August 2012

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 178

HJ: As I read through this message it occurs to me to remind everyone about the practice of Earthing or grounding yourself by standing on a patch of the earth barefoot.  Doing this…


Cosmic Awareness: An Explanation of Soul Contracts

HJ: Have you ever wondered why you are here?  Well, if you were to know what your soul contract was for this lifetime, it would be clear as day.  However, it is not…


DL Zeta: Uniting our Physical and Energetic Selves Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

HJ: DL Zeta brings us more incredibly timely and pertinent information on ascension, energetic bodies, 5th dimensional timelines manifestation.  This is a dense article by a master channeler.  This is definitely worth reading…

Mayan-UFO-Artifact small

Nassim Haramein: New Mayan Artifacts Revealed by Mexican Government

Thanks to American Kabuki AK: Found this article on Facebook (here) Finally Nassim Haramein’s ancient star-gate artifacts makes some news! Watch his youtube presentation with Klaus Dona and make your own judgments on the…


The Importance of Balancing of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Intake

HJ: Modern diets have many problems.  This is no secret.  However, what is not widely known is that the balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids is an extremely important when it comes…

Italian Debt Crisis: S&P Downgrades 15 Italian Financial Institutions

HJ: Anyone closely following the European Debt Crisis saw this one coming from a mile away.  Italy is a ‘major straw on the camels back’.  With Spain on the verge of requesting a…


Cosmic Awareness: 5th Dimensional Thinking – How to Make it Work in the 3rd Dimension

HJ: One of the longest running channels of all time, with archives going back to the early 1960’s, Cosmic Awareness is one of the best sources of information we have on the nature…


August 2012 Shamanic Forecast

HJ: Lena brings us a masterpiece article and energy forecast for August 2012 on the theme of Power and its role in the universe and our lives.  A master astrologer, Lena’s poignant and…


Emmanuel Dagher: The Intense August 2012 Energy Forecast

HJ: Emmanuel offers us more insightful analysis of the current and upcoming astral alignments.  Dagher is a genuinely talented lightworker and continues to offer timely and meaningful advice and observations to the world,…


The Critical Role of Zinc in Health

HJ: Zinc is an incredibly important yet difficult to obtain mineral.  There are only a handful of truly excellent sources and they tend to be foods that most people do not consume on…

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