A Comprehensive List of Practices and Substances for Awakening the Pineal Gland

I have been thus compelled to create a thread dedicated to the compilation of regiments, techniques, factors and proven aids with the goal of cleansing and optimizing the functionality of the pineal gland/third eye/ajna through methods which detoxify it (the supplementary result and necessity are its decalcification and removal of accumulated fluoride) and stimulate or charge it. To third eyes which have not been awakened, the intention is that following of the regiment presented will be to awaken it, and to those who enjoy the benefits of an already open ajna will experience enhancement of its capabilities and propensity to facilitate divine connection and generation and perhaps discovery of new ones.

Transcendental Methodology

Gotu Kola: The tea, extracts, and encapsulated whole herb of Gotu Kola is known to be a potent detoxifier and stimulator of the pineal gland and overall beneficial to the entire brain. I report tremendous success with it and noticeable enhancements in clarity, lucidity and intuition since taking it.

Wood Betany: I have not personally taken it but have seen it always mentioned alongside Gotu Kola in regards to detoxification and stimulation of the pineal.

Sandalwood: The essential oil of Sandalwood is known to oxygenate the limbic area of the brain and most notably the pineal gland, allowing better blood flow to it, also being high in sesquiterpenes, vigorously stimulating it. Its administration is best done dermally via application beneath the nostrils to allow inhalation and the area of the forehead where the pineal is located. In my experience, sandalwood has been highly effective and beneficial.

Frankincense: Again, not something I hold personal experience in using but is always mentioned alongside Sandalwood for the same reasons and as having similar mechanisms.

The reason for the high effectiveness of essential oils, especially those geared towards stimulation of the pineal gland, are known to be because of their unique ability to penetrate cell membranes, swift travelling throughout the body, decrease of the thickness of blood to enhance circulation, the increase of atmospheric oxygen and providing of negative ions, and most relevantly the stimulation of secretion of nerotransmitters, endorphins, hormones, and enzymes.

Dimethyltryptamine: Perhaps the most important endogenous neurotransmitter to exist, holding the function of regulation and sustenance of all states of consciousness awareness including waking states, dream states, and mystical states. It is theoretically produced in high amounts during birth, the transition of death/near death experiences, the transition to dream states and in trace amounts during deeper states of meditation. While many are skeptical of the claims that it is produced in the pineal gland those who hold actual experience with it report a viscerally intense pressure surrounding the area of the pineal following usage via the smoked route of administration.

While its availability is uncommon and possession deemed illegal by those negatively oriented authoritative groups that find enjoyment and believe the necessity in suppression of the natural abilities, freedom and divine connection of the masses, it is perhaps the most immediate and potent of supplements geared towards complete cleansing and stimulation of the pineal gland. It holds also the ability which no other aid listed above has of accessing and activating the various innate capabilities and functions of the pineal gland in extremely powerful degrees that cannot in any capacity be consciously accessed without the overloading of the pineal with this neurotransmitter, its possible functions including but not limited to extreme extradimensional perception and assorted macrocosmic experiences.

The functions I listed however are most directly and immediately accessed from the smoked route of administration albeit the most optimal utilization is in conjunction with the ingestion of a monoamine oxidiser inhibiter or MAOI an hour prior to smoking, most commonly used sources being the seeds of Syrian Rue or the vine of Baanisteriopsis Caapi, in order to alter the experience from a brief and uncontrolled ‘flash’ of apparent visions and transcendent experience to an hours time of exploration of the dimensional region and abilities afforded which may translate to an eon or so of time in that state.

Oral ingestion via the form of the sacramental medicine brew Ayahuasca, being the most traditional method used by indigenous cultures for millenia, takes on a much more grounded and spiritually cleansing nature. It is purgative, visionary albeit Earth-bound, powerful in its transmission of data/plant gnosis, and may be used to “charge” the powers of the imbiber. Phenomenon precursory of the 4th Density may be experienced, examples being that of the sharing of a group mind in a group Ayahuasca session (i.e. telepathy) or the possible creation and usage of projectiles of energy against another, although the latter example is included as a result of my personal and slight mischievously-influenced musing. Interesting to note is the depiction of UFO’s in several Ayahuasca vision paintings and the relaying of experiences where extraterrestrial contact occurs with natives in the period following Ayahuascic alteration, almost implying that the energetic empowerment and increased vibratory shift was sensed by and enabled direct contact with a higher dimensional sentient being.

