Breaking: Julian Assange Granted Asylum in Ecuador

HJ: The details in the Julian Assange saga have always been hazy at best, with wild speculation abound about which side he is actually working for.  That being said, this news is incredible as it definitely throws a wrench in the cabal’s plans to try an silence Mr. Assange.  I see it as positive. – Truth

Julian Assange will be granted asylum, says official

Ecuador’s president Rafael Correa has agreed to give the WikiLeaks founder asylum, according to an official in Quito

 in Quito

The Guardian

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (left) will be granted asylum by Ecuador’s president Rafael Correa (right), according to sources. Photograph: Martin Alipaz/EPA

Ecuador‘s president, Rafael Correa, has agreed to grant Julian Assangeasylum, officials within Ecuador’s government have said. The WikiLeaksfounder has been holed up at Ecuador’s London embassy since 19 June, when he officially requested political asylum.

“Ecuador will grant asylum to Julian Assange,” said an official in the Ecuadorean capital, Quito, who is familiar with the government discussions.

On Monday, Correa told state-run ECTV that he would decide this week whether to grant asylum to Assange. Correa said a large amount of material about international law had to be examined to make a responsible, informed decision.

Ecuador’s foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño, indicated that the president would reveal his answer once the Olympic Games were over. But it remains unclear if Assange will be allowed to leave Britain and fly to Ecuador, or the move amounts to little more than a symbolic gesture.

At the moment he faces arrest as soon as he leaves the embassy for breaching his bail conditions.

“For Mr Assange to leave England, he should have a safe pass from the British [government]. Will that be possible? That’s an issue we have to take into account,” Patiño told Reuters on Tuesday.

Government sources in Quito confirmed that despite the outstanding legal issues, Correa would grant Assange asylum – a move that would annoy Britain, the US and Sweden. They added that the offer was made to Assange several months ago, well before he sought refuge in the embassy, and following confidential negotiations with senior London embassy staff.

Read the rest of the article here: The Guardian

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