impulsively and make mistakes…or you may find yourselves driven back, painted into a corner.


– 13 November 2012: Total Solar Eclipse- 22 degrees Scorpio


– 28 November 2012: Lunar Eclipse -6 degrees Gemini


The Solar Eclipse on November 13 takes place on the 22nd degree of Scorpio and will be visible in Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific. The Lunar Eclipse on November 28 will be visible through most of North America.

Mercury turned retrograde on November 6 in Sagittarius, very close to the solar point of the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse.


While external communications can be difficult during Mercury retrograde periods with breakdowns in personal communications, this is also an excellent time to listen inwardly to your inner voice.


Eclipses bring in the energy of the Wisdom Teacher. Thoth of the Metatronic Energies is quite present in your lives during these times for those wishing to access this prolific wisdom. Thothian wisdom will help you make a connection to divine source and hear what it is that your soul most needs to hear.


Mercury will turn direct on November 26 with the Lunar Eclipse on November 28. This will finalize the major flow of the equilibrium influx needed to balance the planet.


The Nodes are moving from the mutable axis of Gemini/Sagittarius to the fixed axis of Taurus/Scorpio and the Solar eclipse on 13 November will be very intense and demonstrative. It will show you precisely where you are headed in 2013. In the energy of Scorpio/Taurus, the emotions will run deep and inner exploration is tantamount.


One can expect a much more dramatic feeling to incur. Most of you will be feeling extremely deeply and unexpected emotions, from deeply hidden issues and beliefs may come bubbling up. This allows for a purging of trapped energies you didn’t even know were there. Don’t be surprised if you begin expressing strong opinions about things you didn’t even know before hand were so important to you. It is a time to speak your truth and not allow yourself to be pinned in unfairly by any issue or person.


The opposite end of the polarity is the South Node in Taurus. This is where self-sabotage manifests; in Taurus it will be the urge to deny self-evident truths, to take the easy option and settle for a comfortable material life.


Solar Eclipses on a New Moon are times of major endings and beginnings. As well as being eclipsed, this is a Super Moon at its closest to the earth and in line with the Sun and Earth. The strong gravitational pulls will create high tides, and exceptionally heightened emotions.


The New Moon Solar Eclipse on November 13 in Scorpio will be extremely potent. Be aware that the energy of an eclipse baths and affects the entire planet & humanity, whether or not it is visible, the energy is still quite present. This one will be very potent, very intense and it represents a potent movement from one phase of development to another. The Total Solar eclipse will be followed by a penumbral Lunar Eclipse on November 28. The period between the 2 eclipses will form a window of intense energies.


This Solar Eclipse takes place in Scorpio, the most intense of the water signs associated with death and rebirth. In the Egyptian Pantheon, Scorpio is aligned with the Feline – Hathor Goddess. It is the Eclipse of the Divine Feminine. The phase is ending of Patriarchal domineering, and opens to a new phase of equity


The opposition from the eclipse to the South Node in Taurus is exactly conjunct to the star Algol, which is absolutely one of the most intense and violent points in the zodiac. Neptune and Chiron are the outlet for all this very potent energy. The planets – Neptune & Chiron in November 2012 are much more powerful than usual as they are stationing direct and are also trined by magical Saturn. Mars is conjunct Pluto square Uranus and on the Galactic centre. The shadow side of Neptune/Chiron will bring the changes needed, the loss of old beliefs, releasing the pain and overcoming inappropriate feelings of helplessness.


But some of the hard edges can indeed be softened by the feminine influx.


November is a difficult time, but it has great windows for recalibration and realignment. It is a time for rebirthing the self. But take time to consider actions. Think carefully and avoid the urge to act impulsively. Jupiter is unaspected and in retrograde, so wisdom may not prevail. Mercury & Uranus in retrograde also intensifies this ecliptic duo. Take your time !

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