Are You Experiencing a Healing Crisis?

HJ: Things that can help alleviate or completely eliminate the negative effects of a herxheimer reaction: enemas, colonics, Vitamin C (preferable in the form of camu camu or acerola powder), drinking adequate amounts of spring water, zeolites, saunas, Himalaya Herbs Liver Care supplement and yoga. – Truth

Are you experiencing a healing crisis?

by Dr. David Jockers 

Natural News

(NaturalNews) It is not uncommon for individuals to suffer from detoxification reactions when they begin a program of natural healing. This is classically referred to as a healing crisis and occurs when the body is expelling toxins into the different systems of the body. The healing crisis is a normal process that toxic individuals will often encounter on their path to getting well.

The medical term for healing crisis is the “Herxheimer Reaction.” This occurs when the cells release toxins into circulation but the elimination organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder & GI tract) are not able to eliminate them quickly enough. The toxins remain in circulation and can affect the brain stem region leading to nausea, poor coordination, headaches, fatigue, malaise, fever, etc.

Another common cause of the healing crisis has to do with the dying off of certain pathogenic organisms in the body. These organisms can be Candida yeast infections, viruses and bacteria. Any sort of natural health program can cause a massive die-off of these organisms. This die-off releases stored endotoxins (within the microbes themselves) that circulate and again interfere with normalized function. The more pathogens in the body, the more endotoxins that will be released into the bloodstream.

The healing crisis is natural and healthy

The healing crisis is very natural and unique for each individual. The vast majority experience very mild symptoms while others experience severe issues. The individual should understand that these symptoms are temporary and will subside as the body gets healthier and able to eliminate toxins more effectively. Symptoms usually reduce or are eliminated within two to three days but on rare occasions can last a few weeks.

Most people base their health on how they are feeling and think that the natural health program is hurting them when they go through a healing crisis. This could not be further from the truth. The longer toxins or pathogenic organisms remain in the body, the worse their health will be and the faster they will develop disease.

People who are already suffering from major illnesses or are quickly building disease processes may suffer from more extreme reactions. This may explain why someone would have a brief flare-up in their condition. On occasion, the crisis will come after the individual feels at their very best.
The most common symptoms associated with a healing crisis include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, night sweats, hot/cold flashes, increased blood pressure, headaches, joint pain, and fatigue.

Read the rest of the article here: Natural News

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