Moldavite: Mysterious Ancient Crystal with Incredible Power

“The Gem That Fell to Earth”

In modern times, Moldavite has emerged as one of the healing crystals most prized by metaphysical users, and hundreds of stories about its transformational properties have been told. It has been credited with innumerable powerful life changes.

The common wisdom is that Moldavite crystal is a catalyst for inner evolution towards one’s highest good. The changes it brings can be intense and rapid, but they are, by all accounts, significant and valuable to the individual. The healing can occur in the physical body, one’s chakra system, one’s dream life, one’s awareness of healing spirit guides and other aspects of the spiritual dimensions, one’s career, one’s relationships and just about any other dimension of life where crystal healing can be useful.

Anyone interested in crystal healing should add Moldavite to their crystal collection. The green Moldavite crystal has a prominent reputation for rapid healing and powerful life changes. The book The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to 150 Crystals and Gemstones (Cassandra Eason) suggests that Moldavite crystals can be helpful for healing environmental issues. Moldavite crystal is an excellent choice for healing illness that is not responding to conventional treatment. Healing from pollution or ills of the modern world such as asthma can be possible. Those trying to quit smoking should consider wearing Moldavite.

The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to 150 Crystals and Gemstones also suggests that Moldavite crystal is a stone to wear if you spend a good deal of time alone, as its healing properties can help you strengthen and rejoice in your unique qualities. For crystal healing with children, it can help them connect with the wider universe. It is also recommended as a healing crystal for spiritually evolved cats.

Moldavite’s existence predates history. The Neolithic peoples of Eastern Europe regarded the dark-colored glassy crystal as a spiritual talisman more than 25,000 years ago. The excavated site of the famed Venus of Willendorf also uncovered a significant number of crystal Moldavite amulets, arrowheads and cutting tools.

In Czech folklore, Moldavite crystal was believed to bring harmony and healing to marital relationships, and the green crystal was used as a traditional betrothal gift for centuries.

Perhaps Moldavite’s greatest role in crystal healing history takes place as the substance purportedly used to create the Holy Grail of Arthurian legend. In some recountings, the Grail was said to be not a cup, but a stone; a crystal Emerald that fell from the sky. In other stories, the Grail cup was carved from the crystal Emerald. The correspondences of the Stone of the Grail with Moldavite crystal are clear. The ancients called all clear green gemstones “Emeralds”, and Moldavite is the only such crystal ever to have fallen from the sky.

Like the Stone of the Grail, a healing Moldavite crystal seems to be a harbinger of one’s higher destiny and a helpful and healing talisman for the achievement of it. As a healing tool, Moldavite crystal can help one to bring about the right relationship, right livelihood and can align the rest of one’s life into harmonious accord with the divine pattern.

Moldavites are amorphous crystals, or natural glasses, with a hardness of 5.5 to 6. Unlike other tektites (small brownish or tar black glassy rocks, formed from meteoric impacts), Moldavite crystal is a deep green color. It is the only variety of tektite suitable for cutting and faceting as a gem, and crystal healing jewelry has been made out of it for literally thousands of years. It can be cut and polished, and forming the crystal into certain geometric shapes – such as pyramids, spheres and gems which are round, triangular, oval or emerald cut – can enhance the focus and intensity of its healing energy.

An excerpt from the Book of Stones (Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian) best explains Moldavite’s genesis: “… Some Scientific theorists contend that Moldavite is earthly rock melted by the heat of the meteorite crash, while others suggest that the material is of extraterrestrial origin, possibly a type of obsidian ejected by a lunar volcano. A third theory holds that Moldavite is a fusion product of meteoric material and earthly rock which were vaporized in the tremendous heat of the impact explosion, the resultant gas being propelled high in the atmosphere. This gaseous material would have then cooled and condensed into a liquid glass which ‘rained’ down on the crater and surrounding areas. Regardless of which, if any, of these ideas is correct, it is known that Moldavite indeed fell from the sky because of the aerodynamic shapes of certain pieces, and virtually all scientists associate it with the meteoric collision which formed the Bohemian plateau and surrounding mountains.”

From the book Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation (Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner): “Time and again, in legend, myth and fantasy, you can find the story of the celestial green gem of transformation. A starborn catalyst of healing and wholeness, the sacred talisman of awakening, its call opens the door to our destiny. It has been almost unnoticed in our midst for many years, but now in the times of critical mass we find it again, the Moldavite,multitude of human channels. Its function as a spiritual tool grows and clarifies as we use it. As more of us find the commonality of our experiences with it, our sense of oneness grows.”

1 comment on this postSubmit yours
  1. I love Moldavite and it is Life changing. : )

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