Cosmic Awareness: Taming the Low-Self Ego


Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff

QUESTIONER: Thank you, she will be very appreciative of that. Is there a closing message please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness realizes that the times now being experienced are very challenging times, as It spoke in Its opening message, and that rather than simply seeing these as challenging times of a negative nature, that it is understood and reinterpreted that they are the challenging times that are bringing opportunities for growth and development, opportunities to release and let go of negative beliefs and doubts and insecurities.

One of the greatest opportunities at this time is to truly investigate the concept of ego and to understand that ego exists at the low-self level, the mid-self level, the High Self level. Ego is a concept of worth and being of worth and value to oneself, and often when one has a low ego concept of self, one will do much to inflate that low ego. Thus many seem to be egotistic and believe in themselves in a way that is “unrealistic.” The challenge now is to confront the ego, especially the low self ego, as this is often that which controls and defines an individual and often is not challenged, is not censored, so that it is allowed to get away with much. Indeed it will often misdirect and mislead one away from an action or course of actions that would help the individual in their personal growth and development on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual side of things.

When this occurs often the ego of the low self will sabotage an individual and convince them that their belief in a higher spiritual path, or that imagination is the tool of creation, or that love is the highest and strongest energy, that these beliefs are misleading and misguiding them. For ultim- ately the low-self ego is afraid that it will be annihilated, because if true change occurs there will be no need for it. It has often interpreted itself as being that which allows one to exist in third dimensionality, and thus it feels itself to be superior and authentic and the true master of the physical. This of course is illusionary.

This Awareness says that it is most crucial at this time and the months ahead to severely challenge the low self sense of ego and not to accept the ego as master and controller. Many are indeed being challenged right now by ego issues, and many are having experiences of the ego out of control trying to misdirect or mislead or even outright sabotage an individual whose intent and desire is to reach higher conscious-ness and awareness. Therefore in these very interesting and challenging times, the ego may be trying very hard to stay in control. It must not be allowed to dominate, but it must be also taught and trained that it is still needed, but it is not in control.

The middle self and the High Self are more the ones in control; especially the middle self in a physical life, and the low self is not the master or the genius behind physicality. It is an illusionary state of consciousness that needs to be brought into balance and control. It needs to be reaf- firmed that it will not be annihilated or destroyed or extinguished, but rather it will still have a place as a functioning aspect of the whole self, but it is not in control, it is not the master, and it is recommended that entities work diligently in establishing that they, as the High Self/ middle self, have greater perception and understanding, especially in these times as the 5th dimensional consciousness tries to assert itself more fully and functionally in the mindset of the middle self and in the fabric of 3rd dimensional reality, especially in relation to the 3rd dimensional corporeal body that is often controlled by the low self.

This must shift now. The low self ego, or ego of the low self, must be brought to task, must be educated, and must be treated with love and compassion, but also with the firm hand that asserts that the true mastery belongs to the middle self and through the middle self, the High Self as well. This is essential at this time as those who are moving to Ascension seek to realize their highest potential. But to realize their highest potential they must first deal with the lowest level of their being in the physical, the foundational aspect which has often been misled and misinstructed, and bring this to a level of conscious awareness that will allow it to work with the middle self and the High Self to create the new reality, to create the new truth of one’s being.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was very pro-found and very relevant at this particular time. Is there any additional or shall we close now?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness wishes to send all the members of the organization Cosmic Awareness Communications and all who read these words Its loving energies and Its blessings at this time. That It is available to all to the degree that they are open to receive. It is the gift that this Awareness sends at this time.

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  1. This piece was a liaekfcjet that saved me from drowning.

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