Be aware that the utmost of respect, responsibility and purity of intent must be held when approaching the experience. Recreational usage and highly frequent usage of DMT in any route of administration is considered abuse, misuse and an overall waste of potential growth, attainable benefit and knowledge, and is highly discouraged. It is entirely possible to become “locked out” of the experience if irresponsibility in ones usage manifests or due to lack of direction and purpose in using this technology. Irresponsible or aimless usage is a waste also considering its rarity, especially for those whose living situations bars them personal extraction which is high yielding and possible, as there exist numerous extraction methods/teks available on the internet. My small handful of solo Ayahuasca experiences and my several dozen smoked DMT experiences have proven it to be extremely effective in the goal of pineal optimization and ascertainment of direct esoteric gnosis, although I have had to resort to and settle with more natural methods for the past few months given its uncommon availability.

Meditation: The most simple, basic, easily available, unlimited in utilization, easily performed and highly beneficial of methods is meditation where one’s focus is fixated in the area directly above and between one eyes where the third eye is located.

I am going to cite a member of our community for it was his informative compiling of information which scientifically and biologically explains the process of stimulation of the pineal through meditation. A huge round of applause to Tenet Nosce is in order.

(05-21-2012 08:44 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:  I went back to the basic anatomy, and looked at the neurological input to the pineal gland. I found there are four neural ganglia (kind of like mini-brains or relay stations) that feed into the pineal gland. Turns out each of them is activated by a different behavior or activity that is associated with meditative practices.

One of them is located near the top of the cervical spine, right at the point where the neck flexes and extends when one is nodding. Thus, its activity is modulated by the specific angle at which the head rests upon the spine. Turns out the ideal angle is achieved by sitting with the spine fully erect, and the head positioned about 10-15 degrees below a line parallel with the ground. Just as the yogis recommend.

A second ganglion is stretched across a little plateau of bone in the inner ear, and responds to vibration, such as is generated by chanting, toning, hitting a gong, or ringing a bell or one of those Tibetan bowls.
A third one is related to the olfactory nerve, which translates our sense of smell as well as the sensation of air moving through the nasal cavity. Thus it is activated by the lighting of incense, and focusing one’s awareness on the tip of the nose where the air is moving in and out. Another nerve from this ganglion drops down through the head and emerges right at the point where the hard palate meets the soft palate- exactly where yogis advise to place the tongue during meditative practice.

The fourth one is related to our perception of light and motion. Turns out that the perfect way to activate this one is to focus one’s gaze at a flickering candlelight in an otherwise dim room… again just as the yogis recommend!

I am a doctor, so having a better idea what the technical jargon means makes the process easier. But- one doesn’t need any special resources other than the Internet.

All I did was nose around on the net until I found a page which described the nervous input into the pineal gland. Then, I looked up the nerves themselves to see what physical pathways they traverse in the body. Then I looked up the ganglia, or relay stations, to see what kind of information was being passed through there. It was then I realized that each one carries information generated by a different behavior associated with meditation.

The challenge with doing this kind of research is more due to having to pull bits and pieces from various sources, as no single source puts them all together. There are so many things like this out there, that I have to admit the most rational explanation I can come up with is that there actually are people out there somewhere with a clear intention to draw people’s attention away from certain ideas, and have enough control of the media sources to pull it off.

I’ve trained my mind to look for the information that is limited or missing. Whether it’s a news report or a textbook- a part of my mind is looking closely at the boundaries of the information offered, and noticing if there are any gaps or holes. I find them all the time, and they tend to lead to fascinating places.
The information he has presented has helped me make sense in why is it that certain aids I’ve long used have been of tremendous assistance especially in my constant exposure to the 432hz tone frequency when I meditate and my inhalation of pineal-stimulating essential oils right beneath my nostrils and explains also why the erection of the spine and the tilting of one’s head are considered crucial for proper posture in meditation. Given that the information he presented was initially disconnected and it was him that took the effort to connect the dots, the content is original, comprehensive and is significant enough to be presented in a thread geared towards the information I wish to compile here. Once again, thank you Tenet Nosce!

