The Importance of Owning your Personal Power (Part 3 of 6)

The Importance of Owning your Personal Power – Part 3

Always remember that, if you don’t take responsibility for this, then the subconscious mind or other people will run your life. The ideal is to be the cause, creator and master of your own life. If these psychological laws aren’t clearly understood, then other people will be your computer programmers.

Let’s take the example of someone criticizing or judging you. The ideal is to have an imaginary bubble, shield, or light around you so that, when criticism comes toward you, it hits the bubble or shield and slides off like water off a duck’s back. You can imagine its bouncing off like a rubber pillow.

You make a conscious choice or discrimination as to whether to let it into your subconscious mind or not. It must be understood that this bubble is a semipermeable bubble. In other words, it allows in positive energy but keeps out negative energy.

If you don’t have this bubble of protection available to you at all times, then you can be victimized by another person’s comments, statements or energy. There is a time to be open and a time to be closed. It is necessary to close down and protect yourself if other people are being negative. If someone would throw an actual physical spear at you, I am sure you would physically try to get out of the way if you could.

It is the same thing psychologically. When other people are directing negative energy towards you it is like a psychological spear. You will be poisoned if you let it in. You wouldn’t let a person shove physical poison down your physical mouth. So don’t let people shove mental poison into your mind. You don’t want the subconscious mind to run your life and you don’t want other people to run your life either.

Another way of saying this is that you want to respond instead of react. To respond is to choose how to deal with the incoming energy. To react is to let the incoming energy go right into your subconscious mind, solar plexus, or emotional body and lash back. If someone judges or attacks you and you let it in, you will either be hurt, withdrawn and cry, or lash back. You are letting another person be the cause of your emotions. You want to cause your emotions.

Another way of saying this is that you are letting yourself be hypnotized. I am licensed as a hypnotist, as well as being a licensed counselor. However, most of my work as a counselor is not hypnotizing people but de hypnotizing them. Many people are in hypnosis, and I am trying to get them out of it.

You are in hypnosis when you are a victim. You are letting another person program your emotions in a waking state. You are hyper suggestible when you don’t make a choice as to how you want to respond. In reality we all are invulnerable psychologically. This is a very profound statement. To be invulnerable means that we can’t get emotionally hurt unless we choose to be.

My Favorite Metaphor of All

My favorite metaphor is likening psychological health to physical health. If a person you know catches a cold or the flu, you certainly don’t want to get it. You do everything in your power not to get it. You stay away from that person. You take extra Vitamin C. You tell yourself you are not going to get sick. You eat well and try to get enough sleep. In other words, you build up your resistance. If you keep your resistance up you don’t get sick.

Doctors and nurses don’t get all the sicknesses of their patients. How come? The reason is that there is no such thing as a contagious disease. There are only people with “low resistance”.

This analogy is exactly the same on the psychological level. There is no such thing as a contagious psychological disease. There are only people with low resistance. How do we keep up our psychological resistance so we don’t catch the infectious diseases of anger, depression, jealousy, judgment, attack, grudges, hatred and so on? We keep our psychological resistance up by maintaining a positive mental attitude.

The protective bubble is one main positive attitude technique. Other key techniques are maintaining one’s personal power, maintaining unconditional self love and self worth, faith and trust in God.

These are a few of the main attitudes. In following chapters I will explore some of the others. The main point is that we are here in this world to set a better example. We are here to bring other people up, not to let ourselves be sucked down. So in essence the earth is like a hospital that is run by the patients. There are very few healers or doctors. The purpose of life is to be a healer or doctor.

When you allow other people to victimize you to the negative, you have become one of the patients again, and now you are in need of healing. This is okay if it happens. The lesson is to get yourself back to your centered self and be the doctor and healer as soon as you can, for this is the mission and purpose in this lifetime for all of us. The Development of Personal Power The First Golden Key

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