August 2012

Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy: You Are Witnessing the Final Days of the Cabal

HJ: According to the Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy, we are currently in the midst of the downfall of the Cabal.  I can honestly say that assessing the last few years in retrospect,…

Programming RNA: The Future of Medicine

HJ: Dr. Dean describes an incredible new supplement that she has developed and patented that seems to be the start of a new revolution in the field of alternative medicine.  I for one,…


Mercury Goes Direct: What It Means For You in the Coming Days

HJ: The Healers Journal is happy to present this thoughtful and profound astrological forecast concerning Mercury going direct.  Maya goes beyond the typical astrological forecast and delves into the esoteric nature of reality,…


The Team: You Are the Bridge

HJ: I first came across channelings from Peggy Black and The Team in the Sedona Journal.  Peggy is an excellent channel and the messages from The Team are always filled with pertinent, succinct…


Jeshua Ben Joseph: Tremendous Preparations Have Been Taking Place

Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman – August 8, 2012 John Smallman All in the spiritual realms are watching with fascination and excitement as humanity moves ever nearer to awakening. Your collective unconscious…


Marlene Sweltishoff: 8:8 Solar Lion Stargate (August 8th)

HJ: Excellent summary and explanation of the August 8th, 2012 8:8 stargate that is about to occur.  These energetic portals offer exceptional opportunities for personal growth and development.  They are also days during…


Benjamin Fulford: Summer Stalemate Continues But Lots Going on Under the Surface in Preparation for Autumn Regime Changes

HJ: According to both Fulford and Cobra, there are now potentially huge opportunities for change lining up for this fall.  Still a ways off, a lot could happen in the meantime.  With only…


Syria Prime Minister Riad Hijab Defects to Rebels

HJ: The Syria conflict is difficult to read.  I am still not sure who is working for who and which governments are manipulating the facts.  Is it a legitimate uprising or a manufactured…

Inflammation is the Cause of Nearly All Disease – Here’s How to Prevent It

HJ: Overall this a great article.  The information it contains and the advice it gives is generally right on target.  However, the section on ‘fermented foods’ should be ignored as these foods tend…

Kim Jong-Un Planning Social Reforms in North Korea: Emulating China

HJ: My intuition tells me the reform of North Korea is highly significant in the context of the rising consciousness of this planet and its inhabitants.  There is undoubtedly a shift going on…

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