Virgo New Moon: Choosing Our Path

The Virgo New Moon on September 15-16 is a favorable time to plant our seeds in fertile soil. Developing the skills, enhancing our health and getting organized are the key components for making our plans grow. We want to focus on improvement in our personal and professional lives versus unachievable perfection.

The asteroids Ceres and Vesta who rule nurturance issues are challenging the Virgo New Moon. Additionally, Asteroid Pallas Athena (Goddess of Wisdom and truth) coupled with Uranus in Aries and asteroid Juno (wife of Jupiter) joined with the North Node in Scorpio are calling forth the power of the feminine to heal and unite. Now is the time to release the war mentality and care for our people. We could begin to see a deep shift in our attitudes related to nurturance in our governments and at the grass roots.

Virgo is the Goddess of Purity. It is through our purity that we enter the heart of God. Creator is not awed with our fame, fortune, beauty, intelligence or wealth. God seeks the pure heart. For instance, in the movie, Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks won the best actor award for playing the role of the lovable and pure at heart character Forrest Gump. Forrest had it right. He was pure to his core. This made Forrest invincible and untouchable to the slings and arrows from the ignorant, dangerous and/or unkind folks he encountered on his life path. This does not imply that having mental challenges like Forrest Gump is required to develop a pure heart. However, to prepare for fourth and fifth dimension we want to purify our body, mind and spirit. We are to practice heart-centered living. Children are pure positive energy and examples of purity in action.

“Your children are genius creators who have just arrived from Nonphysical, who are feeling empowered. And if they would be left to their own devices, they would not go astray. They would maintain worthiness; they would maintain their feeling of Well-Being. They would thrive, unless it was taught otherwise to them. In other words, if others don’t do something to change their vibration, they are in a vibration of thriving.” ~ Abraham

Purity is a requirement into higher vibration. Anything less than love will dissolve in Creator’s Love/Light energy. The violet flame mantras can be used to cleanse our spiritual, emotional, physical and mental bodies. For instance, we can say aloud:

“I Am a Being of Violet Fire.” “I Am the Purity God Desires.”

We can also include other people, our finances and/or any problem/concern that we may be experiencing. For instance:

“The Presidential Election is a Being of Violet Fire.”

“The Presidential Election is the Purity God Desires.”

“Earth is a Being of Violet Fire.” “Earth is the Purity God Desires.”

The personal payoff is huge when we increase our vibration. This expands our consciousness. This empowers us to have greater intelligence, intuition, awareness, talents, gifts, abilities and attainment. We are no longer controlled by fear, manipulation, jealousy, greed or the lower negative energies. We see through the illusions of third dimension. We are awake, aware and empowered.

Powerful Pluto turns direct on September 17. Cosmic Simon says, “Take a giant step forward.” Pluto in direct motion increases its impact and force. Pluto in Capricorn wants us to take responsibility, be in our integrity and own our power.

♠ Who or what do we think will save us?

♠ Where do we still act as victims or slaves?

♠ How is life mirroring our beliefs or judgments?

September 19 evolutionary Pluto and revolutionary Uranus make their second of seven exact squares (challenging aspect). Squares mark turning points, they create crisis and force us to change or be changed.

♥ What do you need to change?

♥ What empowers you?

♥ Where do you need to take your power back?

Evolution means going into the unknown, into chaos. The ancient Egyptian and biblical meaning of chaos was “The void at the beginning of creation.” Even if you can’t make changes right now, practice being open to new possibilities. This includes a new lifestyle, new relationships, a new home and/or new work.

Pluto and Uranus are pushing us to question/challenge authority, the mainstream media and government policies. We are awakening from our amnesia, inertia and complacency. We are now at the crossroads. We must choose a path and get off the fence.

♦ What path are you choosing?

♦ What opportunities are available to you right now?

♦ What would you do if you just inherited ten-million dollars tax-free.?

Messenger Mercury Virgo’s ruling planet conjoins the New Moon. On September 20 Mercury now in Libra forms a challenging aspect to Pluto and Uranus. Mercury wants us to think way outside of the box. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. Uranus represents our higher mind that combines logic with intuition. The opposition between Mercury in Libra and Uranus in Aries can provide us with radical insights and revelations. Additionally, Mercury in challenging aspect to Pluto cautions us to be tolerant and mindful of our motivations. It is far better to embrace change and growth than to suppress it.

Happy Spring/Fall Equinox!

On September 22 the Sun enters Libra the sign of balance and harmony. We have equal day and night. The last week in September has us building toward the most powerful and intense Full Moon in 2012. This is the Aries Full Moon on September 29-30. Fear like power is just energy. Fear mongering is a very efficient way to control people. Keep in mind that those who seek to control others are also coming from a place of fear. The time has come for each of us to be in our full power and integrity. Be weird: the word “weird” originally meant having the power to control our destiny. Trust your inner guidance and remember: “The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment.” ~ Pema Chodron

Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano

Pluto Direct September 18
Pluto and Uranus second exact Square September 19
Sun enters Libra Fall/Spring Equinox September 22
Aries Full Moon September 29

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© Kelley Rosano All rights reserved.
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  1. Deeply satisfying and encouraging, specific reminders of specific actions to take.
    I am still reverberating from my local branch meeting last night of the Transitions Global Movement. I am helping to organize a local gathering of people opening and grounding Light energy next Saturday Sept 22,2012, the Autumn/Spring Equinox, a major portal of Light influx. I send tremendous love, wisdom, and recognition to all of you reading these words. Thank you.

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