James Gilliland: Major Incoming Energies on Friday October 12th, 2012

By James Gilliland | ECETI

Major Shift for Friday Oct 12th

Many are feeling waves of consciousness and energy often coming in between 3 and 5 in the morning. This is a great time to be creative and receive inner guidance due to the psychic turbulence at an all time low and the creation energies at an all time high. This is orchestrated and assisted by Masters, Saints and Sages as well as spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders and ultradimensionals. There are energies coming in as we align with Galactic Plane affecting the Sun, which have a major impact on humanity and the Earth. These influxes of energy affect the bioelectric fields around the human and Earth body, initiate weather changes, earthquake and volcanic activity. There is a lag time as these energies move down the vibrational continuum to the denser physical matter. It could be 2 to 5 days.

It is imperative that we become self aware, observe what is surfacing, any sadness, anger, judgments, or anything blocking us from unity consciousness and holding our own space and center as a loving, joyous, powerful manifesting God or Goddess. It is also imperative that we do not jump into the dramas of others or into reactionary mind. There is a major effort seen and unseen especially within the media to perpetuate fear and division—even War. Observing this without attachment is imperative and do not fear observing and addressing these matters, there is a time to speak, a time to observe. The awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth is well underway. It is increasing exponentially and there will be major social, economic and physical Earth Changes as part of this process. Many are in-between two worlds, some are taking the downward spiral, others are taking the upward spiral. It is never too late to take the upward spira,l choosing to live in harmony with each other and the Earth. It is all about self-awareness, personal responsibility, and choice. These energies are great amplifiers of what some would call the good and the bad. Time to release the past and that which no longer serves you.

Be well,
James Gilliland

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