The Many Benefits of Mindful Eating

HJ: Mindful eating, which can take many forms, can have a major impact on your health and quality of life.  By slowing down and centering oneself before and during a meal, we connect with ourselves and our food at new levels of awareness, which leads to higher consciousness.  I recommend blessing your food and thanking those beings who have sacrificed themselves for your higher development and nutrition.  Also, giving gratitude for meals and other parts of your life before eating is a powerful habit with massively transformative effects. – Truth

The art of mindful eating – Transform your life in a positive way through better eating habits

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer 

Natural News

(NaturalNews) In today’s fast-paced world, many people, whether they realize it or not, routinely sacrifice the beauty and wonder of a meal well eaten for a quick morsel scarfed down in between their rush from point A to point B. But the only way to truly achieve vibrant health is to practice the art of mindful eating, which involves devoting special time for meals, eating meals slowly and appreciatively, and of course eating meals that agree with your body’s nutritional profile and needs.

The ultimate goal of eating is not simply to get “full” as quickly as possible in order to move on to the next task. Nourishing your body with the proper foods is a unique and special time during which you have the opportunity to truly relax, converse with others, enjoy a plethora of interesting flavors and textures, and refuel and rejuvenate your body. It is a sacred time, really, and one that plays a critical role in reducing stress, which can lead to chronic health conditions, as well as promoting wellness.

Making mealtime a special time

So what does eating mindfully entail? First, it involves setting aside specific time to eat. Something as simple as sitting down at a table, either alone or with friends and family, and savoring a meal in peace is a great way to encourage mindful eating. Grabbing a fast food meal and devouring it in the car on the way back to work, on the other hand, does not facilitate mindful eating.

Choosing foods that are healthy, nutritious, and beneficial for your digestive system is another way to eat mindfully, as such foods will boost your energy levels, promote clear thinking, help you avoid fatigue, and improve your mood. Again, picking up some greasy “comfort” food at the fast food drive-thru and gorging on it, though instantly pleasing for some, will rob your body of energy, and promote feelings of lethargy rather than vibrancy.

Read the rest of the article here: Natural News

1 comment on this postSubmit yours
  1. As Thaddeus Golas said, being in a body is like being the Mayor of New York City, with all of our cells, then atoms.
    How can I expect large corporations to stop pouring harmful chemicals into our eco-systems, when I continue to pour toxic food/drink down my throat into my
    blood stream? L&P. Tjas

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