August 2012

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 181

By Aisha North The Manuscript of Survival Let us start off this missive by saying that although things may have felt more quiet than usual these last few days, they have been anything…


The Many Benefits of Mindful Eating

HJ: Mindful eating, which can take many forms, can have a major impact on your health and quality of life.  By slowing down and centering oneself before and during a meal, we connect…


The Many Problems of Wheat and Why You Should Avoid It

HJ: Awareness of gluten intolerance (aka Celiac’s Disease) has become quite widespread in the last few years, however, what many people do not realize is that even though they do not have Celiac’s,…

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The Group: All Levels Evolve – Reminders From Home

HJ: Steve Rother is another excellent channel who brings us clear, meaningful messages from a collective known as ‘The Group’.  In this message they speak about some of the spiritual mechanics involved in…


NY Attorney General Schneiderman Subpoenas 7 Banks in Growing LIBOR Scandal

HJ: Well this just keeps getting more and more interesting.  Despite a near media blackout on the LIBOR scandal, it keeps growing!  This is the sign of something truly phenomenal.  I can’t say…


The White Hats Report #47: Watergate Revisited?

HJ: The White Hats definitely have fresh and insightful news and information about current events playing out on the world stage.  They apparently hold mountains of damning evidence against the powers that be…


Bristol, UK Begins Using New Local Currency

HJ:  Well, this is interesting and significant.  While it may only be happening on a small scale here, if successful, I could see this spreading like wildfire across communities around the world.  This…


Rosemary Protects DNA; Boosts Memory and General Health

HJ: Not just a delicious herb, Rosemary is also a potent plant medicine with incredible healing properties.  In fact, almost all herbs are incredibly potent sources of nutrients and have amazing medicinal properties….


Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy: The Dark is Becoming Weaker By the Day

HJ: More hopium from the galactic federation?  Perhaps.  But I am hooked.  It is not hidden knowledge that we create our own reality, and so if I also share a desire to manifest…


Cobra Intel: White Nobility

HJ: Another interesting post from Cobra outlining just who is playing this complex game.  Plenty of info here to begin researching in the search for more clues and information.  I am looking forward…

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