Benjamin Fulford: The Pentagon and Agencies Choose Obama, the Chinese Military Stick With Hu

By Benjamin Fulford | Benjamin Fulford

Barak Obama’s victory in the electronically rigged US presidential election means he will remain the spokesman for the pentagon and the agencies over the next 4 years. These same agencies recently have actively leaked information about Romney’s drug money laundering and other criminal activities in a clear sign of a military industrial complex revolt against the Bush Nazi faction, according to CIA and other sources. The Dragon family also supported Obama because he agreed to go along with their agenda, according to White Dragon Society sources in Indonesia.

A push by libertarians and milita movements to write in Ron Paul, meanwhile, was squashed by higher military ranks because of Paul’s proposal to close US bases world-wide.

However, the biggest losers were the Zionists who were hoping Romney would help them realize their dream of starting World War 3.

In China meanwhile, the old guard kept Hu Jintao in charge of the military to make sure incoming leader Xi Xinping keeps within the consensus of a peaceful rise of China and does not provoke unnecessary macho violent incidents.

The big changes as usual, remain under the surface as a consensus on the shape of the new financial system slowly gels.

Here the Lee family, the one that has traditionally worked the closest with the Western committee of 300 secret government faction, is emerging as a pivotal force. The models they are holding up for future US/China/EU relations are Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Vancouver, Canada. These regions have also successfully and harmoniously integrated the strong points of both Western and Asian culture while avoiding pervasive corruption.

There is a general consensus among both Western and Asian secret government factions in favor of the formation of a new world economic planning agency run along the lines of the meritocratic bureaucracies mentioned above that have merged the best of Western (Roman) legal culture with Asian (Chinese) bureaucratic culture.

There is also a consensus that such an agency would not be a world government but simply an agency in charge of development projects too big, international and ambitious to be carried out by individual governments or corporations.

However, before that can happen, the bastions of the old regime such as the BIS, the European Central Bank, the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and of course the Federal Reserve Board, need to be subjected to a final charge of the Bastille.

To this end, the pentagon and agencies have agreed on the need to start creating government issued “greenback” currency in lieu of the US dollars issued by the privately owned Federal Reserve Board. If the US government did this it would be able to rebuild US infrastructure and finance ambitious development projects such as the high-speed rail network proposed by Leo Wanta.

Before that is possible, though, the new greenback has to be decoupled from the international currency wrongly named the “US” dollar. If that happens, the greenback would plunge in value compared to the international dollar. This would generate a huge increase in US exports plus investment into the US manufacturing and tourist industries.

However, it would also mean the Pentagon would find it prohibitively expensive to maintain much of its overseas presence using devalued greenbacks. That is why the White Dragon Society has proposed that Asian countries, including China, hire the services of the pentagon for worldwide police and security work. This has already been agreed to and test projects in places like Afghanistan have begun.

The unsolved issue remains deciding who would take over control of internationally traded US dollars. No US dollars have been created since 2008, which is why the US currency has not collapsed despite announcements of quantitative easing that should have been hyper-inflationary if the announced numbers were for real.

Read the rest of the article here: Jhaines6

1 comment on this postSubmit yours
  1. Just another unfairy tale, but still a tale…rrrrooo…..zzzzeeee…..

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