Maya White: October – The Season of Change

By Maya White | Maya White Astrology


Whats Going On  October 2012 – Release and Change

October brings us to the season of harvest and balance. Also, in this time of the Libra sun, we are reminded of the teachings of the Egyptian goddess Maat. As a deity of justice, she rules fair dealings, honesty and truthfulness in social interactions. Goddess  Maat embraces all aspects of existence, including the basic equilibrium of the universe and  the cycle of the seasons.

We have many planetary shifts this month; Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn all change signs, which is a sure marker of shifting energies and engaging a new focus.

Saturn in Scorpio

On the 5th, Saturn enters Scorpio and remains there until December or 2014. In Scorpio, Saturn works to transform our desires, and to remove obstacles. Suppression and release are the tools of Saturn in Scorpio. On the personal level, the upcoming years will be valued through how deeply you can access your true emotional body, release lingering blockages, and then grant yourself the freedom you so richly deserve.

In this age of secrets being revealed, imagine the news that will be coming out. In Scorpio, Saturn plays for keeps. We now experience a serious planet in a deep and meaningful sign.

Mars in Sagittarius

After a whirlwind trip through Scorpio, Mars enters Sagittarius on the 6th. The admonishment here is to keep active and not let martin energy become pent up. If you have a previous, air it quickly and move on. Mars in Sagittarius exudes vitality, so, while keeping within consideration of the laws of justice, if it feels good – do it.

Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo after the 2nd lends a friendly hand to you earth signs. The lesson here is that you may have to work for what you want, and it might not look quite as pretty as you thought it would But, what you get is safe, functional, and solid.

Mercury joins Saturn on the 5th, in the very last seconds of Libra. Like a coach (Saturn) and his players (Mercury) meeting before the big game; they huddle, and then – GO TEAM – into the sign of Scorpio. This also feels like the lord of Karma (Saturn) is getting his game plan (Mercury) together before taking the plunge (Scorpio) to go in and make some radical changes.

Neptune Retrograde

Neptune retrogrades back to 0 degree of Pisces. For anyone who has planets in the late or early degrees of Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, or Taurus this has been a particularly challenging and long spell of confusion or even having some quality of your life undergoing a slow wasting away. Come on Neptune, enough already – get moving direct into Pisces where you belong. Alas, we suffer this dilemma until early 2012 when Neptune finally surrenders to the Piscean field of dreams.

As you can see, October will be a time of changing priorities and reorientation. To help us through, I return to the Goddess Maat.  After her role in creation and continuously preventing the universe from returning to chaos, her primary role in Egyptian mythology dealt with the weighing of souls that took place in the underworld.

One feather from her wing was the measure that determined whether the souls (considered to reside in the heart) of the departed would reach the paradise of afterlife successfully. To be set free, the soul, (or heart) must be balanced against her feather.

The lesson is that we cannot carry the burdens and arrows of the mundane life; we must allow our hearts to be free of burdens.

Wishing you the blessing of Light, and the freedom to fly.

READ your October horoscope HERE

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©Maya White/ White Star LLC/ 2012

2 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. “October – The Season of Change”

    let me guess, November will be the “Season of Lovely Wonderful Prospering Souls”

    and then December will be called the “Season of Harvesting”

    and then “Metatron” will tell us that “Great Wonderful Loving Change is ahead of us all!!

    • Ha ha. ROFLMAO. November is the season of the Scorpio with little pincers. But, no fear, we will be ‘there” by December – wonderful change for those who have courage to speak & not hide as anon.

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