Benjamin Fulford: United States of America Corporation Looting Individual Bank Accounts to Postpone Bankruptcy

Ben Fulford: United States of America Corporation looting individual bank accounts to postpone bankruptcy

By Benjamin Fulford |

The United States of America Corporation, a subsidiary of the bloodline family owned Federal Reserve Board, has resorted to stealing private funds, and blaming it on “Iranian cyber-attacks,” in order to stave off bankruptcy, according to CIA and other sources. This desperate stalling maneuver comes as the members of the old pentagram of power, David Rockefeller, George Bush Senior, Queen Elizabeth, Evelyn de Rothschild and the Pope all argue amongst each other over what to do next.

The overall picture is that the Queen and the Pope are funneling money to Obama and pushing for his re-election, while the Rockefellers and Bushes are looking towards Asia, according to both CIA and Vatican sources. This leaves the Rothschild’s out on a limb and isolated. Their plan to start war and mayhem in the Middle-East, prior to doubling oil prices, is now starting to look like a really bad, if not fatal, chess move.

Word has also now come back from the Vatican archives about the fate of the Menorahs taken from the Temple of Solomon by troops of the Roman Emperor Titus. According to a senior Vatican archivist, the original Menorahs from the temple were melted down and turned into small statues that were distributed amongst various Romans and thus cannot be returned to the temple. However, the Vatican also has several solid gold Menorah’s dating back to the time of Jesus that they say they would be willing to hand over to an honorable group of Torah Jews. The Talmudic Jews, whose belief system is Babylonian and Sumerian but not Jewish, would not be considered qualified to receive the Menorahs, the Vatican sources say. Nonetheless, the willingness of the Vatican to make such a gesture would be very helpful to help start a not-so secret operation, code named OSC, that is being proposed by the White Dragon Society. We will talk more about this at the end of the news-letter but for now let us return to the geopolitical situation.

The now collapsing Rothschild game plan for the Middle-East is aiming to cause regime change in Syria, followed by Jordan and then Saudi Arabia as a precursor to doubling oil prices and replenishing Rothschild coffers.

Read the rest of the article here: jhaines6

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