Magnetic Stimulation: I have heard anecdotes which reference the supposed ability of extreme stimulation to the point of powerful psychic receptivity, phenomenon and awareness by applying the north or + side of a magnet to the area of the forehead where the pineal is located for a fair period of time each day for weeks at a time, although I have not experimented with this (yet) and thus cannot presently vouch for its validity or possible effectiveness. If anybody has experience and success with it, it would be much appreciated if you may be able to verify this claim.

Iodine/Iodide Supplementation: A deficiency in iodine, a chemical element essential to the body’s physical and mental development, in a person’s diet with symptoms manifesting primarily as hypothyroidism. It is the single most common cause of preventable mental retardation and brain damage in the world. Its supplementation ensures the healthy and normal growth and development of the body and brain and specifically the thyroid gland. The relevance of my inclusion in this list is that, apart from being beneficial to supplement, it has been clinically proven to displace fluoride through its increased urinary excretion. With that said…

Avoidance of fluoride: The primary cause of retardation of capability, inhibition of psychic prowess and skewering of divine connection is poisoning via the predominate culprit, fluoride. It is highly suggested to completely avoid fluoride, although if this is circumstantially impossible, diminish exposure to it as much as possible. It is added to most water sources and widely available as the active ingredient of most toothpastes. Following the above regiment will already guarantee that the detrimental effects of fluoride will be reversed and healed, and while the regiment is implemented exposure to fluoride will not be as effective in debilitation as it should be, but regardless it is still suggested to avoid it as much as possible, especially if no pineal detoxing regiment is being followed.


Fermented Skate Fish Liver Oil/Cod Fish Liver Oil: Testimonials show that its usage can result in decalcification of the pineal gland and for having extreme success in doing so, credit to Oceania for bringing this up.

Sungazing: The practice of sungazing, most notably before and shortly following sunrise although one may direct their pineal towards the sun without directly looking at it throughout the day, results in the energetic nourishment of not only the pineal gland but one’s entire field of energy. It has been reported also that endocrine secretions occur during the period of sungazing.

Noni Fruit Juice/Extract: I have recently ordered some of the extract of the Morinda Citrifolia/Noni fruit after reading on its miraculous ability of greatly stimulating and empowering the pineal gland by providing the gland with its alleged main food, xeronine and literally feeding it its essential and primary nutrient. Here is a highly informative website on its vast and extraordinary benefits: http://www.usacbh.com/eff_noni.asp

May all be blessed and successful in the pursuit of workings towards fully generating and manifesting the pleroma at the forefront of their being, for such an endeavor is the natural right and endeavor of mankind in transfiguration into their true identity

12 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Hello !! I am truly astonished at the amazing amount of information on your website! Thank You for the incredible amount of effort it must have taken to put together such a treasure trove of truly useful and meaningful articles.

    I wonder how long you’ve been doing all of this….I cannot believe I haven’t found you sooner, but I’m SO HAPPY that I did today!

    Many Blessings to you,


  2. Uniao Da Vegatal is a religion based in Brazil. Every two weeks at the gatherings folk from all walks of life sit and drink Ayahuasca. This has lead to a reduction in crime rate, addiction, many mental health problems and studies have shown that long term users are way healthier than those that have never drunk the stuff. I have used this myself and have completely changed my outlook on life for the better. Now has become the most important time in my life . . . and that is the greatest gift of all. Thank you for all your information and all through a slip on a key board . . . . . . . serendipity !!!

  3. It’s me again….Just have to say >> Oh, How I LOVE getting your newsletters — many days, they are the only ones I open!

    You share such obscure information and amazingly, many of your articles divinely coincide with something i need to address or am currently researching.

    I appreciate your research and this fantastic compilation of knowledge.
    Much Love and Blessings to YOU !!!!

