Meditation and Sex Affect the Brain in the Same Ways

Meditation and sex have the same effects on your brain, study shows

by PF Louis 

Natural News

(NaturalNews) The approach of western science is usually totally mechanical. So the inclusion of that which is not tangible is often excluded. Neuroscience delves into the brain’s pleasure points according to what areas “light up” in the brain during sex and during meditation.

This type of research tends to oversimplify meditation while honoring sexual pleasure as an ultimate attainment. However, some writings from that quarter of neuroscience do acknowledge that meditation practiced regularly is a more pragmatic practice for steady mood enhancement and opening to pleasurable moments in all facets of life.

The brain and the mind

But does this imply that pleasure is derived from brain function? There are those who would argue that the brain is not the mind, but a cellular switchboard connecting subtle realms to physiological activity. In other words, they consider the brain to be a physical manifestation of the mind, which is not material.

Some adventurous scientists do get into subtle energy, especially with energetic medicine. Though often applied with contrived technological apparatus, they do usually appreciate that they are taking a western approach to what Eastern health practitioners and mystics have understood centuries.

Furthermore, there have been studies performed by western scientists and MDs who have gathered information from so called near death experiences. Many are actually bodily death and returning to a re-enlivened body experiences. Those who had the experiences accurately reported what they were seeing from outside the body.

A woman was pronounced dead in an operating room while heavily anesthetized. She was brought back to life and was able to accurately describe everything that had gone on in the operating room, to the doctors’ and nurses’ astonishment. She had calmly observed it all, including her lifeless body.

These can be considered inexplicable, even fictitious. Many materialistic scientists bring it down to chemical reactions and neurological electrical activities in the brain.

Read the rest of the article here: Natural News

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