Benjamin Fulford: Financial War is Down to a Few Small Factions and Key Individuals

Financial war is down to a few small factions and key individuals; lots of high profile deaths seen

by Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford

The financial war that has been raging intensely for the past several years is now down to a few factions all marred by infighting. One the one side is the fascist P2 lodge still pushing for a world fascist dictatorship.

On the other side can be seen several groups all claiming they want to do good but need to be in charge.

Several recent high-profile deaths may be related to this ongoing, but climaxing, struggle. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Bishop of Milan and reported Vatican spy master, died on August 31st, during the blue moon.

Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov, the former head of the Soviet Union’s armed forces fired by Gorbachev, also died on that day. Another prominent death was the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, head of the Unification Church. The Unification Church is known as a powerful player in the Asian underworld and has a large ranch in Paraguay next to the one the Bush family owns. None of the causes of death were announced but all the men were elderly.

These men were connected, though, at the highest level, to the intensifying factional struggle over control of the world’s finances.

Read the rest of the article here: Kauilapele’s Blog

2 total comments on this postSubmit yours

    Benjamin Fulford is not running the financial affairs of the rich Asian families of the White Dragon Society, he is their spokesman and he does a very good job at that. I proposed a few times in the past that since they are probably rich enough to help form an Endowment Fund for World Peace (launched by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)
    (…) Rigorous scientific research has verified the practical wisdom
    of ancient Vedic science. This historic project is assembling thousands
    of specially trained Vedic pandits in the geographic center of India
    to create global affluence and permanent world peace (…)

    Btw it is (also) for their own protection:
    (…) The philanthropic leaders of society would be wise to take advantage of the existence of the Vedic Technologies of Peace by contributing to the Endowment Fund for Permanent World Peace, to prevent terrorism and eliminate destruction and war. This will not only be charity; it well be self-insurance, providing reliable protection for the future of one’s family, nation, and the world (…)

    It is a good sign of the times that David Wilcock mentions the Maharishi Effect
    a great deal in his latest work The Science of Oneness.

    Keep keyman Keenan alive this way and jail the banksters and their agents. It can be organised in less than half a year.

    CIA O

    Maharishi an enlightened contemporary custodian of the ancient Vedic Tradition of India spoke often in terms of China as ”our Elder Brothers”…..


    Maharishi honoured his succesor neurophysiologist Dr. Tony Nader Ram born in a Christian family in Lebanon with the title Rajaram Adhiraj Maharaj. Under his guidance Nader wrote the richly illustrated Veda in the Human Physiology, and Ramayana in the human physiology – a unique scientific breakthrough.

    See the striking resemblance of Ganesha in each human physiology at page 10 of the above mentioned slideshare.

    The spiritually and therefore morally blind talmud rabbis- who teach jews are the only humans while all the non-jews are goyim=cattle, me Christ, it is this pathetic stupidity that steers the Rothschild banksters cabal, founders of present day rogue state numer UNO, Israel along with all their synagogue buddies in the US and EU govt. etc. to start WWIII to get their JWO, I don’t think so….
    These completely hellish ideologies made by sick men and eaten by their equally sick followers in the name of religion should be flushed through the toilet and if they are glued to these distorted views, they go with them.

    Alan Sabrosky, high ranking US military with partly jewish ancestry who woke up the Pentagon…..if Americans get to know 911SRAELDIDIT!! they are gone…

    CIA O

    Btw Neil Keenan should get quick protection of the White Dragon Society ninja’s

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