  4. Thank you kindly Rhonda!


  5. Thank you

  6. Very good information, thanks

  7. I truly love this website. So appreciative. Thank you.

  8. For magnetic stimulation maybe try this:


  9. Hello Charlie! I receive a newsletter from a man I admire greatly – Jon Rappoport.

    If it were not for an email I received from him just a few weeks ago, I’d be in absolute TOTAL agreement with your thoughts on GMO labeling.

    As you you know, most of Europe has banned GMO altogether.

    THIS is what America should have done.

    Sadly, America has allowed Monsanto to keep infiltrating our food supply.

    I can’t really say it better than Jon himself — so I hope the owners of HJ do not mind that I post the entire article by Jon here:

    How to play into Monsanto’s hands: label GMOs

    by Jon Rappoport
    October 15, 2013

    People are easy to manipulate. When presented with a problem and the apparent solution, they will choose the solution because it’s in front of their faces.

    Worse yet, if the solution has a little momentum, if it is backed by a bit of cash, if “the good people” favor it, it will seem like the only choice.

    “This is what we have. We have to support it. We can’t turn back.”

    Spoken like a true believer, and a true loser.

    People look for the easy way out. They look for an answer that involves the least amount of unpleasant conflict.

    “See? Just vote for GMO labeling. If we win, that’s it. No muss, no fuss. Cast your ballot. Brilliant.”

    Or how about this: “Look. Monsanto is pouring millions into defeating GMO labeling. That shows how scared they are. We’re on the right track.”


    Of course Monsanto would like to defeat labeling, but at a deeper level they’re sucking the opposition into the game they, Monsanto, want. Monsanto can deal with GMO labeling. They can spend millions more convincing the consumer that GMO food is good food, if labeling comes to pass.

    For Monsanto, labeling is the lesser of evils. The real dangers for them are 1) a ban on growing GMO crops, and 2) a million people on the streets and on college campuses revolting against the worst corporation in the world.

    For Monsanto, labeling is a limited hangout. It’s, “Well, maybe labeling is a good thing if all you people want it. Sure, why not? We’ll support you, if you insist. But we still maintain there is nothing wrong with genetically modified food.”

    Labeling is, in fact, very good for Monsanto if it keeps people distracted from the dangers I just mentioned. It’s a cover. It’s a dead-end, because while states try to pass labeling initiatives, the gene drift is sending Monsanto GMOs into plants from California to Maine. Fait accompli. The land of the nation is blanketed with GMOs.

    Labeling is a misdirection. It sucks up people, time, money, and energy into the “officially certified” response to Monsanto.

    It takes the weakness of the anti-GMO movement and uses it. That weakness is superficiality, the desire for the easy answer, the nice answer, the answer that requires no outrage, the consumerist answer:

    “People have a right to know what’s in their food.”

    When has there ever been a true revolution based on the consumer?

    The thought of it is absurd.

    When the labeling initiative in California, Prop 37, went down to defeat, I predicted that the next state campaign up for grabs, in Washington, would follow the same disastrous game plan:

    “Tell people they have a right to know what’s in their food, and tell them nothing else.”

    No, no, I was assured—Washington will be different. Voters will be shown all the horrors of GMOs. They’ll know why they need labeling.

    That was just a pipe dream.

    Washington is a replica of California.

    I firmly believe the labeling movement has been infiltrated at the highest levels. The businessmen who are funding the initiatives have given in to their own weakness and shortsighted view of what moves people, and they have been steered by advisors and PR experts, who are the infiltrators:

    “You need a one-idea slogan. Just one idea. Keep it simple. Keep it nice. You’re speaking to consumers. Just tell them they have a right to know what kind of food they’re buying. That’s your only chance of winning.”

    The businessmen understand that kind of talk. They run companies. They devise ways of expanding their customer base.

    When it comes to what works politically, they’re morons.

    And they have no stomach for a real battle.

    But they gain allies, because it appears (falsely) that these ballot initiatives are the only game in town.

    Monsanto wants it that way.

    Monsanto wants a landscape in which voting for ballot measures seems to be the only choice anti-GMO people can make.

    Monsanto wants a landscape in which it appears these labeling initiatives rose up spontaneously out of the earth by popular acclaim.

