Emmanuel Dagher: Monthly Energy Forecast – October 2012

“It’s Like Giving Birth!”

Monthly Energy Forecast

by Emmanuel Dagher | Magnified Manifesting | October 2012

Blessings my friend,

What a roller coaster ride the energies have taken us on this past September! For some, the energies were so intense that saying it was like holding on for dear life is an understatement. A great deal of this intensity came as a direct result of the second of seven Uranus/Pluto squares that occurred on September 19th.

With that and the purging process that always precedes an Equinox, all I can say is phew!

For many of who have consciously been dedicated to their spiritual path, the recent energies felt much like the uncomfortable yet paradigm shifting energies many of us moved through at the final quarter of 2007. That cycle resulted in a massive elevation in the collective consciousness and played a big role in leading us to where we are today as a whole.

After the Equinox on September 22nd, the pressure cooker feeling that many of us have been experiencing finally started to loosen up. For those who quickly surrendered to this massive releasing process, a familiar ease, joy, and comfort started to re-emerge soon after. It became much easier to see and connect with the magic within ourselves and all around us. If we had projects or other things in the works that felt as if they were placed on hold, new doors started to open up and things started to move forward once again.

For others who may not have as quickly embraced the releasing process that came right after the Equinox, the challenges we had been facing prior amplified and moved forward with us.

The key thing to note is that challenges are just lessons in disguise. It’s the way we react to a challenge that directs what our experiences will continue to be. A challenge simply allows us to look inside ourselves and gauge whether there is still some inner healing that can be done. In this case, some simple yet empowering questions that can support us in our healing process could be:

“What can I do right now to fully embrace the present moment?”
“What can I choose to release and let go of today that no longer feels in alignment with my greatest good?”
“What lessons and gifts am I meant to receive from this experience?”
“How can I consciously choose to create more joy in my life today?”

Questions like this light up new and life enhancing neuro-waves in the brain that open us up to higher insights and revelations. These insights have the power to expand us instantly and overtime (depending on how comfortable we are with change) and give us the answers to the empowering questions that can realign us back with the natural flow of life where we can thrive the most. There are many other ways that can support us in thriving such as practicing mindfulness/meditation, connecting with nature, being part of a loving community, expressing our creative gifts daily, pampering and being gentle with ourselves, intuitive development, practicing gratitude, journaling and energy healing just to name a few.

Another important thing to note during times of challenge is to not compare and judge ourselves to others as these energies will amplify the resistance to the challenge itself. If we find that we are feeling out of alignment, let’s simply be willing to hand over the judgments to the Universe and embrace ourselves through the process. If that means a little R&R or alone time is necessary, then so be it.

“It’s like Giving Birth!”

So where are we energetically right now? The contrast between the old world and the new world is clearer than ever. The grey areas have rapidly dissolved leaving no room for second guessing which world we are choosing to be part of.

If we are finding ourselves still in lack, worry, guilt, blame, or a similar vibration for any reason, we are probably noticing that more of those experiences are showing up in our reality instantly. We just can’t hide from the fact that we are extremely power co-creators. We can’t play small or pretend we are these helpless beings. The collective consciousness is currently BEAKING FREE from the hold of these patterns. That’s why everywhere we turn, there seems to be confusion and unrest.

I was recently connecting with a kindred spirit, and she asked me why the energies were so chaotic right now? The first image I received when she asked me this question was a mother giving birth.

Similar to when a mother is giving birth, there’s usually a painful labor process that occurs right before the child is born. Just because labor can be painful doesn’t mean there’s going to be something wrong with the baby or the mother: it’s just part of the process.

We could say that right now we are in month 9 of humanity’s birthing process. In fact, the labor has already started. We are giving birth to a new world. A world founded on core principles of love, oneness and fairness. These principles are radically different than the old principles that promoted separation we somehow bought into and settled on. It’s normal that when something new is being birthed, the contrast it brings to whatever is already existing creates some type of resistance. Resistance is actually a great confirmation that some kind of movement is happening, and a big change is on the horizon. In the case of what’s happening in our world, eventually the old world will shift and become part of the new world, it’s just a matter of when rather than if it will happen.

On the other hand, if we are choosing to embrace the fact that we are these powerful co-creators and are choosing to consistently be mindful of creating our highest visions for ourselves and the world through love, kindness, and gratitude, we are seeing these visions show up in our lives quicker than ever. It really is a miraculous time to be a human being on this planet!

Whatever energy we choose to put out in the world, it’s being mirrored back in our experience instantly. The exciting news is, we can choose whichever vibration we want to be in at anytime.

The Divine Feminine in Full Throttle

For eons, the collective feminine had been oppressed by allowing herself to be influenced by the self-forgotten aspect of the masculine which moved her out of her power. (The self-forgotten masculine is not to be mistaken with the Divine Masculine. Same goes for the feminine. Also, the feminine transcends gender and can be represented by a female or male.)

As a result of this, The Divine aspect of the feminine just could no longer wait on the sidelines in hopes of humanity figuring it out on their own. So, for the past century leading up to this present moment where she is now in FULL THROTTLE mode, she is drenching herself into the collective body, mind, and heart! This course of action is moving us out of victim consciousness and into empowered love consciousness.

So in regards to the upheavals that appear to be occurring on the planet right now. What’s happening is that the ‘self-forgotten’ aspect of the masculine is simply resisting the reintegration of the Divine aspect of the feminine in the collective. It’s to expected when a certain system has been put into place for so long that operated like a well oiled machine starts to collapse. We know that the Divine Feminine has always been here embodied by powerful individuals who have chosen to speak their truth and be the love in action even when it wasn’t the most popular thing to do. Now, as a collective, the Divine Feminine is empowering all of humanity to move into our hearts and shed the false illusions we’ve clouded ourselves all this time.

The Feminine and the Global Stage

How is the world reflecting this miraculous reintegration? The global financial markets are no longer able to function on the old models of covert agendas and are on the verge of a big shift. People all over the world are standing up for fairness and equality, no longer settling for anything less. An emergence of heart centered leadership & global problem solving (i.e. Yale University & Marianne Williamson’s new movement Sister Giant) are being birthed. New eco businesses are emerging left and right. People all over the world are building conscious and self-sustainable communities that are thriving. These are just a few examples of where we can clearly see the Divine Feminine in action.

The Feminine and Our Personal Experience

On a personal level, we may find ourselves desiring more intimacy, meaningful connections, love, beauty, spiritual practice, natural foods, nature, simplicity, creativity (i.e. singing, art, dancing, crafts, coloring, writing, inventing something new), being of service to ourselves & our community, & aligning with a cause we believe. These desires are just some of the ways the Divine Feminine within us is choosing to experience more of herself through us as us. By choosing to satisfy these desires, we honor the Divine Feminine within us leading to ultimate joy, love & freedom.

As we move through these powerful next few months, let’s give ourselves permission to trust in our unique process without judgment. If we are feeling overwhelmed at times, it’s completely okay. Together, we are completing a multi-thousand year old cycle at the speed of light for ourselves & for all our ancestors that came before us. That is no small task. What we have & will continue to accomplish during this historic time is nothing short of heroic. We knew before even entering this paradigm that it would not be easy, but knew we could do it. We are doing it. It’s already done. And so it is.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved www.magnifiedmanifesting.com

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