Six Ways to Prepare the Body for Spiritual Experience

By Anna Hunt | Waking Times

The human body is hard-wired in such a way that we have the innate capability to experience deep spiritual events, regardless of one’s religious or theological beliefs. However, the reality of life is that our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins, chemicals and poisons, while our minds and psyches are constantly cluttered by media, distractions and group-think. Given this rather chaotic environment, it’s no wonder that it is so difficult for most of us to experience genuine spiritual events and that true enlightenment seems so unattainable and out of reach.

Spiritual experiences are profound events. They can heal our psyche and our physical body. They can instantly and permanently alter the way we view life. We become more closely connected with other living beings. We strengthen our essence and create positive change in our lives and in the lives of others. Yet, moments of clarity, enlightenment, spiritual clairvoyance, whatever you wish to call it, are not easy to come by for most. If we take steps to return the body to its more natural, more pure state, we can greatly enhance its capacity to receive spiritual experience and better feel the great mysteries and beauty of life.

The following a variety of measures you can take to enhance your everyday life and prepare the body to receive a spiritual experience.

  1. Food – Eat naturally, with many raw natural foods, whole grains and organics. Significantly reduce and/or abstain from canned and processed foods, as well as refined sugars. Abstain from red meat and pork, and in its place turn to chicken, fish, eggs and natural foods for your protein, fatty acids and B12.
  2. Drink – Reduce caffeinated beverages to one cup of coffee or tea per day, and significantly reduce or abstain from alcohol. Add warm water with lemon to your morning ritual, to boost the immune support system, balance pH and improve function of the digestive, lymph and urinary systems.
  3. Detoxification – Practice fasting and other detox methods. The day of the fast, drink only water or vegetable broth from sunrise to sunset. During the absence of food, the body will systematically cleanse itself of everything except vital tissue, which helps the body to detoxify. Other ways to cleanse the body may also be beneficial, such as colonics, enemas and liver cleanses. An herbalist, acupuncturist or a doctor of Chinese medicine may have some ideas on which plants and teas can be useful when detoxifying.
  4. Emotions – Approach emotions such as aggravation and anger with awareness, to control blood pressure and reduce stress in the body. When negative emotions arise, acknowledge them and then dissolve them using meditation techniques or simply “telling” them they are not needed. Practice kindness to others by proactively performing good deeds, without publicizing them. Cast aside expectations, and embrace the unexpected. Develop constant awareness of the emotional state to create space for improving reactions to situations that arise.
  5. Breath – Breathe mindfully and deeply, which will lead to a calm and centered disposition. Turning to an ancient practice such as Yoga, qigong, tai chi or meditation will help achieve a centered, peaceful state, help you calm the breath, and allow you to channel your prana energy towards the reception of higher states of mind.  Proper breathing greatly influences all aspects of life and is considered the foundation of good health and spiritual awareness.
  6. Exercise – Perform physical exercise often to repair, loosen and open up the body. The body houses our complex nervous system, which is akin to a complex receiver of information. Re-energizing this important system with regular and varied exercise will help to receive information, however, it is wise to respect your limits and not overdo it.  The improvements in blood flow and better health will positively affect all areas of life. Getting plenty of rest is also a key part of a healthy exercise regimen.

Our daily routines, how we act, what we eat, what we say, can be some of the hardest things to change, but taking small steps at first is a good way to start. Over time, it will become easier to live with conscious awareness, and, as a result, you will cultivate and liberate more of the positive qualities inherent in your true nature. Engaging mindfully these  6 influential aspects of life will improve your receptivity to the positive spiritual energies that are manifesting globally in this transformational time.  What now may seem as difficult or impossible will become a new, sustainable behavior, allowing you to become part of the great shift.

Inspirational and Spiritual Readings:

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle (Oprah’s Book Club)
Entering the Tao: Master Ni’s Guidance for Self-Cultivation, Hua-Ching Ni
Complete Works of Lao Tzu, by Lao-Tzu
Attaining Unlimited Life, by Zhuangzi


The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, by Andreas Moritz
Dr. Clark’s Healthy Recipes, by Hulda Regehr Clark
Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, by Paul Pitchford

About the Author

Anna Hunt is a writer, entrepreneur and yoga instructor. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. Read more of her excellent articles here, and visit her website

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