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    A small group of men with money made that decision in concert. They knew their money would talk. And it did.

    These men are content to coexist with Monsanto. They have already surrendered.

    On January 27, 2011, Ronnie Cummins, the head of the Organic Consumer’s Association, quoted a Whole Foods email:

    “The policy set for GE [GMO] alfalfa will most likely guide policies for other GE crops as well. True coexistence is a must.” – Whole Foods Market, Jan. 21, 2011

    Cummins then wrote:

    “In the wake of a 12-year battle to keep Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered (GE) crops from contaminating the nation’s 25,000 organic farms and ranches, America’s organic consumers and producers are facing betrayal. A self-appointed cabal of the Organic Elite, spearheaded by Whole Foods Market, Organic Valley, and Stonyfield Farms, has decided it’s time to surrender to Monsanto. Top executives from these companies have publicly admitted that they no longer oppose the mass commercialization of GE crops, such as Monsanto’s controversial Roundup Ready alfalfa, and are prepared to sit down and cut a deal for ‘coexistence’ with Monsanto and USDA biotech cheerleader Tom Vilsack.”

    Who are the major funders of the labeling ballot measures? The CEOs of Stonyfield, Lundberg, Whole Foods, and Dr. Bronner’s.

    Joe Mercola, too. I would like to hear him talk about his original decision to fund these ballot initiatives, what his thinking was, and how deeply he explored the concept of political action—what works and what doesn’t—back there at the beginning, when the die was cast on how Americans would oppose Monsanto.

    In case anybody cares to think about it, we are not, first and foremost, consumers.

    What moves people to great action is not shopping.

    How are real political movements born?

    Did the men who gathered to write and sign the Declaration of Independence say, “You have a right to know?”


    That’s the slogan of these ballot measures.

    “We’re not saying GMOs are good or bad. That’s not up to us. We’re gutless. But wouldn’t you agree you have a right to know whether you’re eating them?”

    Speaking dumb because you believe people are dumb is a failed operation.

    It can work during, say, a Presidential election, when the electorate is already hypnotized into believing they must choose between two criminal poseurs.

    But in launching and sustaining a long-term political and social goal, it’s a loser from the get-go.

    It doesn’t galvanize people. It doesn’t inspire people.

    It might stir the folks who shop at Whole Foods, but I can tell you America isn’t going to change its mind about Monsanto based on “moms” who walk into those stores with yoga mats rolled up under their arms, trying to stave off emotional and spiritual collapse because their bodies are starting to blimp out.

    “Yes, Mr. Franklin. I’ll sign the Declaration. My waistline is developing a ripple.”

    Jon Rappoport
    The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

    • This is a consumer saetfy issue. – LibdemYou’re missing my point Libdem. This is NOT a consumer saetfy issue. If it were, I would agree with you completely. I agree that the government should protect the consumers. I’m with you! However, they don’t need to protect us from fictional threats, like the bogey man are the monster under the bed.I don’t feel a company should have to defend itself against libelous and slanderous claims. I feel that the burden of proof should be on those wishing to impose labeling. They should have to prove there’s a consumer saetfy issue before being able to force a company to label their products a certain way. In actuality, the reverse has happened. Scientific consensus is that there IS NO saetfy issue, yet they still want to force labeling anyway to assuage the unreasonable, unsubstantiated, paranoid fears of some consumers. I oppose that.

  10. Charlie — here’s another thing:
    The only ads I see on this site are the ones from “google ad choice” which are tailored to what google thinks you might be interested in.

    For instance, I was on a website the other day for a certain nutritional product, and right now I am seeing that exact same product being advertised to the right side of the screen. Almost every site I go to which employs “google ad choice”, somehow magically knows what websites I’ve been perusing and tries to sell me any related products. Yeah, a little creepy. ha!

    Although, my point is: Have you been on any websites concerning GMO labeling recently?

    If that’s the case, then “google ad choice” is making the decision to show you that ad, not the Healers Journal.

    Just a possibility.

    I use ad-blocking software with my browser, but the only ones that still show up are from “google ad choice”….those sneaky devils.

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