Hatonn: We Are in the Midst of Tremendous Change

Hatonn via Nancy Tate

Tree of Golden Light

I am here today to tell you that there is something coming up that will draw the attention of a multitude of people all over the globe. It is something that will ring true through so many that it will have a lingering effect on those who have been in tune with what is taking place and even with those who have not.


As we venture down the road to ascension it is a wide and angled road. It is dispersed with more pulling back on the part of so many of those have sought to keep all of humanity in collapse. It is a path that is often wrought with non-forgiveness and deceit. This path is not working any more, for those who would seek to keep strong in every turn of the road are finding that love is the answer for everything. Love is what keeps the Light energy alive and in a clearing mode. It keeps clearing the path to ascension and therefore it is a brighter and stronger path of Love.


It is time dear ones to see what is coming for all of you. It is a time for all of you to stand in your power and see what it is that you can do to keep yourselves in a state of growth and sustainance for the coming times. As the world around you falls away and makes way for the new world to emerge it is well known that there is a newness coming into being.


With this newness will come the expression of who you all are and what you are about to do with your lives. It will represent the very epitome of what it means to walk in the splendor of your power and create your world as it is meant to be. It will represent your own inner clarity of what it means to live in peace, joy and love in a harmonic way.


Give yourselves the joy of expressing that which you love, that which gives you joy, and that which creates a sense of what it means to put love first in everything. It will make a difference in these coming times. As it continues to build your new world you will see how your part in it is adding to the completeness that you see in every moment of your life.


It is a tremendous change that we are all seeing. We who watch and assist when we can are seeing what is taking place on all levels. It is a matter of being in the flow of change and creating the best of worlds in all ways. It is the example you create of how to accomplish that which you desire and intend in order for your lives to represent the dream you have of what it means to be in perfection.


Enjoy the ride my dear ones for it is in an uphill flow. It is in the best of energies. What you see that does not seem to be what I speak of, is merely the last part of what was once the way of life on earth. It is now in the last closures of the old way, and now on into the new way of life. As you watch the activities that take place in the coming weeks you will all see more and more of what I am saying. Watch for the truths of what has been taking place for millennia to come forth and be recognized. See the news media begin to represent what it is meant to be, the truth finders and keepers of the planet.


We are here for you and we send you all our love. What we can do in the background to assist you we have been doing for some time. You are doing so much, in that you believe in yourselves. You back it up with the increasing energy of self-love and love for all of life. As this strengthens it adds to the evolvement and ascension process. We commend you and support you completely in these times. As the process builds you will see changes come about that have been in the works for some time.


As a last note in this message I report to you that a new part of this one’s life is coming into being. It is in the planning stages at this time, however there is coming a time for Nancy and her beloved Bob and Toshiro to go on the road with their dear friends, Zaraya and Quasar, who represent the Hollow Earth, and what those beings in that part of the planet represent in these times. It will be a series of events that will bring forth what is needed to come into the open in the coming weeks.


As we get closer to the Dec 21 time we are in the last stages of what it will take to clear away all of the debris that brings this all to a climax. I will speak briefly of this at the Family Gathering Tele-Conference tonight at Nancy’s home. There will be more announced about these travels that they will be making in the coming days and weeks. Till then, all is being put into place for this to come about. Blessings and love you all. Peace, joy and harmony are yours, for you to claim.


Thank you dear Hatonn,

Love, Nancy Tate

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